Pozzolanas: An introduction
Practical Action
Concrete Incorporating Rice-Husk Ash: Compressive Strength and Chloride-Ion
Penetrability, N. Bouzoubaâ & B. Fournier, July 2001, MTL 2001-5 (TR),
Research Fly Ash Project, N. Vimuktanon,
Appropriate Use of Pozzolana Derived from Agro-waste Using Labour-Based
Appropriate Technology, P. Nimityongskul & F. Gleeson,
United Kingdom Quality Ash Association - for factsheets, datasheets, papers and
reports on pfa properties and utilization,
Fly Ash: A resource material for innovative Building Material - Indian perspective,
C.N. Jha & J.K. Prasad, Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council, New
Total Fly Ash Management: From concept to commercial reality, A. Samarin, The
Australian Coal Review, Nov. 97, pp. 34 - 37,
The Use of Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag and Pulverised Fuel Ash in Mortar,
Mortar Industry Association (UK),
Lime - An Introduction Practical Action Technical Brief
Hydraulic Lime - An Introduction Practical Action Technical Brief
Methods for testing lime in the field Practical Action Technical Brief
How to calculate the Energy Efficiency of Lime Burning Practical Action Technical
Production of Red Mud Building Materials in Jamaica: Case Study 2, Production of
Silicate Bonded Bricks and Pozzolanic Cement from Jamaican Red Mud, D W
McLeod, 1998
Lime and Lime Mortars, A.D. Cowper, Building Research Special Report No.9, His
Majesty's Stationary Office, London, 1927 (republished 1998 by Donhead
Publishing, Shaftesbury, Dorset, England).
Supplementary Cementing Materials for Use in Blended Cements, R.J. Detwiler, J.I.
Bhatty, S. Bhattacharja, Research and Development Bulletin RD112T, Portland
Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, USA, 1996
Pozzolans for Lime Mortars, by Pat Gibbons, article from the Building Conservation
Directory, 1997, published by Cathedral Communications Limited, Tisbury, Wiltshire,
A Brief Introduction to Pozzolanas, Bruce King, (extracted from Alternative
Construction - Contemporary Natural Building Methods, edited by Elizabeth Lynne &
Cassandra Adams, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
Adding to the Mix, Narayan P. Singhania,
Supplementary Cementitious Materials Part 1: Pozzolanic SCMs - What are SCMs
and how can you use them to your advantage?, Adam D. Neuwald,
CIP30- Supplementary Cementitious Materials, Concrete in Practice Series, NRMCA,
Silver Springs, MD, USA,
Small-scale Lime-burning: A practical introduction Michael Wingate, Practical Action
Publishing, ISBN 9780946688012
A Case Study in Lime Production No2 Improved Techniques at Chenkumbi, Malawi.
Practical Action Technical Brief
Lime and Alternative Binders in East Africa Elijah Agevi et al, Practical Action /ODA,
Lime and Other Alternative Cements Neville Hill et al, Practical Action Publishing,
Building with Lime: A practical introduction. Revised Edition Stafford Holmes &
Michael Wingate, Practical Action Publishing, 2002/3 ISBN 9781853395475