How to grow your own onion seed
Arid Land Information Network
After 30 days, the bulb will sprout several young Shoots that you should separate carefully with a
Note: each separated plant must have its own shoot.
The first stage is soil-preparation .
• For 100 m2, mix into the soil 12 wheelbarrows full
of well-rotted manure, preferably 1 month before
the bedding of the plants.
• Prepare ridges 60 cm apart, and water them.
Put your onion plants into the earth on either side of the ridges as shown, 15 cms apart and two to
three cms deep.
Control weeds in the planted area
by hoeing or raking. Water very
regularly because the plants should
not suffer any lack of water during
their flowering and maturing period
or have any excess humidity.
The main crop pest is thrips, a tiny
insect which taps in and sucks the
sap from the leaves. You
can of course treat it with chemical
products but you should know that
attacks by thrips are more frequent