Solar Energy
Solar energy comes from the sun. It can be direct or indirect. Most energy sources on
earth are forms of indirect solar energy. F or instance, energy in foodstuffs and wood
comes from the sun, the movement of the wind (causing waves in oceans) and the
evaporation of water to form rainfall which accumulates in rivers are also powered by
the sun. Therefore, hydroelectric power and wind power are forms of indirect solar
Direct solar energy is what is usually referred to when speaking of solar power - it is
the use of sunlight for heating or generating electricity. This solar energy can also be
used to run radio and television sets.
Obtaining energy from the sun is referred to as "tapping". This means that it is
captured, stored and used as electricity. This is done using a solar energy system or
The solar energy kit
The solar energy kit comprises a solar module or panel, a charge regulator, a solar
battery, cables, switches and sockets and lights or lamps.
Solar panel (or module)
This consists of a number of cells that store the sun's energy and
produce electricity. The energy contained in sunlight is converted
into electrical energy by photovoltaic (PV) modules. A PV module
consists of a number of individual solar cells wired together to
provide the required amount of voltage and current. PV is measured
in units of what is referred to as peak watts (Wp). A peak watt figure
applies to the power output of the module under what is seen as
"peak sun" conditions, considered to be 1000 watts per square metre.
Charge regulator
It is also referred to as a charge controller. This is an electronic
device which regulates the solar system. It controls the amount
of power entering and leaving the battery. The charge regulator
prevents the solar panel from overcharging the battery and
protects the battery from deep discharge. It is easy to
understand its operation by observing the light emitting diodes
present. That is, load on, load off and load high. The charge
regulator is an important part of the solar kit.