Transitional shelter
Practical Action
Practical Action’s Experience
Practical Action used the questionnaire below to identify people who needed assistance.
Then it:
• Could provide its own technical expertise on how to adhere to the set
criteria/standards, or
• Facilitate to find other service providers who could assist with meeting the
transitional shelter standards.
(Standards obtained from Sphere Standards on Water and Sanitation and Standards on
Shelter and Settlement: refer to Chapters 2 and 4 of the Sphere Standards respectively at
Criteria to be considered in the selection of sites for transitional shelters
1. Will the proposed site be undisturbed by all natural and man-made hazards?
Transitional settlements and shelters would need to be designed with protection
provided against identified hazards for at least about a year after erection. Examples
for some of the likely hazards are busy roads, areas of open water, unsafe buildings,
disused septic tanks or refuse dumps, air & water contamination by factories etc.
Yes / No
If yes, explain why you think that the site would be safe and
If not, do you need any help & what would that
2. Are there provisions to supply clean potable water (including rainwater harvesting) in
line with minimum international standards?
Minimum International Standards for clean water are as follows;
• Free from faecal coliforms
• Turbidity < 5NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units)
• With disinfected water, 0.5mg/litre of free chlorine residue at point of
Refer to page 67 of Sphere Standards on water and Sanitation
Yes / No
If yes
If not, do you need any help & what would that
3. Are there measures to protect ground water sources? Are the sanitation facilities
located down wind and are they secure for use by women and children at all times?
International Standards on sanitation and washing facilities are 1 toilet for 20
Yes / No
If yes,
If not, do you need any help & what would that