Recycling of organic waste
Practical Action
Internet addresses
Association of Cities for Recycling (ACR). The aim of ACR (an international non-profit organisation
based in Brussels) is to exchange technical and educational information on the subject of waste
Home page of the Community Composting Network
Web Site for the Swiss Biogas Forum
Useful addresses
Environmental Development Action in the
Third World,
Head Office: PO Box 3370,
Dakar, Senegal.
Tel: +221 (22) 42 29 / 21 60 27
Fax: +221 (22) 26 95
Regional offices in Colombia, Bolivia and
Zimbabwe. Database, library, publications and
advice. Quarterly magazine 'African
Room 8, Maya Building, 678 EDSA, Cubao,
Quezon City, Metro Manila,
The Philippines.
Contact: Mr. Dan Lapid
Tel: +63 (2) 912 36 08
Fax: +63 (2) 912 34 79
Consultants with on-line enquiries, training,
info and education.
International Labour Organisation,
4 Route des Morillons,
CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
Tel; +41 (22) 799 83 19
Fax: +41 (22) 798 86 85
Database on products and processes and socio-
economic aspects of waste, Solid Waste
Management and employment generation.
Small Industries Research Institute (SIRI),
PO Box 2106, 4/43 Roop Nagar,
Delhi 110 007, India.
Tel: +91 11291 81 17
Consultants specialising in small business and
Intermediate Technology's.
WASTE Consultants
Nieuwehaven 201,
2801 VW Gouda, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31 (0)182 522 625
Fax: +31 (0)182 550313
Co-ordinators of the Urban Waste Expertise
Programme (a programme with partners in
Africa, Asia and Latin America)
Edit newsletter – UWEP News and regular
UWEP email Bulletins.
Many publications, very active in many areas of
waste management.
GTZ - German Agency for Technical Co-
Post Box 5180,
Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1,
D-6236 Eschborn, Germany
Tel: +44 (6196) 790
Fax: +44 (6196) 791115
Database, library and publications.
Free quarterly publication 'GATE: questions,
answers, information'
International Reference centre for waste
Uberlandstrasse 133,
CH-8600 Dubendorf, Switzerland.
Tel: +41 (1) 823 50 18 / 17
Fax: +41 (1) 823 53 89
Research, library and advice.
UNDP / World Bank
Integrated Resource Recovery Programme,
1818 H. Street NW,
Washington DC, USA.
Tel: +1 (202) 477 1254
Fax: +1 (202) 477 1052
Publications on policy and case studies.