Tomato production: technical guidelines
Practical Action
Late Blight
Late Blight
Leaf Spot
Powdery mildew
Damping off
Blossom-end rot
Sunscald plant
Erinose Mite
Greyish green water soaked lesions
on the leaves, rapidly turning black.
Under moist conditions white downy
fungal growth develops on the
margins of the lesions. Stem lesions
are dark brown; large mottled areas
develop on the fruit.
Greyish green water soaked lesions
on the leaves, rapidly turning black.
Under moist conditions white downy
fungal growth develops on the
margins of the lesions. Stem lesions
are dark brown; large mottled areas
develop on the fruit.
Small spots with light coloured
centers, appear first on the older
leaves and cause leaf yellowing and
Yellow blotches on leaves and
premature defoliation
Poor germination and collapse of
young seedlings
Blossom end of fruit turns brown and
is depressed
Fruit deformed and with deep
In some varieties cracks radiate from
the stalk, whilst in others the cracks
are arranged in concentric rings
around the fruit
The area of fruit exposed to the sun
fails to turn red and stays yellow
Small green insect on underside of
Minute, cream-coloured mite with 2
pairs legs. Causes a hair-like out-
growth resembling mildew
As for early blight
As for early blight
Several chemicals
available, two being
copper oxychloride,
80%wp at a rate of
500g/100 litres
water and captain
50% wp at a rate of
200g/100 litres
Spray with copper
dinocap (ready for
use) or sulphur
80% wp at a rate of
200g/100 litres
Mix seed with
thiram seed
Follow correct
watering regime
Follow correct
watering regime
Follow correct
watering regime
Make sure plants
are trellised
Many chemicals
Dimethoate 40%ec
at a rate of
100ml/100 litres
water as a fruit
cover spray
Dicofol 40% ec at a
rate of 95ml/100
litres water or
endosulfan 35%
mo at a rate of
190ml/100 litres
Likely to cause severe damage in
wet weather
Likely to cause sever damage in
wet weather
Likely to cause severe damage in
wet weather
Can be troublesome when hot and
Associated mainly with wide
fluctuations in soil moisture
measure and poor root
Some large fuited cultivars
Caused by sudden changes in soil
moisture and atmospheric
humidity, most sever when foliage
sparse puffiness
Only occurs on sudden defoliation
or when are disturbed, or trellising
systems inadequate
Only occurs on sudden defoliation
or when are disturbed, or trellising
systems inadequate
Carboryl/molasses at a rate of
3/100 litres water