Compost bin manufacture
Practical Action
Plate -09 Credit: Practical Action South Asia
For middle and top rings
7. Once the mould is filled up to 1-1.5” from the top level-place 2nd iron ring as first ring
8. Fill the concrete mixture up to the top level of the moulds and levelled using a trowel
9. After 30 minutes, fix the strip to the mould and add some mortar to make the inner
interlocking grove (only for middle ring) and levelled (Plate-11).
Plate -10
Credit: Practical Action South Asia
Plate -11
For bottom ring
7. Stop the filling the mould once the level of the concrete is close to 4” form the top.
8. Insert the 2nd iron ring and add 1” thick concrete layer on it.
9. Insert 3 sockets with equal spacing to leave the space for compost removing doors (Plate-12).
10. Fill the space between the sockets and insert iron rods from the sides of each door (6 rods
15” long and ¼” diameter) (Plate-13).
11. Cover the iron rods level the surface.
Plate -12
Credit: Practical Action South Asia
Plate -13