How to make sausages
Practical Action
Savic, I.V., 1985. Small-scale Sausage Production, FAO Animal Production And Health Paper
52, FAO, Rome, available at
Further information
• Fermented Meats, Campbell-Platt G. and Cook P.E., (Eds.), 1995, Blackie Academic and
Professional, London.
• Food Emulsions, 4th Edn., Friberg, S.E., Larsson, K. and Sjoblom, J., (Eds.), 2004, Marcel
• Home Production of Quality Meats and Sausages, Marianski, S., 2010, Bookmagic LLC
• Home Sausage Making, Lawrie’s Meat Science, 7th Edn., Lawrie, R. A. and Ledward, D.,
2006, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge.
• The Art of Making Fermented Sausages, Marianski, S., 2009, Bookmagic LLC.
• The Complete Manual of Small-scale Food Processing, Fellows, P.J., 2012. Practical
Action Publishing, in preparation.
This document was written by Peter Fellows for Practical Action, March 2012.
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