Experince of periphyton-based aquaculture systsms
Practical Action
Bamboo branches/Kanchi
Pani Kachu (Colocasia esculenta)
Mandar and Zika (local name) tree branches
prevent large predators from predating on
small fishes. This substrate is commonly
planted in the flood prone areas like Faridpur
Bamboo branches are gummy/sticky in water.
Less attachment of algae (shaowla) was
Farmers cultivate pani kachu next to a canal
or a pond or in low lands. Fish can be
cultured in Kachu field if the pond holds at
least 1 ft depth of water for 6-7 months.
Attached algae in the kachu might be a
source of fish feed.
Also used in ponds to protect poaching.
Future programmes related to periphyton
I. Investigating the role of indigenous aquatic plants in small-scale aquaculture and fish
conservation, with particular emphasis as substrate for periphyton.
2. Evaluation of farmer/fisher identified substrates (availability, competition,
environmental effect in small and semi-closed water bodies (low land rice-pond
system), economics/commercial viability, integrated use of substrate and periphyton)
in different aquaculture and fisheries management systems.
3. Livelihood and sustainability issues of periphyton based system.
4. Use of indigenous fishes or self recruiting species as candidate species for the
exploitation of periphyton/periphytic detritaI aggregates.
This technical brief was originally written by A.T.M Faruk-ul-Islam for Practical
Action Bangladesh.
Practical Action Bangladesh
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Dhaka 1000
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Website: http://practicalaction.org/practicalanswers/
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