Brown sugar
Practical Action
Also known as Barbados sugar, muscovado is the product of the third crystallisation. It is dark
brown in colour with small grains and sticky texture.
A by-product of both the OPS and VP scale of production, it tends to be produced as an
alternative to white sugar if the standard is not very high.
Large-scale brown sugar production
Large-scale sugar production is anything over 500 tonnes of cane processed per day and uses
modern VP technology. However, due to the high capital cost of the technology it is usual for
plants to be capable of processing at least 1000 tonnes of cane per day.
Refinery brown sugars
All of these sugars are produced during the refining of raw sugars and are known as “soft” sugars
because their small, free-flowing grains give the impression of a soft texture. These are produced
by boiling crystals from a dark massecuite or by coating refined sugar with a thin film of
molasses, known as painted or London brown sugars (where the system was first developed). In
some cases, caramel and invert sugars are added in small amounts to enhance the colour and
texture. These sugars tend to be produced by the large-scale white sugar manufactures and not
by the small to medium-scale producers.
References and further reading
Sugar Production from Sugar Cane, Practical Action Technical Brief
Small and Medium Scale Sugar Processing Technology, Andrew Russell, Practical Action
Bangladesh, 1998
Sugar Processing: The Development of a Third-world Technology, Raphael Kaplinsky, Practical
Action Publishing, 1984
Cane Sugar Raphael Kaplinsky, Practical Action Publishing 1989
Practical Action
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