Mushroom growing
Further reading
Practical Action
A Mouldy Old Business Food Chain Number 14 March 1995
Making Money by Growing Mushrooms FAO, 2009
Cultivation of the Oyster Mushroom in Traditional Brick Pots
Food Chain 23 July 1998
Small-scale Mushroom Cultivation Agrodok n°40
Technical Guidelines for Mushroom Growing in the Tropics Quimio T H, Chang S T,
Royse D J Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
This manual describes how mushrooms are not only good sources of protein, minerals
and vitamins but also contain other health promoting substances. The technologies
described are largely inexpensive, for mushroom production to be successful in the
long term must be supported by a background of scientifically based information. The
contents are comprehensive yet aimed at the needs of growers using relatively low
cost and low-tech methods.
Manual on Mushroom Cultivation: Techniques, Species and Opportunities for
Commercial Applications In Developing Countries Oei P Tool Publications CTA
This manual provides information on how to cultivate mushrooms in tropical areas.
Mushroom growing involves many steps from selecting a suitable technique and
strain to spawn manufacturing, growing the crop and marketing the final product.
ISBN/ISSN: 90-70857-22-7
Producing Solar Dried Fruit and Vegetables for Micro- and Small-Scale Rural
Enterprise Development: A Series of Practical Guides Brett A, Cox D R S, Trim D S
(et al) Natural Resources Institute (NRI)
This guide comes in 4 separate handbooks with reference cards. Handbook 1-
Assessing Opportunities, Handbook 2-Dryer Construction, Handbook 3-Practical
Aspects of Processing, Handbook 4-Business Profitability. Specifically covering
bananas, mangoes, mushrooms & pineapples.
Mushroom Production in Zimbabwe: A Practical Manual Tiffin J, 1998
A practical manual on mushroom production in Zimbabwe which concentrates on the
growing methods for the agaricus species.
Mushroom Cultivation: With Special Emphasis on Appropriate Techniques for
Developing Countries Oei P TOOL Publications 1996, ISBN: 9070857367
This manual provides information on how to cultivate more than twelve different
species of mushrooms. Mushroom growing involves many steps from selecting a
suitable technique and strain to spawn manufacturing, growing the crop and
marketing the final product.
Micologia Neotropical Aplicada
Apartado Postal 701
Puebla 72001
A scientific journal containing original papers on the cultivation and use of tropical
International Information for Growers
ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
P.O. Box 3657
Fayetteville, AR 72702
Tel: 800-346-9140
Mushroom Cultivation and Marketing