About Source International Information Support Centre
Source is an international information support centre designed to strengthen
the management, use and impact of information on health and disability.
Source is a collaborative venture of four partners: Healthlink Worldwide; the
Centre for International Child Health, which is a department of a university;
Exchange, which is a health communication programme; and Handicap
International, a disability and development NGO.
Source has a unique collection of over 20,000 health and disability information
resources. These include published and unpublished materials, many of which are
from developing countries and are not readily available elsewhere in one collection.
Subject areas include adolescent and child health, disability, disease and disease
control, evaluation, health communication, HIV/AIDS, information management,
poverty and health, primary health care, and reproductive and sexual health.
Visit the Source website at to access:
• Source bibliographic database which holds details of a unique collection of
over 20,000 health and disability information resources, including books,
manuals, reports, posters, videos and CD-ROMs. Many materials are from
developing countries
• Source contacts database which allows you to search for organisations –
including publishers, distributors, information providers and training
organisations – working in health and disability worldwide
• Source newsletters and journals database which holds details of over 150
international newsletters, magazines and journals which are available free
or at low cost to readers in developing countries, including links to the full
text of the newsletter where possible.
The combined information support centre is designed to meet the information
needs of individuals and organisations working in health, disability and
development worldwide. These include health workers, researchers and
students, non-governmental and government organisations and disabled
people’s organisations.
Source is located in the library of the Institute of Child Health (ICH) and is
open to visitors Monday to Friday from 9:00–17:00. For further information or
to arrange a visit contact:
Assistant Librarian (Source Collection)
Source International Information Support Centre
2nd Floor, Institute of Child Health
30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK
Tel +44 (0)20 7242 9789 x 8698
Fax: +44 (0)20 7404 2062