Utilization of bagasse in brickmaking
Practical Action
calorific values: See table 2 above
1MT of clay = 432.9 bricks
Weight of 1 green brick = 2.31 kg
Weight of 1 bagasse block = 1.33 kg
Size of 1 block of Bagasse = 30 x 14 x 8cm
Weight of 1 bagasse block = 1.33 kg
In section A of the table, titled "Costs including Transport", cost per brick is higher in kiln 2 (LS
13.79) than in kiln 1 (LS 11.17), as is the cost per unit energy. This is due in part to the high
cost of transporting the bagasse blocks from Halfa.
In section B, costs are
computed disregarding cost of
transport of Bagasse (loose and
blocks) from Halfa. The Miskit
wood is available locally in
Kassala. Under this section it
can be clearly seen that costs
per brick, energy and MT of
clay are all less for kiln 2 than
kiln I. In Halfa and the nearby
places like Girba, or elsewhere
where bagasse blocks would be
produced locally they would
have a great advantage over
Table (5) also gives a detailed
breakdown of other cost
components of the two firings.
Figure 3: Pile of clay fired bricks with scotch kiln behind.
Photo: Mohammed Majzoub / Practical Action.
The use of well-matured loose bagasse in brick clays, where available, as an alternative to cow-
dung, is recommended. It produces bricks of good surface finish i.e. smooth and brilliant in
colour. Dung, in contrast, leaves voids when it burns out. It also produces greyish ashes on the
brick, rendering colour dull.
Bagasse blocks in the vicinity of production sites are a good alternative to wood.
They would have wider application if current production costs of LS 75 and transport costs were
reduced. Wood, though, is needed to start the firing of kilns which burn bagasse blocks, but it
might be possible to identify other waste materials for this purpose with further study.
Further Reading
How to Measure the Energy Used to Fire Clay Bricks: A Practical Guide for Brickmakers,
Field-workers and Researchers Practical Action Technical Brief,
Assessing the Technical Problems of Brick Production a Guide for Brickmakers and
Field-Workers, Practical Action Technical Brief,
Ten Rules for energy Efficient cost Effective Brick Firing, Practical Action Technical
Utilization of Cow-Dung in Brickmaking, Mohammed Majzoub, GTZ Technical Brief,
Practical Action Sudan, 1999,
Brick by Brick: Participatory Technology Development in Brickmaking, by Kelvin Mason,
Practical Action Publishing, 2001.
Fuel for Free? Waste Materials in Brick Making, by Kelvin Mason, Practical Action
Publishing, 2007.