Practical Action
needs multiplying by a coefficient factor to obtain a practice weight. Over a short period a
smith would then become very proficient in calculating weights and he, or she, should take
the opportunity of keeping a notebook of items for future reference.
References and resources
Basic Blacksmithing, Harries D, et al, Practical Action Publishing, 1993
The Blacksmithing Instructors’ Guide, Harries D, Practical Action Publishing, 1993
The Blacksmith and the Farmer, Poston D, Practical Action Publishing, 1994
Blacksmith, Baker, Roofing Sheet Maker, Carr M, Practical Action Publishing, 1984
Iron Foundry Basics Practical Action Technical Brief
Metalworking Practical Action Technical Brief
Blacksmithing, Welding and Soldering, Van Winden J, TOOL, Amsterdam, 1989
Jobs from Junks, How to Create Employment and Tidy up Derelict Cars, Vogler J, Practical
Action Publishing, 1983
This Technical Brief updated in September 2007 is based on Forging Profile
produced for the Intermediate Technology Development Group ITDG (now known
as Practical Action) by J. W. H. Silvester
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