Ecological Sanitation: A Concept
Practical Action
References and Further Reading
Compost Toilets Practical Action Technical Brief
Re-use of Excreta and Urine form Eco-san Practical Action Technical Brief
Ecosanitation Special Waterlines Vol 26 No 2 October 2007
The main features of ecological sanitation. EcoSanRes Fact Sheet 2. EcoSanRes,
Ecological Sanitation: Closing the loop. Esrey, Steven A. and Andersson, Ingvar
(2001) UA Magazine 3, pg 35 – 37.
Ecological sanitation and reuse of wastewater: A think piece on ecological sanitation.
Jenssen, Petter, D. et al (2004). The Agricultural University of Norway, Norway.
An ecological approach to sanitation in Africa: A compilation of experiences. Morgan,
P. (2004) Aquamore, Zimbabwe.
Guidelines for the safe use of urine and faeces in ecological sanitation systems.
Schönning, Caroline and Stenström, Thor Axel (2004). EcoSanRed Programme,
Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden.
Should ecological sanitation carry a health warning? Assessing the health risks of
ecological latrines. Scott, Rebecca (2006) WELL Briefing note 27. WELL,
Loughborough University.
Ecological Sanitation. WELL Factsheet. Smet, Jo and Sugden, Steven (2006)
WELL, Lougborough University, UK.
Ecological sanitation – revised and enlarged edition. Winblad, U. and Simpson-
Hébert, M. (editors) (2004) SEI, Stockholm, Sweden.
Pit Emptying Systems Boot, N. (2007). Practical Action Technical Brief
Simple Pit Latrine. Chatterton, K. WEDC.
Latrine Buidling: A Handbook for Implementation of the SanPlat System Brandberg,
B. Practical Action Publishing 2002
Toilets that Make Compost P Morgan Practical Action Publishing 2008
Shit Matters Mehta and Movik Practical Action Publishing 2010
Useful Websites
WASTE (a Dutch NGO) is doing a large amount of work on ecological sanitation.
Information can be found at
A Swedish funded ecological sanitation research group provide a wide range of useful
information at
The German international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development, GTZ,
provide a wealth of technical information at
This Technical Brief was written by Niall Boot for Practical Action in November
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