This briefing was written by Robbie Blake
and Katherine Pasteur, both members of the
Reducing Vulnerability Team at Practical
Action. The content is based on ideas and case
studies from a wide range of international and
UK office staff, too many to mention by name.
Thanks to all of them for their inputs.
+44 (0)1926 634465
1 Crowley, E., Baas, S., Termine, P., Rouse, J.,
Pozarny, P., Dionne, G. (2005) ‘Organizations
of the poor: Conditions for success’. SDAR
and FAO.
2 Ibid. p.5.
3 Practical Action. (2007) ‘People and technology:
Transforming lives’. Practical Action Group Strategy
2007–2012. Rugby, UK.
4 Oakley, P. (2001) Evaluating Empowerment:
Reviewing the concept and practice. Issue 13 of
INTRAC NGO management & policy series. INTRAC
Publishing, Oxford.
5 Howes, M. (1997) ‘NGOs and the Institutional
development of membership organizations: The
evidence from six cases’. Journal of International
Development, 9(4): 597–604. p.600.
6 Ibid. p.601.
7 Crowley et al. (2005) op. cit. p.13.
8 Griffith, A. and Osorio, L.E. (2008) ‘Participatory
market system development: Best practices in
implementation of value chain development
programs’, MicroREPORT#149. USAID and
Practical Action.
PNADP050.pdf. p.12.
9 Hope, A. and Timmel, S. (1995) Training For
Transformation: A handbook for community workers
(Book II). Practical Action Publishing. Rugby, UK.
10 Griffith and Osorio (2008) op. cit.
11 Botes, L. and Van Rensburg, D. (2000) ‘Community
participation in development: Nine plagues and
twelve commandments’. Community Development
Journal, 35(1)
12 Freire, P. (1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
Continuum Publishing Company, New York.
13 Hope and Timmel (1995) Books I, II, and III,
op. cit.
14 Gubbels, P. and Koss, C. (2000) From The Roots
Up: Strengthening organizational capacity through
guided self-assessment. Field Guide 2: Capacity
Building. World Neighbors: Oklahoma City, USA:
15 Hope and Timmel (1995) op. cit. (Book III) p.118.
16 Ibid. (1995) Books II and III.
17 Gubbels and Koss (2000) op. cit.
18 Rai, Sharad (unpublished) ‘Farmer-led participatory
technology development’, Practical Action Nepal.
19 ‘Exposure Visits’, Technical Brief, Practical Answers
20 Hope and Timmel (1995) op. cit. Book I p.27.
21 Cf. Opare, S. (2007) ‘Strengthening community-
based organizations for the challenges of rural
development’. Community Development Journal,
42(2): 251-264.
22 De Wit, J. and Berner, E. (2009) ‘Progressive
Patronage? Municipalities, NGOs, CBOs and
the limits to slum dwellers’ empowerment’.
Development and Change, 40(5): 927–947. p.930.
23 Howes (1997) op. cit.
24 Crowley et al. (2005) op. cit. p.11.
Practical Action is an international development agency working with poor communities to help them choose and use
technology to improve their lives for today and generations to come. Our work in Africa, Asia and Latin America is in
partnership with poor people and their communities, using technology to challenge poverty. We work with poor people to
build their capabilities, improve their access to technical options and knowledge and help them to influence the social,
economic and institutional systems for the use of technology.
For further information, please contact:
Reducing Vulnerability Team,
The Schumacher Centre for Technology and Development
Bourton on Dunsmore
Warwickshire, CV23 9QZ
T +44 (0)1926 634400
F +44 (0)1926 634401
Practical Action Ltd.
Patron HRH The Prince of Wales, KG, KT, GCB | Registered Charity No 247257 | Comp Reg No 871954, England
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