Beef cattle production and management
Characteristics of Africander Breed:
They are hardy animals
particularly adapted to arid and
dry conditions
They are good grazers and make
use of poor grazing conditions
Not suitable for pen fattening,
as they are prone to laminitis.
They are slow maturing
Slightly less fertile than other
indigenous breeds
The cows produce very good
calves when crossed with other
breeds particularly the larger
exotic breeds such as Charolais
and South Devon
Practical Action
Characteristics of Brahman Breed:
They have bigger and very good mature
body sizes
They can easily adapt to environmental
Have average growth rate
Calving difficulties are very minimal
Have good cow fertility and productivity
Have good disease resistance
Characteristics of Tuli Breed:
They are hardy and can withstand
dry dusty conditions
High fertility
Good mothering ability, weaning
well grow calves yearly
They are of outstanding longevity
They are of average growth rate
and reach sexual maturity at a
young age
More resistant to ticks and good
drought tolerance
Adapt to high temperatures
Produces good carcass with good
meat quality