Casein production
Practical Action
Plastic can be produced from casein. The latter is precipitated from milk, after acidification with
sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. The casein is subsequently dried, mixed into a dough, extruded,
then treated with formaldehyde. After several weeks it polymerises into a hard solid. This material
is then cut and polished into the products mentioned above.
Casein glue is made from the dried curds of milk, mixed with lime and other chemicals. They are
mixed cold. It has been used for plywood and wood-assembly work, but is comparatively costly.
Casein glue bonds are water-resistant but prone to deterioration from moulds and fungi.
Edible casein is produced by separating, pressing and drying the lactic-acid-precipitated
coagulum of skimmed milk.
The most-commonly used being calcium caseinate (used for making emulsions) and sodium
caseinate (used in making imitation cheese), caseinates are also used in non-dairy products such
as coffee creamer, topping and icings, providing nutritional and textural benefits. They are
considered to have a better flavour than products that are made with vegetable proteins. Edible
caseinates are obtained by drying aqueous solutions, which themselves are prepared by combining
dry edible casein with food-grade alkali.
Caseinates that are improperly manufactured or stored have a very strong, musty off-flavour. High
fat, lactose and moisture contents contribute to the development of off-flavours, particularly if
stored at too warm a temperature.
References, web-sites and further reading
• Casein Products
• Dairy Processing Practical Action Technical Brief
• Small-scale Preparation of Dairy Products Agrodok 36 Agromisa.
• La Preparation de Colle Animale Hoekma S D, Ravenstyn J T J, de Coopibo P U, ATOL,
1981. This manual gives details on methods of making glue from animals. Technical
processes describes include the preparation of glue from bone, skin, casein (milk derivative),
and fish. (French)
• Traditional Paint News Vol. 1 No 2 October 1996, Baty P (ed), Traditional Paint Forum,
1996. Articles in this issue include: Trompe l'oeil architectural painting, some notes on
distempers, calcimine and casein paints, linseed oil and other drying oils used in paint
• Paints and their history
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