The penstock can be long. To maintain it properly, a person may have to walk along it. Thus, a walking
path along the penstock is needed. The following are some of the important things the maintenance
crew have to look out for when inspecting the penstock, and take collective action
• Water leakages (especially at joints)
• Supporting column bases for soil erosion
• Stones with sharp edges touching or colliding with the penstock
• Unstable rocks, soil or logs on either side (that can fall onto the penstock damaging it or soil slip
away making the soil loose or causing sagging of the penstock)
• Expose to sunlight (uPVC pipe)
• Vent pipe without blocks
• Corrosion (steel parts)
Protecting the uPVC pipes
Especially in order to protect uPVC pipes from exposure to sunlight, animals, fire and stone etc. it is
best to bury them with earth or cover them with stones and soil. For steel penstocks, regularly apply
anti-corrosive paint.