Diseases carried by ticks
Practical Action
and affect different types of animals.
The protozoans are carried by tsetse flies and other biting flies. These flies are found along
rivers, in bushes and forests.
Avoid fly-infested areas,
Water animals when fly activity is low,
Repel flies with smoke from smouldering cow dung,
See Bitingflies and Tsetse flies for other prevention methods, Ethnoveterinary Medicine in
Kenya: A Field Manual of Traditional Animal Health Care Practices.
Crush 1 kg of roots of chepotet (Clerodendrum sp.) and boil in 5 litres of water, Wait to
cool, sieve and drench with 2 litres, (Camels; Pokot, 3)
Crush 1 kg of roots and bark ofpilil (Acacia refisciens) and soak in 5 litres of water
overnight. Sieve and drench about 3 litres of the liquid. (Camels; Pokot, 3)
Bum branches of asiokonyon (Salvadora persica) to ash. Mix about 0.5 kg of the ash with 1
litre of water. Drench the whole mixture (this amount is enough for an adult animal).
(Camels; Pokot, 3)
Boil bark of oremit (Salvadora persica) in 1 litre of water. Drench the liquid. (Camels,
cattle, donkeys, goats, sheep; Maasai)
Crush 500 g of roots from loarakimak (Adenia volkensii) and dissolve in 2 litres of water for
12 hours. Drench 2 litres of the liquid for an adult (0.5 litre for a young animal). (Camels,
cattle; Turkana, 3)
Grind 200 g of fresh bark from lbukoi (Terminalia brownii) tree and boil in 2 litres of water.
Let the mixture cool and then drench the liquid. Add 2 more litres of water to the bark, boil
and drench again the following day. (All animals; Samburu).
References and further reading
Ethnoveterinary Medicine in Kenya: A Field Manual of Traditional Animal Health Care
Practices by Practical Action East Africa & IIRR, Practical Action East Africa 1996
ISBN 9966 9606 2 7
Confidently Used Ethnoveterinary Knowledge Among Pastoralists of Samburu, Kenya
Book 1 Methodology and Results by Jacob B. Wanyama, Practical Action East Africa
ISBN 9966 9606 7 8
Confidently Used Ethnoveterinary Knowledge Among Pastoralists of Samburu, Kenya
Book 2 Preparation and Administration by Jacob B. Wanyama, ISBN 9966 9606 8 6
Community – Based Animal Health Care in East Africa: Experiences and Case Studies
With Particular Reference to Kenya Practical Action East Africa, ISBN 9966 931 04X
The Role of Community-based Animal Health Care in Rural Development Practical
Action East Africa, ISBN 9966 931 15 5