Chana chur
Practical Action
"Chana chur" has a good keeping quality and if the packet is sealed well will last for 4 months.
Price of equipment
At least 4 sheets of perforated metal with different shaped holes are needed. Each sheet will cost
200 Taka.
Rolling pin
75 taka
700 taka
30 taka
Case Studies
A study on "Chana chur" producers was carried out in Takerhat and adjacent areas.
The supply of "Chana chur" at Takerhat and nearby bazaars mainly comes from 3 localities:
Cohala, Sundikuri and Amgram. There are over 50 families involved in this trade in this area
which shows how economically important this product is.
The first "Chana chur" production in this area started in the early 1960s. Mobarak Hossain Mollah
and Fazlul Haque Miah of Kutibari were the first producers. It is interesting to note that the
pioneers are descendants from the weavers community. They started to produce "Chana chur" as
an alternative to their existing livelihood. They came to know of this product when the:' were
looking for work in Jessore. Now almost all of the "Chana chur" producers in this area come from
Weavers community.