Bicycle trailers
Practical Action
Although hitching the trailer at the level of the rear axle has
the least effect on the stability of the bicycle, hitching above
the rear wheel (to the carrier or to the frame below the seat)
is simpler and more compatible with duel use of the trailer
as a handcart. This method has been widely tested on earth
roads and tracks in various countries and has caused no
problems for the trailer users. Various hitch mechanisms
may be used, the requirement being that they are strong and
durable and do not constrain relative movement between the
bicycle and the trailer. The recommended mechanism is a
rubber ball in a steel socket attached to the carrier or the
rear wheel stays, but in some cases, the trailer has simply
been tied to the carrier.
Normal bicycle wheels are suitable for light loads on good
roads but are not robust enough for carrying heavy loads or
for use on rough tracks. Strengthened wheels that take
standard bicycle tyres have been developed for trailers.
Figure 7: Hitch design.
A stee or rubber ball
drops into a socket
formed from flat bar or
cut from a pipe bolted
to the carrier or frame
of the bicycle
References and further reading
• The Design of Bicycle Trailers Michael Ayre IT Publications 1986
• Low-cost Load-carrying Devices: The Design & Manufacture of Some Basic Means of
Transport Ron Dennis and Alan Smith ITDG Publishing 1995
• Puncture Prevention Techniques for Low Cost Vehicles Michael Ayre & Alan Smith
• Cycle Trailers for India. Appropriate Technology Vol. 18 No 2
• Forum News. The International Forum for Rural Transport and Development
A quarterly newsletter looking at the issues of transport with animal power, bridges,
bicycles, gender and transport, financing, engineering, sustainable rural livelihoods,
community planning. IFRTD’s address is shown below.
Useful contacts
I. T. Transport is a consultancy in transport for rural development.
I.T. Transport Ltd.
The Old Power Station
Ardington, Nr. Wantage
OX12 8QJ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1235 833753 /821366
Fax: +44 1235 833753/821366