Note: each trainer can divide the time allocated for each session between them. In a 2 hour session
each will conduct 1 hour of the session, and in a 1 ½ hour session each will conduct ¾ hour of that
Model tank capacity
The capacity of the model tank that will be fabricated at the training workshop is 5,000 liters. The size
of the tank and the specifications for reinforcements are suited to Ferro cement tanks of the above
capacity. Larger tanks will require different specifications. Do not attempt to fabricate larger tanks
with the materials and specifications for the model tank applied in this training workshop.
Refer the photographs and drawings shown in sequence along with the details given below.
Location of rainwater harvesting tank
The tank must be located close to the house it serves and positioned to receive rainwater from the
gutters of the house. The gutters of the house must be higher than the level of the tank where water
enters it. Usually the gutters must be at least 9 feet above ground in order to supply a 5,000 litre tank
identical to the model tank demonstrated at this workshop.
Construction of base for tank
?First level the area where the tank is to be located and mark on the ground a circle with a radius of
2' 9”. Then mark off a square 3' 0” x 3' 0” around the marked circle.
1- Mark off 2’-9” circle
2- Mark off 3’-0” square
?Excavate a shallow trench 12” wide and 9” to 12”deep along the four edges of the square. Fill the
excavated trench with stone and mortar to form a perimeter foundation.
?Fill the area within the stone foundation with sand and compact the sand.
3- Excavate shallow trench
4- Cement the stone foundation
5- Cement the brick layer
?Place a single 9 “wide layer of kiln dried clay bricks with cement mortar centrally on the surface of
the 12” stone foundation to from a square.