Proper utilisation of resources for poverty reduction is one of the main objectives of
present government, which has taken up special program to make agriculture
mechanised. To achieve mechanised agriculture, diesel engine has various uses. Diesel
engine can run irrigation pump, power tiller, power thrasher, seed drill machine etc. In
addition diesel can also run vehicle, rice husking machine, break breaker etc.
It is very important to ensure proper and effective use of diesel engine.
Only a skilled person can do so. In Bangladesh, usually diesel engine
operators/mechanics do not have any institutional education. They learn diesel engine
operation and maintenance through the process of "learning by doing". Keeping these
realities in mind, Practical Action Bangladesh is publishing this booklet in a simple
manner. The booklet depicts the details of diesel engine and how it works, with figures
and diagrams. It also describes the "problems and solving" that various parts
of a diesel engine might have. The reader will get knowledge on how to
repair and maintain a diesel engine from this booklet.
Previously, Practical Action Bangladesh has published a booklet on "Diesel engine repair
& maintenance" This booklet is more informative and communicative than the previous
one. We hope this booklet will serve people working with diesel engine.
Veena Khaleque
Country Director
Practical Action Bangladesh