Rebuilding home & livelihoods
Practical Action
The benefits of this approach will be to:
Generate good relations with the community
Allow participants to contribute their ideas openly and freely
Result in well-informed and comprehensive picture of the current situation,
Articulate individual, household and community aspirations for future destinations and
identify resources available for making that journey
Build confidence and mutual respect among all stakeholders bonding people within
communities and among new informal and formal networks
Create a sense of ownership, motivation and reward in seeing ideas and actions come to
Figure 2: Credit Practical Action South Asia
Some of the challenges of this approach which need allocation of adequate
resources and be managed well are;
Collaborative processes take time to work through and yield results, both tangible and
Process facilitation takes skill, to create space for everyone’s views to be heard and
outcomes to be negotiated,
Process facilitators must display an unbiased attitude and willingness to challenge
existing power structures – this can be uncomfortable at times.
Many of the processes and tools covered in this section can be used at various stages of
analysis, design and implementation. The suggestions made here should be adapted to suit
the time, place, people and objectives of each situation.