School buildings in developing countries
Practical Action
8. Stulz, Roland, Roofing Primer, SKAT, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2000, (introduction), part
1), (part 2a), (part 2b), (part 2c), (part 3)
9. Stulz, Roland & Mukerji, Kiran, Appropriate Building Materials: A catalogue of potential
solutions, 3rd Ed., Practical Action Publishing, 1993
Details are given on a wide variety of appropriate and low cost building materials. Some
construction details are also considered in outline.
10. Joffroy T. & Guillaud H., Building with Arches, Vaults and Cupolas, SKAT, St. Gallen,
Switzerland, 1994, ISBN 3908001617
Basic information is presented on the characteristics and building of arches, vaults and
11. Designshare, The International Forum for Innovative Schools -
The focus of this website is largely on schools in Western countries, North America in
particular. It includes details on articles and a newsletter. The most important
component is the design awards, where featured school buildings are described and
plans, drawings and photographs presented.
12. Dierkx, René, Toward Community-Based Architectural Programming and Development of
Inclusive Learning Environments in Nairobi's Slums, Children, Youth and Environments
Vol. 13, No.1 (Spring 2003),
An interesting article by way of background covering the re-design of schools in slums in
Nairobi involving incorporation of children's ideas in the design
13. School / Shelter Hazard Vulnerability Reduction Resource Page, Caribbean Disaster
Mitigation Project -
A comprehensive information resource on reducing natural hazard vulnerability of schools,
focused on the Caribbean. Numerous links to other resources are provided. Maintenance
is also considered in some detail.
14. CSIR / Boutek, Facilities Planning & Management, Education and Community Buildings
Planning & Design -
Short case studies of a small number of school building projects in South Africa are
presented. Some downloads (large files) of reports are also available.
15. Kill o' the Grange National School, County Dublin, Ireland
Although not in a developing country context this site is quite useful in that it presents a
step by step account of how building of the new primary school actually took place.
16. Carlqvist, B., Maintenance of Institutional Buildings, A Management Perspective,
Building Issues, Vol. 9, 1997 (1), Lund Centre for Habitat Studies, Lund University,
Focuses on the need for building maintenance, why and how buildings deteriorate and
processes for maintenance.
17. Whitby, Garry, Primary Community School Construction, Appropriate Technology, Vol. 25,
No. 1, June 1998, pp. 30 - 32
A short case study on a rural school building programme in Malawi focusing on planning,
building technologies, site selection, design and layout, community participation,
tendering, gender strategy and training and capacity building.
18. Sanoff, H, Community Participation in an Elementary School Classroom Addition,