Salt licks in Nepal
Practical Action
The blocks should also be suspended to prevent livestock from biting on them and consuming
excessive urea (and concrete), and can give the animals both a mineral supplement and an aid to
digestion of feeds, in order to extract the full amount of nutrients (ALIN, 1998). The blocks can
also include medication to help de-worming (KARI, 2008)
For more information on production processes for urea blocks, refer to KARI here, or the FAO
here, along with the references in this technical brief.
Further Information
Market Access for Smallholder Farmers (MASF)
Nimbus Nepal - Asian animal feed manufacturer
ALIN (1998) Djangno F., & Issaka A.; “For better nutrition, use a UREA BLOCK”, Arid Lands
Information Network, BAOBAB 25, March 1998: 16-18
KARI (2008); “How to make mineral blocks for livestock de-worming and mineral
supplementation”, Kenya Agricultural Research Centre
Kreulen, D.A. (1985); “Lick use by large herbivores: A review of benefits and banes of soil
consumption”, Mammal Rev. 15 (3): 107–123
Sansoucy, R. & Aarts, G.; “Molasses/Urea Blocks”, FAO Animal Production and Health Division
Salt Licks was written by Martin Bounds for Practical Action, May 2012
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