Pickled vegetables
Practical Action
Add the cabbage. Stir well and heat for a further 5 minutes. Stir from time to time. Make sure
the atchar does not burn.
Finally, add the carrots and heat for a few minutes so that the carrots are slightly softened
(about 5 minutes).
Fill the jars to 2cm from the top. Make sure that there is a layer of liquid from the atchar
covering the vegetables, otherwise when the jar is opened, it will spoil.
Clean the outside of the rim of the jar and put on the lid. Close as tightly as possible.
Slowly turn the jar upside down, so that any bacteria on the lid or in the space at the top of the
jar are killed. Leave the jar upside down until it is cold.
When the jars are cold, test each lid to make sure it has a good seal.
Alternative recipes
The above recipe is for mild vegetable atchar.
For hot vegetable atchar use 120g of cayenne pepper.
For curried vegetable atchar use 90g curry powder and only 48g of cayenne pepper (6 packets).
Making mild vegetable atchar without using scales (not to be done if atchar is meant for sale).
6 coke cans
6 coke cans
3 coke cans
3 ¾ teacups
Sunflower oil
1 ½ teacups
6 level tbs.
Hot curry powder
9 packets
Cayenne powder
3 level tbs.
Ginger powder
3 level tbs.
tbs. = tablespoon (next size up from a teaspoon or equal to three teaspoons)
For hot vegetable atchar follow the above recipe but use 15 packets of cayenne pepper.
For curried atchar follow the above recipe but use only 6 packets of cayenne pepper and 18 level
tablespoons of curry powder.
Equipment required
2 large saucepans
Fire or stove
Large wooden spoon
Chopping board
Measuring jug or cup