Biogas usage
In order to obtain the maximum use of biogas when cooking.
Use big aluminium pan with large flat bases
Close the pan with a lid
Practical Action
Use a pressure cooker as much as possible
The biogas lamp
It is possible to use a petromax (local lamp) with a
mantel for this purpose.
a. Clean the chimney if it is not clean.
b. Make sure that the lamp is in a stable position
c. In this case, light the matchstick
first and then open the gas
controller and light the lamp.
Using the Sri Lankan biogas digester (dry batch unit)
In filling the biogas digester with paw material
a. Collect the raw material (hay and other materials)
near the digester.
b. Collect the required amount of cow dung.
c. Soak the hay the day before you fill the digester.
d. Make the cow dung and urea mixture.