canThings that
be done
• When you inform the micro-hydro developer that there is a suitable water source in your village
for a micro-hydro electricity project, they will send a technician to estimate the power that can be
generated by it.
• It is advisable that you understand whether starting on such a project would be appropriate considering
the social and the financial status of your village. There maybe supporting organisations which are
ready to help you increase the organising power in the village. In Practical Action’s experience it
would be difficult to carry on with such a project if there is a lack of organisation of the villagers. Even
supporting organisations can only offer you a helping hand. It is up to your village to decide upon all
issues relating to the micro-hydro village electrification scheme.
• If the financial and social status of the village is appropriate for such a project the villagers can apply
for financial aid. After submitting your application, the principles and procedure which should be
followed to receive further aid will be explained to you by the bank. Knowledge on the following are
required in order to successfully apply for financial aid; how to unite a large number of families, the
procedure to follow in book-keeping, the capacity of the turbine machines used, and estimates of the
electricity connection charges.