6.3 Growth Implications for Value Categories

In alphabetical order, here is a generally comprehensive list of the key growth strategy implications from the seven value categories in the 3-Circle framework:

Here, we will cycle through these ideas, expanding upon them and introducing a number of illustrations. An important point here is that there is a logical sequence or order with which one should evaluate growth opportunities. We are going to suggest a series of strategic growth options—questions that will prompt a concrete look at a number of potential ideas for growing the value customers receive that will enhance and strengthen the firm’s overall position. We always need to keep in mind the simple value formula and the goal: to enhance that overall value by recognizing that the firm might improve either numerator or denominator:

valuej =benefitsjcostj.

We will walk through each of the imperatives and strategic growth opportunities, one at a time. We will occasionally refer to “numerator” ideas, which are ideas to build and enhance benefits. “Denominator” ideas are those related to reducing customer costs—either direct costs or effort costs.