Manufacturing the donkey cart and ambulance
Practical Action
They will house the wheel bearings.
Part C is then placed on the wheel
jig centre threaded shaft and locked
in place with a nut which locates on
the pipe hole ensuring it is
centralized. Part C is now
concentric to part A, its bottom
edge is flush with the bottom edge
of part A but its top edge protrudes
by 20mm.
Diagram 5: The 5 spoke wheel
7. Using suitable measuring and
marking equipment, 5 marks are
made at an equal distance apart to
designate the position of the wheel
spokes. See diagram 5 right. An
equal measurement of 220mm
should be between point.
8. Each of the 5 pieces of angle iron
Part D are then spot welded between
each of the marked points and a
perpendicular point on part D. These are
the wheel spokes. If the spokes are in
an equal position apart then they are
seem welded in place.
9. The next stage is for part A to be spot
and seem welded around the top and
bottom outside edge of the wheel.
10. A clearance hole is made half way
across the width of the wheel rim (part
B) diameter approx 15mm for the tire
valve hole (see pic 9). If you do not
have an adequate size drill the
welding torch can be used as the
hole is not required to be accurate
Picture 9: The wheel being welded
showing the tire valve hole
Diagram 6: Part E made from flat
plate steel
12 mm
11. Part E (tab) requires a 12mm
bolt clearance holes to be drilled in
it as shown in diagram 6.
45 mm
12. Following this the tabs (5 x
50 mm
Part E) are placed on top of the
spokes (Part D) and welded at the 50 mm end to the rim (Part A).