Pineapple peel vinegar
Practical Action
Peel the fruit
Cut the peel
Mix with sugar
Flow Diagram
Well washed in clean water.
Take care not to damage hands
Cut into thin strips and put into clay or pewter pots..
Sugar is dissolved in clean water
Each pot is then inoculated and covered with a clean cotton cloth.
Strain through a cheese cloth
Packaging and storage
The vinegar is bottled in clean glass bottles and stored in a cool dark place.
References and further reading
Fermented Fruits and Vegetables: A Global Perspective, FAO,1998
Vino de Frutas: Serie Procesamiento de Alimentos 6, ITDG Latin America, 1998
Fruit Processing, a selection of Practical Action Technical Briefs
Fruit Waste Utilisation, Practical Action Technical Brief
Juices and Drinks, a selection of Practical Action Technical Briefs
Principles and practices of small and medium-scale fruit juice processing. FAO Agricultural
Services Bulletin 146, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
Technical manual on small-scale processing of fruits and vegetables, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Setting up and Running a Small Fruit or Vegetable Processing Enterprise: Opportunities in
Food Processing CTA
Starting a Small Food Processing Enterprise by Peter Fellows, Ernesto Franco & Walter Rios
Practical Action Publishing/CTA 1996
Small Scale Food Processing 2nd Ed. P Fellows & S Azam Ali, Practical Action Publishing,
Fruit and Vegetable Processing UNIFEM Practical Action Publishing, 1993
Useful addresses and contacts
Please note this is a selective list of suppliers and does not imply endorsement by Practical
Bellingham + Stanley Ltd.
Longfield Road, North Farm Industrial Estate
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3EY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1892 500400
Fax: +44 1892 543115
Refractometer producers