Spurs and dykes
Practical Action
Reference and Further reading
Report on Local Manufacture of Gabions, Rural Technology Centre Nuware Eliya District
Sri Lanka Practical Action Consulting 1987
Labour Intensive Manufacture of Gabions in Haiti, Appropriate Technology Vol. 8 No. 3
Gabions for Hydraulic Structures Appropriate Technology Vol. 7 No 4 March 1981
Design of Gabion Retaining Walls Practical Action Consulting 1987
This report consists of the following parts: Desk study report which outlines the basic
principles employed and assumptions made in the preparation of the simplified methods
of designing gabion retaining walls. An instruction manual which deals with the methods
necessary for conducting training courses for technical officers in the use of the
simplified method of designing gabion retaining walls. Design charts which outline a
simplified method for designing gabion retaining walls
Small Dams and Weirs in Earth and Gabion Materials FAO Water Resources
Development and Management Service (AGLW)
A set of practical guidelines and norms for field engineers for the design and building of
structures using earth and gabions. The publication will be useful in designing gabion
spillways for small hillside dams, intake weirs for gravity irrigation schemes, groynes,
river bed training works and for protection against hydraulic erosion.
Flood resistant housing Practical Action Technical Brief
DIPECHO is the Disaster Preparedness Programme of the European Commisson’s Humanitarian
Aid department (ECHO), the largest single humanitarian donor in the world. The DIPECHO
programme funds pilot projects intended to demonstrate that simple, inexpensive preparatory
measures, particularly those implemented by communities themselves, can limit damage,
increase resilience and save lives.
Tel: 056 502090
Fax: 056 502277
E-mail: sahamati@wlink.com.np
SAHANATI was founded in 2001 as an institution for equitable development. It works with poor,
marginalised, and landless ethnic indigenous populations to help establish their rights and
improve their living conditions. It does this by promoting indigenous knowledge and practices,
rights based advocacy, community empowerment activities and promotion of sustainable
livelihoods. www.sahamati.org
Campaign Service Centre (CSC)
E-mail: cscn@wlink.com.np
Tel: 078 520875
Campaign Service Centre (CSC) was established in 1999 in Nawalparasi with the main objective
of ensuring the basic human rights and equitable development of socio-economically
marginalised communities who are also vulnerable to conflict and a range of natural hazards. It
also conducts regional level work in relation to water issues and is presently involved in
campaign work over a proposed border dam between Nepal and India.