Methods for testing lime in the field
Practical Action
weak. Determination of available lime by the rapid sugar test (using sulphuric acid). A
variation on the ASTM test is that which has been used at the analytical chemistry
laboratory of the Geological Survey Department in Zomba, Malawi. In place of HCl it uses
sulphuric acid (battery acid), H2SO4, and gives values for the available CaO which are up
to 3% more than those obtained when HCl is used.
Put 2.500 g of lime into a 250 ml flask, add 35–45 ml of CO2 -free water and boil for
3 minutes.
Cool to room temperature. Mix 20 g of sucrose (sugar) in 20 ml of water (= 50%
solution, add this solution to the lime in the flask and shake for 30 minutes. Add
more water up to the 250 ml mark.
Filter through a No.1 Whatman paper. Discard the first 15–30 ml of filtrate. Pipette
25 ml into a flask.
Add 5 drops of phenolphthalein. Titrate with 0.357N sulphuric acid.
The available lime, as CaO, = ml of 0.357N acid, on the burette, x 4.
References and Further Reading
Lime - An Introduction Practical Action Technical Brief
Hydraulic Lime - An Introduction Practical Action Technical Brief
Methods for testing lime in the field Practical Action Technical Brief
How to calculate the Energy Efficiency of Lime Burning Practical Action Technical
Testing methods for pozzolanas Practical Action Technical Brief
Lime Kiln Designs: Small & Medium Scale Oil Fired Lime Kilns Practical Action
Technical Brief
A Small Lime Kiln for Batch and Continuous Firing Practical Action Technical
The Small Scale Vertical Shaft Lime Kiln: A practical guide to design,
construction and operation, Kelvin Mason, Practical Action Publishing, ISBN
Small-scale Lime-burning: A practical introduction Michael Wingate, Practical
Action Publishing, ISBN 9780946688012
A Case Study in Lime Production No2 Improved Techniques at Chenkumbi,
Malawi. Practical Action Technical Brief
Lime and Alternative Binders in East Africa Elijah Agevi et al, Practical Action
/ODA, 1995
Lime and Other Alternative Cements Neville Hill et al, Practical Action Publishing,
Building with Lime: A practical introduction. Revised Edition Stafford Holmes &
Michael Wingate, Practical Action Publishing, 2002/3 ISBN 9781853395475
Guide for Manufacture of Lime in Vertical Mixed-feed type lime kiln: Part 1 From
lime-stone, Indian Standard IS 1861 Part 1 – 1990, Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi, India
How to Build a Small Vertical Shaft Lime Kiln Practical Action Technical Brief
Pozzolanas - An Introduction Practical Action Technical Brief
Pozzolanas - Calcined Clays & Shales, and Volcanic Ash Practical Action
Technical Brief
Pozzolanas - Rice Husk Ash and Pulverised Fuel Ash Practical Action Technical
Small Scale Production of Lime for Building John Spiropoulos, GTZ,1985
Gypsum Plaster: Its Manufacture and Use, A. Coburn, E. Dudley and R.Spence,
Practical Action Publishing, 1989
Lime Production: A traditional kiln at Bou Noura, Algeria, Practical Action
Technical Brief