Make your own incubator
Arid Land Information Network
This brief was written by Kossi Quenum Housenou for the Arid lands Information Network
(ALIN) and appeared in the Baobab Journal Number 29, Sep 1999. Baobab is published by
ALIN with support from ILEIA - The Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture. ALIN and
ILEIA are members of AgriCultures, a global network of organisations that share knowledge
and provide information on small-scale, sustainable agriculture worldwide. Baobab is
published four times a year. It is a magazine on small scale sustainable agriculture which is
the East African edition of the AgriCultures Network global magazines.
Arid Land Information Network
AAYMCA Building
State House Crescent off State House Avenue
PO Box 10098 - 00100 Nairobi,
Tel: +254 (20) 2731557 / +254 (20) 2629761/62
Mobile: +254 728 606 916
Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) is an International NGO that facilitates information and knowledge
exchange to and between extension workers or infomediaries and arid lands communities in Kenya, Uganda and
Tanzania. The information exchange activities focus on small-scale sustainable agriculture, climate change
adaptation, natural resources management and other livelihood issues.
Practical Action
P.O. Box 39493 – 00623 Nairobi
Tel: +254 20 2595 311 /12 /13 /14 /15 /16
Practical Action is a development charity with a difference. We know the simplest ideas can have the most
profound, life-changing effect on poor people across the world. For over 40 years, we have been working closely
with some of the world’s poorest people - using simple technology to fight poverty and transform their lives for the
better. We currently work in 15 countries in Africa, South Asia and Latin America.