Practical Action
Temperature °C Term
Feather, soft ball
Hard ball
Stiff ball
Low crack
Fondant, marshmallow
Candies, fudge
Soft toffees, caramels
Drops, rock
Burnt sugar
Table 1: Temperatures used for different types of sweets
With regard to moulds there are two options. The first is the easiest but can result in fairly
unimaginative marshmallows. It involves simply pouring the beaten marshmallow mixture into a
tray which has been lightly covered with butter/margarine and lightly dusted with a
cornstarch/powdered sugar mixture. The dimensions of the tray relate to the amount of mixture
and the final size of the marshmallow pieces desired. When the marshmallow mixture has set, it
is turned out of the tray and cut into cubes using a blade or scissors. The pieces are then dusted
with a cornstarch/powdered sugar mixture.
The other type of mould is known as a starch mould. Basically the mould is formed by preparing
a tray of cornstarch - not packing it too tightly. Impressions are then made in the starch using
shapes. Commonly the moulds are made from wood and more adventurous marshmallow
producers have even made animal shaped moulds. The mixture is boiled and poured into the
impressions in the starch. Once the technique is perfected many interesting marshmallow
shapes can be made. Using starch moulding the marshmallow pieces set much more quickly
and also the starch has a drying effect which prolongs the shelf-life.
Essences and colours
These ingredients are used to give the marshmallows a satisfactory appearance and taste. They
are available in powdered or liquid form. Powdered flavours/colours should be mixed with the
gelatine prior to adding it to the very hot water. Liquid flavour/colours can be added during
beating. It is most important to use food grade quality essences and colours and if these are not
available in your local shops you could try at your local bakery if they are making various cakes
and sweets. Otherwise it may necessitate a trip to your nearest large town or city.
The most commonly used essences are rose water and vanilla. However, you could experiment
with any essence you wanted to.
Any food grade colour could be experimented with according to local preferences and local
Other equipment
The other equipment required includes:
Electric or gas hotplate
Saucepans (preferably aluminium or stainless steel)
Measuring scales (0-100g and 0-1kg)
Wooden spoons