The base plate coated with ash
Wiping the inside of the mould
Sprinkling the inside of the mould with ash
Removing excess ash
Fig. 4.2 Creating a "non-stick" surface
Wedge the clay to remove any air that is trapped. To do this, take a block of clay the size of a large brick
and cut it in half with a short length of wire. Slam the top half onto the bottom half, then turn the clay.
Repeat the procedure until all the air bubbles have gone.
Fig. 4.3 Cutting a block of clay into half and slamming the top half onto the bottom half (wedging)
Step 3
Lay a plastic sheet on a flat surface, the floor or a table top. Mould two slabs of clay, each about 50 cm
long, 30 cm wide and 5 cm thick. Each slab should be large enough to cover more than half of the inside
of the mould.