The Physical Appearance of Different Types of Biogas Plants
The three main types of simple biogas plants are shown in Figure 4:
• balloon plants
• fixed-dome plants
• floating-drum plants
More information about the different types of biogas plants is provided under digester types.
Figure 4: Simple biogas plants. Floating-drum plant (A), fixed-dome plant (B),
fixed-dome plant with separate gas holder (C), balloon plant (D), channel-type
digester with plastic sheeting and sunshade (E).
Source: Biogas Plants, L. Sasse, GATE, 1988, p. 14
Balloon plants
The balloon plant consists of a digester bag (e.g. PVC) in the upper part of which the gas is
stored. The inlet and outlet are attached directly to the plastic skin of the balloon. The gas
pressure is achieved through the elasticity of the balloon and by added weights placed on the