Small-scale fish farming
Practical Action
Bamboo frame cage
To make a 1m3 bamboo cage, twelve one metre long bamboo sticks (about 2cm in diameter) are
required and fixed into the holes of the angles, one angle for each corner, giving a box shape.
Advantages and disadvantages of fixed and floating cages
Fixed cages
Floating cages
Cost per unit is small
Not damaged by storms
Easy cage management
Cage bags spread properly in the
Easy to construct
Water volume remains constant even
with a fluctuation in the water level
Cage can be installed in deep water
Floating cage with box type frame gives
adequate space inside
In tidal water bodies the effective cage
depth is greater
Water depth inside cage varies with
the fluctuation of the water level
Vulnerable to tidal surge and storm
Cage cannot be installed in all types
of water bodies
Prone to crab cutting
Poorer fish growth and higher
mortality rate
Cost per unit is higher than fixed cages
Algae deposits on cage net affect the
water exchange
Cage management i.e. cleaning,
moving and sampling are not easy
Due to water flow sometimes the cage
bag does not spread properly
Easy to steal fish by lifting the cage
During flooding may wash away
Cage management
Care of cages – cleaning of aquatic weeds nearby, removal of water hyacinth, cleaning of waste
feeds from cages, cleaning of deposited silts from cage, removal of dead fishes, checking cage
frames, floats, ties, anchors, feeding trays etc., cage shifting, considering the water level,
checking water pollution and guarding.
Care of net – Algae attachment should be cleaned at regular basis to ensure water exchange, net
holes must be checked properly and need quick repairing when necessary.
Care of fish – profitability depends on proper attention to the fish growth, regular, adequate and
quality feeding is important. Fish health and disease should be monitored during feeding and
sampling. The fish must be fed daily using aquatic weed or a mixture of rice bran, oil cakes,
kitchen waste, chopped snails or cow dung.
Minimising risk of cage culture
Appropriate cage design can help minimise failure.
The use of more than one cage per household greatly reduces the risk of an individual
losing all fish.
Placing many cages together in clusters also reduces the risk of poaching.
Individual farmers can form groups that can guard the fish and therefore considerably
reduce potential poaching threats.