Animal nutrition and feed rations
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Animal nutrition and feed rations
Livestock production in all its ventures is a major source of incomes all over Kenya, from the most productive to nearly desert areas, And for all livestock owners livestock feeding and nutrition is a major concern. Inadequate nutrition is a major cause of low live-weight gains, infertility and low milk yields in dairy cattle. Also pig, chicken, dairygoat and many other livestock producers have expressed challenges in feeding their animals optimally. The following will explain the principles of animal nutrition and some examples of how to make home feed rations based on the types of feed available in major agroecological zone
The feed nutrients
Animal feed needs to contain various groups of nutrients, and the composition depends on which type of animal is being fed and the stage of production.
- protein is the one element most necessary for body building and maintenance as well as milk production. Without protein there would be no body weight gain nor milk production
- carbohydrates provide energy and body fat,
- fats provide energy and the excess is converted to fat and stored in the body
- minerals help in body building as well as in biological regulation of growth and reproduction. They are also a major source of nutrients in milk
- vitamins help regulate the biological processes in the body and become a source of nutrients in milk
- water helps all over in body building, heat regulation, biological processes as well as a large constituent of milk production as well as eggs.
When calculating feed needs of different animals a system called Metabolisable Energy as a basis for formulating rations on the farm is used. Metabolisable energy basically means that part of the feed which the animal is able to utilize.
The unit of energy in the ME system is the Joule (J) of which one million units (1000 000 J) is referred as Megajoule (MJ). All foods contain energy, but not all of it is available to the animal.
Parts of all feed is lost in the faeces, this part is described as indigestible. Other losses of energy occur in the production of methane, the urine of the animal and the loss of body heat. The energy remaining after all this is called the Metabolisable Energy or ME.
Basically, feed organic nutrients are required by the animals for three things: These are:
(i) use as materials for the construction of body tissues (growth and maintenance)
(ii) synthesis of products such as milk and eggs
(iii) use as sources of energy for work done. The work done include both metabolic (heat increment and maintenance) and physical e.g. walking and feeding.
Use of feed energy within the animal
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The feed is comprised of chemical ingredients which are broadly classified as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and vitamins. Heat is released when organic material such feed is burnt. For this reason, methods have been developed to measure the quantity of chemical energy present in a feed by determining the amount of heat generated from complete burning a known quantity. This is referred to as gross energy . Most of the common feeds have energy content of about 18.5 MJ/kg DM.
Digestible energy (DE)
Not all the gross energy in consumed feed is available and useful to the animal. Some energy is lost from the animal though excretions and heat. The digestible energy is calculated by subtraction of feaces energy from gross energy. The DE represent the energy content of the digested nutrients
Metabolizable energy (ME)
The animal further loses energy containing-substances through excretion of urine and production of gases during metabolic processes. Metabolizable energy is what remains after subtraction of energy lost from urine and combustible gases resulting from the consumption of a feed. Loss of energy through methane (a combustible global warming gas) can be substantial, particularly for ruminants, hence can be of serious nutritive and environmental consequence.
Heat increment (HI)
The ingestion of feed by an animal is also followed by losses of energy not only as the chemical energy excreta and gases produced but also as heat. Animals are continuously producing heat and losing it to their surroundings, either directly through radiation, conduction and convection or indirectly through water evaporation from the body. The heat is generated through processes of digestion and metabolism of nutrients derived from the feed. For instance, the act of eating, which includes chewing, swallowing and secretion of saliva, requires muscular activity and this generates heat. Unless the animal is in a particularly cold environment, this heat energy is of no value to it, and must be considered, like the energy of the excreta, as a tax on the energy of the feed. Energy lost in this manner is referred to as Heat increment.
Net energy (NE)
The deduction of the HI of a food from its ME gives the Net energy, which is the energy available to the animal for useful purposes such as body maintenance and various forms of production.
Energy is the fuel that keeps all body functions working. Milk production requires a lot of energy. If energy in the ration is not enough, the animal will lose body condition and for milking cows, milk yield will drop, pregnant cows become ill after calving and the calf will usually be small in size.
If there is excess energy in the ration, the animals becomes too fat. Cows that are too fat at calving usually have difficult births, often have problems with retained placenta, displaced abomasums and may suffer from milk fever and ketosis.
Sources of energy are roughages and concentrate supplements fed to your animals Minerals are required in small amounts than the other nutrients but are important components of the ration. They are essential for cows to remain healthy and for the body to function properly, for the development and maintenance of strong bones and for successful reproduction and production of milk and eggs.
Roughages form the main bulk of the dairy cow ration. Roughages are bulky feeds that have a low weight per unit volume. Generally feedstuffs with more than 18% crude fibre and low digestibility are considered as roughages.
A high yielding cow may not have enough capacity to consume the amount of roughage required to supply sufficient energy required due to limitation of stomach size.For this reason, supplementing roughage diets with feeds high in readily available energy is often recommended. Examples of energy sources (Forages and fodders, agricultural by-products, and concentrates) are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
The currently recognized energy feed nutrients include:
- Carbohydrates such as Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Sucrose, Maltose and Lactose, all different types of sugar
- Polysaccarides such as
- Starch, found in roots and tubers as well as in grain,
- Hemicellulose (somewhere between sugar and cellulose chemically speaking),
- Cellulose, the principal constituent of cell walls of plants. Most abundant in more fibrous feeds, generally low in digestibility. Cattle, goats, sheep and horses digest cellulose fairly easily. Pigs and chicken do not digest cellulose very easily.
- Lignin which essentially is not digestible to animals. Found in overmature hays, straws and hulls. High lignin content in feed may reduce the digestibility of cellulose and other nutrients.
- Fats and oils. Found in seeds, grains, avocadoes etc. Fats contain 2.25 times as much energy per kg compared to carbohydrates, but are usually expensive to produce.
Minerals are chemical elements which form important component of animal feed ingredients. They are essential in ensuring normal and proper functions of the body as well as in maintenance of good health. When an element classified as essential lacks in the diet, the cattle will show deficiency symptoms, which are eradicated or prevented by inclusion of this particular element in the diet. Some elements are required in relatively large amounts compared to others. For this reasons the minerals have been classified as 'macro-minerals' (required in larger amounts) and 'micro-minerals' or 'trace-minerals' (required in minute amounts).
Of the 20 elements that function in animal nutrition, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are regarded as the non-mineral elements. The other 16 are referred to as the mineral elements which function in animal nutrition. Of these 7 are macro-minerals (required in fairly large amounts) and 9 are micro-minerals (required in very small or trace amounts). Micro-minerals are also sometimes called trace-minerals.Different livestock types have different mineral requirements, which as far as possible will be described under each livestock type.
The macro-minerals are: Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulphur, Chlorine, Magnesium.
The micro- or trace minerals are: Iron, Iodine, Copper, Cobalt, Fluorine, Manganese, Zinc, Molybdenum, Selenium.
Dairy cows require more of the macro-minerals (Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chlorine, Sulphur) than the micro-minerals (Iodine, Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Manganese, Molybdenum, Zinc, Selenium).If cows do not consume enough of the macro-minerals, this will cause reduced milk yield, infertility problems, weakness of the bone and increased incidences of non-infectious diseases such as milk fever (Due to insufficient Calcium). Deficiencies in micro-minerals (Trace elements) can cause a variety of diseases and conditions depending on which mineral is deficient. Cattle grazing in areas around Nakuru usually have Cobalt deficiency and may develop a wasting disease called Nakuritis. They become anemic and eventually die. The forages are deficient of mineral Cobalt because the soils naturally contain very low levels of this micro-nutrient. Special mineral supplements are available for cattle in such areas. Too much of the micro-minerals can cause poisoning.Calcium and Phosphorus are of particular importance when formulating rations. Legumes tend to have more Calcium and Phosphorus than grasses. Grains are low in Calcium. Young dark green forage tends to have more minerals than old, dry and yellow forages. Most tropical forages are low in Phosphorus. Extra Calcium and Phosphorus usually need to be provided in the ration over and above that naturally present in the feed and mineral mix, especially for high yielding animals. Tables 2 and 3 shows examples of sources of mineral salts (Forages and fodders, agricultural by-products, concentrates and minerals).
- Salt: (Sodium chloride) deficiency develops slow (weeks) but causes unthrifty appearance and low performance. Provision of ad lib salt licks are recommended. Plants tend to be low in both sodium and chlorine. It is therefore an important practice to give common salt to herbivores such as dairy cattle in order to prevent deficiency symptoms. Feeding diets deficient in salt may not show immediate symptoms, but chronic deficiency dairy cattle diets has been shown to lead to low appetite, low milk production and loss of weight. The addition of salt in the diet usually provide immediate cure.
Calcium: Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the animal body. It is the most important constituent of the skeleton (bones) and teeth. Calcium also plays important roles in the activities of enzymes and hormones, which catalyze and/or balance the body metabolic processes. Agricultural lime, fish meal, milk, crushed shells, marble dust, some seaweed and green leafy forages, especially legumes, are good sources of calcium. Calcium tend to be low in old, dry and yellowing forages.In dairy cows, a condition known as 'milk fever' (parturient paresis) commonly occurs shortly after calving. It is characterized by a lowering of the blood calcium level (hypocalcaemia), muscular spasms, and in extreme cases paralysis and unconsciousness.
Deficiency symptoms: a) rickets in young stock. Joints become enlarged. Bones become soft and deformed. Condition may be corrected in early stages with calcium feeding. b) Osteomalacia or osteoporosis in older animals. Bones become porous and weak. Condition may be corrected by feeding calcium if bones do not break.Examples are known of cows fed too little calcium breaking their backs during mating -
Phosphorus: is needed for bone and teeth formation, building body tissue (growth of animals), milk and egg production. Signs of phosphorous deficiency include animals eating soil, chewing on non feed objects, slow or poor appetite, slow gain of bodyweight, low milk or egg production.Low dietary intakes of phosphorus have also been associated with poor fertility, apparent dysfunction of the ovaries causing inhibition, depression or irregular oestrus.
Sources of Phosphorous: Bone meal, Rock phosphate, Superphosphates such as TSP etc. Also many improved salt licks contain phosphorus.Cereal grains are a good source of Phosphorous, but hays and straws have very low phosphorous content. -
Magnesium: is needed in proper functioning of the nervous system, carbohydrate metabolism and enzyme systems.
Deficiencies: a) Hypermagnesemia also called grass tetany, grass staggers and wheat poisoning can occur when animals are grazing on young fresh grass or wheat heavily fertilized with nitrogen and with very little content of magnesium.
Symptoms are hyper excitability and frequent death. More common in Europe than in Africa. Prevention: use animal salts containing magnesium especially when animals are grazing on new young grass or grains such as oats. - Sulfur: Sulfur requirements of cattle and sheep are around 0.1-0.2% of ration dry matter. For non-ruminants sulphur should be in the form of sulfur-containing proteins. A deficiency of sulfur will express itself as a protein deficiency, general unthriftiness and poor performance.
- Iron: Necessary for blood and some enzyme formation. The precise minimum requirements have not been determined for various classes of livestock, but 80mg of iron per kg of diet is more than adequate for most animals. Deficiencies are most often found in young pigs (other animals much less sensitive): Laboured breathing, Flappy wrinkled skin, edema of head and shoulders, pale eyelids, ears and nose. Prevention/cure: A few drops of ferrous sulphate or similar daily during the first 3-4 weeks. Salt licks containing iron.
Iodine: Needed for the production of Thyroxine in the thyroid gland. A level of 0.25 mg/kg air dried diet is considered adequate for most classes of livestock. Dairy cows should be provided with 0.5 mg iodine/kg dry matter feed.
Deficiency symptoms: Goiter at birth or soon after, Hairlessness at birth, infected navels, dead or weak at birth. Prevention: mix normal iodized salt (table salt) into the salt licks of the livestock. -
Cobalt: Needed in vitamin synthesis. For cattle and sheep, feed containing from 0.05-0.10 mg of cobalt/kg feed prevents any cobalt deficiency. For pigs cobalt is only needed as part of Vit B12. Several areas in Kenya have cobalt deficient soils, producing feed deficient in cobalt.particularly around Nakuru and Naivasha due to the absence of this element in the soils, leading to the absence in the pastures. A feed analysis will show whether feed in your area is cobalt deficient. Consult your livestock officer.
Deficiency symptoms are simply those of malnutrition: poor appetite, unthriftiness, weakness, anemia, decreased fertility, slow growth and decreased milk and wool production. There are number of disorders due to cobalt deficiency characterized by emaciation (wasting disease or Nakuritis), pining, anaemia and listlessness. Although excess cobalt can be toxic to animals, there is a wide margin of safety level. Thus cobalt toxicity is generally unlikely. Prevention and cure: Where cobalt deficiency is diagnosed, 12.5g of any cobalt salt, such as cobalt chloride, cobalt sulphate or cobalt carbonate can be mixed with 100 kg of normal cattle salt. - Copper: needed for blood and hair production as well as in the enzyme system. Where diets are not high in Molybdenum and/or sulphate the following levels of copper per kilo of diet dry matter have been found adequate:
- Dairy cattle: 10 mg/kg
- Beef cattle and sheep: 4-5 mg/kg
- Pigs: 6 mg/kg
- Horses: 5-8 mg/kg
- Fluorine: necessary for healthy teeth, but excess may weaken and stain the teeth. In Kenya fluorine deficiencies are not common, but drinking water especially from boreholes often contain very high levels of fluorine. If the levels of fluorine are too high water can be filtered through a filter containing burnt bones, which will absorb most of the fluorine. This is more practical for human water consumption than for livestock. In Kenya the best advice for water treatment for excessive fluorine can be obtained from the Catholic Diocese in Nakuru.
- Manganese: influences estrus, ovulation, fetal development, udder development, milk production, growth and skeletal development. Requirements:
- Dairy cattle: 40 mg/kg of dry matter feed
- Beef cattle and sheep: 5-20 mg per kg dry matter feed
- Pigs: 10-20 mg/kg dry matter feed.
- Molybdenum: Important in poultry as it stimulates uric acid formation, and in ruminants stimulates action of rumen organisms. Molybdenum deficiencies have only been observed in poultry in special cases. Molybdenum supplementation is normally not recommended in livestock production.
Selenium: works in vitamin E absorption and utilization.
Requirements: about 0.1 mg or less per kg dry feed. Deficiency symptoms include: Nutritional muscular dystrophy in lambs and calves, retained placenta in cows, heart failure, paralysis, poor growth, low fertility, liver necrosis, pancreatic fibrosis in chicks. Many areas in Kenya are known to have selenium deficieny of the soils. If selenium deficiency is expected, a soil or feed sample can be sent to any of the major laboratories for analysis. Supplementation must be done very carefully as selenium in too large quantities is poisonous. 1 gram Selenium in the form of sodium selenite can be added to 10 kg dry feed in deficient areas (=10g or 2 teaspoons per 100kg feed- really not much). - Zinc: promotes growth and thriftiness. Promotes wound healing, related to hair and wool growth. Deficiencies mostly found in pigs fed on concrete floors. Deficiency symptoms include: general unthriftiness, poor growth, unhealthy looking hair, skin and wool, slow wound healing. Pigs can be supplemented with 50 mg of zinc per kg of dry feed or as trace mineralized salt.
A well balanced mineral salt mixture adjusted to local conditions is the easiest way to ensure good mineral balance in animal feeds.
Tables 3and 4 give mineral content of the most important feeds in Kenya (Jack Ouda, KARI NARL 2009)
Table 3:
Quality of some commonly available roughages in Kenya
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Table 4:
Quality of some commonly available concentrates and agro-industrial by-products in Kenya
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Vitamins in ruminant feeding
While all the different vitamins are essential for all livestock, under most conditions only vitamin A needs to be given attention in ruminant feeding. Carotene and/or Vit A can be stored in the liver and body tissues during periods of high intake and used during periods of low intake. Vitamin A is found in green plants, carrots and other feed stuff. Vitamin B is usually synthesized in the rumen of ruminants.For other animals it is beneficial to include small amounts of feed from animal origin to supply vitamin B12, as this vitamin is only found in animal products. Vitamin C will most of the time be enough in the green roughages eaten by ruminants , but non-ruminants will need access to green vegetation or vegetables to cover their vitamin C needs. Vitamin D gets produced when animals are exposed to direct sunlight, for which reason it is always advisable to give livestock a chance to spend time in the sun.
Vitamin A deficiencies in ruminants may include:
- Reduced feed intake
- Slow weight gains
- Night blindness
- Swollen hocks, knees, and brisket
- Total blindness
- Diarrhea
- Muscular incoordination
- Staggering gait
- Reduced sexual activity
- Low fertility in bulls
- Poor conception rates
- Abortion in cows
Vitamins in pig nutrition
Pigs need a lot more vitamin supplements than ruminants. As for ruminants Vitamin D can be produced by the pigs themselves if they are given a chance to spend time in direct sunlight. This does not always happen in today's pig production.
So recommendations for vitamins to pigs look as follows:- Vitamin A: Add 2-3 % good quality Lucerne meal or similar (such as dried crushed comfrey or amaranth leaves) to the normal pig rations. Another alternative can again be carrots if cheap enough and available.
- Vitamin D: Try to expose the pigs to sunlight. If this is not possible addition of Vitamin D supplementation is needed.
- Riboflavin: This is found in Lucerne meal, green plants, fish meal or milk products. If none of these are used in the pig feed, supplementation with riboflavin is recommended.
- Niacin: As most feeds are short of this vitamin, supplementation is recommended. Some good sources of Niacin include: rice and wheat bran, sunflower meal, brewers yeast and fish meal.
- Pantothenic Acid: Supplementation recommended with for example rice or wheat bran, rice polishings, sunflower meal, Lucerne meal, fish- or peanut meal, brewers yeast.
- Vitamin B12: This vitamin is only found in animal products such as fish meal, blood meal, or for open range pigs and poultry: insects, grubs, etc. If your pigs are mostly fed on soya meal for their protein, a small addition of fishmeal will be beneficial.
- Choline: Is usually sufficient in pig rations.
- Vitamin E: Effective vitamin E utilization is dependant on adequate selenium, and selenium is sometimes deficient in feed from some areas. If selenium content of feed is a problem also the production of vitamin E will be a problem. Ask advice on Vitamin E from your livestock nutritionist.
The values in table 5 for vitamin content of feed stuffs, should only be used as guidelines, as vitamin content depends on weather conditions where the crops are grown. However it can be seen which crops are able to produce the various essential vitamins
Table 5: Vitamin content of some feeds - American values (From Cullison 1987) as Kenya values are not available. It is assumed that similar products in Africa do not differ substancially in Vitamin composition, so the values indicated can be used when choosing which ingredients to balance your feeds from.
Alfalfa = Lucerne, Copra meal = coconut meal, Corn = Maize
Essential amino acids in some important feeds Essential amino acids in some important feeds
Essential amino acids in some important feeds Essential amino acids in some important feeds
Fiber Requirements
Domestic livestock require varying amounts of dietary fibre. Usually the fast growing animals such as broilers and piglets are fed a low fibre diet in order to be able to eat enough calories and protein for fast growth. This is however expensive, and it can be argued, results in lower quality meat production. Such low fiber diets also makes the animals susceptible to diseases, which has resulted in many feeds being added antibiotics as a preventative. Addition of antibiotics in animal feed has again led to traces of antibiotics in their meat, and the development of antibiotic resistant human disease bacteria, as humans are the ultimate consumers.For animals to lead a healthy life, they must consume enough dietary fibre to keep the stomach/ rumen healthy and functioning. Higher fibre diets are healthier, as also humans are starting to realize. However there are limits; too high content of fibre (lignin, dry cellulose) will fill the stomach without bringing enough nutrients along. Various livestock species have different adaptabilities to high fibre diets.
Water is a necessary compound of plants and animals. Growing plants contain 70-80% water and animals contain 70-90% water. Water has several important functions in the animal body such as regulation of body temperature, carrier of nutrients, regulation of tissue structure etc.Water is needed to make saliva for swallowing feed and for chewing the cud, for feed to be digested, to cool the body when it is too hot and to remove waste materials from the body in the urine and faeces. In addition a milking cow needs water for milk production. Lack of water will kill an animal faster then lack of any other nutrient. Lack of sufficient amounts of water or poor quality water will seriously reduce animal performance.Cattle:
It takes 5 litres of water to produce 1 litre of milk. Ideally, water should be available to dairy cattle at all times. If this in not possible, a rule of thumb is to supply 1litre of water for every 10 kg of live-weight of the cow plus 1.5 litres of water per 1 litre of milk produced.
It takes 5 litres of water to produce 1 litre of milk. Ideally, water should be available to dairy cattle at all times. If this in not possible, a rule of thumb is to supply 1litre of water for every 10 kg of live-weight of the cow plus 1.5 litres of water per 1 litre of milk produced.
The amount of water dairy cattle will drink is influenced by the quantity of dry matter ingested, composition of the diet, characteristics of the water, environmental temperatures and physiological state of the animal. Table 6 shows water requirements for dairy cows at different ambient temperatures based on dry matter intake requirements for production of 20 kg milk per day (NRC, 1988)
Table 6:
Water requirements for dairy cattle
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Feed additives
A feed additive is defined as a feed ingredient of non-nutritive nature that stimulates growth or other type of performance or improves the efficiency of feed utilization or that may be beneficial in some manner to the health or metabolism of the animal. Examples of feed additives for dairy cattle are anti-helmintics (Dewormers), anti-bloat agents, rumen buffers (NaHCO3, MgO), flavouring agents (Molasses), rumen microbes for fibre digestion (Yea sac) and growth promoters or hormone-like substances. In Kenya, feed additives are not commonly added to dairy cattle rations
At farm level, dairy cattle are exposed to many feeds, with diets varying in different regions and farming systems. The productivity of a dairy system is highly dependent on the quality of feeds. This is because the feed quality determines the intake and availability of ingested nutrients for utilization by the dairy cattle. Consequently, farmers are not only faced with the problem of knowing the quality of the feeds but also the factors that influence the quality. The objective of this chapter is to provide highlights of information about quality indicators of cattle feeds and backgrounds of some measurements of feed quality often encountered in dairy industry. The highlights include physical indicators and some scientific feed evaluation methods that can be employed to determine feed quality.
Physical indicators of feed quality
The physical nature of the feeds can pose serious limitations to efficient utilization of a feed or a ration comprised of several feed resources. However, the influence of physical attributes of feeds on quality is often ignored. Some of the physical aspects that can limit the quality and utilization of feeds in dairy production are briefly discussed:
Stage of growth
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Vetch (Vicia villosis) harvesting at the right stage of growth |
© T. P. Lanyasunya, Kenya |
Grass exhibiting difference in quality due to the impact of texture
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Grass exhibiting difference in quality due to the impact of texture |
© JO Ouda, KARI, Kenya |
Ratio of stem and foliage
It is important to have knowledge of the nutritive attributes of the various morphological components of the individual forages. The leaf is in most cases the most nutritive component, hence the need to consider the utilization of a forage when the biomass yield and leaf:stem ratio are optimal.
Where the cattle are stall fed, the particle size may play an important role in selection, intake and digestibility. For instance, the chop length of ensiled maize stovers have been shown to influence the selection where leafy parts are consumed more and the overall intake is reduced with increase in chop length. Also, where different feed resources are to be mixed, the particle size must be considered to enable homogeneity in mixing. Some ingredients necessary in the diets may not be in appropriate physical/textural form for cattle intake. Generally, cattle do not prefer powdery or finely processed feeds. Also, feed resources like molasses (semi-liquid) need to be mixed appropriately with a carrier feed. Some feed additives or supplements are better provided in pellet or lick block forms e.g. calf pellets and mineral licks.
Appearance and Colour
Generally, feeds have typical appearance, which the farmers are or should be familiar with. The appearance can be an important attraction to both farmers and animals. Deviation from the typical appearance should be taken seriously as this may have implication on quality. The colour of specific feed resources can be good indicators quality. Thus feed users need to know the typical colour of feeds so that when there is deviation from the norm, precaution can be observed. For most forages, green colour is a good indicator of quality. For instance, greenness may depict good growing conditions, hence abundance of nutrients. It may also indicate absence of diseases, pests and parasites. Appropriate colour can be used by farmers to judge the stage of harvesting.
Freshness of the feeds can be indicated by e.g. colour, smell and/or presence of mould. Generally, the cattle intake will be negatively affected as the feed deteriorates in freshness. Consumption of stale feed can harm the cattle due to toxicity.
Mould infested maize stovers as a result of poor conservation practice.
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Mould infested maize stovers as a result of poor conservation practice. |
© JO Ouda, Kenya |
Dairy meal contaminated with foreign objects.
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Dairy meal contaminated with foreign objects. |
© JO Ouda, Kenya |
Cattle, like most animals have natural instinct of preference. It is therefore possible that a good feed may be rejected because it unfamiliar. On other hand, rejection of certain feeds can be a good indicator of hidden factors which should be identified and eliminated to improve the intake. In this regard, it may be dangerous and unethical to provide such a feed in mixtures where the cattle are forced to consume it. It is therefore necessary to ascertain the factors causing rejection and the benefits of such a feed before its use.
Negative symptoms after feeding
Cattle may consume feeds normally, but there can be negative symptoms shown as result of the consumption of certain feeds. These may include diaorrhea, abnormal water intake, bloat, poor appetite, non-typical or unpleasant smells in products (e.g. milk) and excreta and of discomfort. Appropriate action must be to ascertain the quality aspects of the feed concerned when such negative effects are noted.
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Poorly nourished dairy cow and dairy cattle showing good nutrition status. |
© JO Ouda, KARI, Kenya |
Dairy cattle feed requirements
General nutritional requirement for livestock is listed under chapter Principles of Animal Nutrition.
Tab. 6 Estimation of live-weight of dairy cattle using chest girth measurements
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Live-weight of dairy cattle
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Animal nutrition and feed rations |
© Lanyasunya et al, KARI, Kenya |
Maximum dry matter intake
Animal feedstuff can be divided into two major components namely dry matter and water. The dry matter component consists of organic and inorganic matter. The organic matter consists of carbohydrates (source of energy), lipids and fats (source of energy), protein and vitamins. The inorganic matter is the source of macro- and micro-minerals. Since all nutrients are contained in the dry matter the animal must consume this portion in adequate amounts to obtain the required nutrients.If a feed is high in moisture, the animal may not be able to consume enough of the feed to obtain the required nutrients due to limitation of rumen space. Table 9 shows the maximum dry matter intake by dairy cattle of various live-weights.
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Dairy cattle under stall feeding; feed intake must adequately supply desired nutrients. |
© JO Ouda, KARI, Kenya |
Table 7 Estimated maximum daily dry matter intake by dairy cows (kg)
Cow live-weight (kg) | ||||||
Milk yield (4% Butter-fat) |
350 | 400 | 450 | 500 | 550 | 600 |
10 | 10.5 | 11.0 | 11.5 | 12.0 | 12.5 | 13.0 |
15 | 12.0 | 13.0 | 13.5 | 14.0 | 14.5 | 15.5 |
20 | 13.5 | 14.5 | 15.5 | 16.0 | 17.0 | 17.5 |
25 | 15.0 | 16.0 | 17.0 | 17.5 | 18.5 | 19.5 |
30 | 16.5 | 17.5 | 19.0 | 19.5 | 20.5 | 21.0 |
35 | 19.0 | 20.0 | 20.5 | 21.0 | 22.0 | 22.5 |
40 | 21.0 | 22.0 | 22.5 | 23.0 | 24.0 | 24.5 |
Maximum dry matter intake may also be estimated from the following equations:
Maximum daily Dry matter intake (kg/cow) = 0.025 (Live-weight in kg) + 0.1 (Kg of daily milk yield) or 3.0 % - 3.5 % of live-weight of cow (MAFF, 1975).
Maximum daily Dry matter intake (kg/cow) = 0.025 (Live-weight in kg) + 0.1 (Kg of daily milk yield) or 3.0 % - 3.5 % of live-weight of cow (MAFF, 1975).
Nutrient requirements for maintenance
The nutrient requirements for maintenance of animals are influenced by their live-weight, activity (e.g. walking long distance) and environmental temperature (too cold or too hot). Table 6 shows nutrient requirements for maintenance of dairy cattle of various live-weights (NRC, 1988).
Table 8 Daily nutrient requirements for maintenance of a dairy cow
Cow live-weight (kg) |
ME Energy
(MJ) |
Crude protein
(g) |
Calcium (g) | Phosphorus (g) |
350 | 45.5 | 294 | 14 | 10 |
400 | 50.3 | 318 | 16 | 11 |
450 | 54.9 | 341 | 18 | 13 |
500 | 59.4 | 364 | 20 | 14 |
550 | 63.8 | 386 | 22 | 16 |
600 | 68.1 | 406 | 24 | 17 |
Nutrient requirements for growth
The amount of nutrients required by an animal is equal to the nutrients in the tissue gained. Nutrients concentrations in deposited tissue are influenced by the animal rate of weight gain and the stage of growth or live-weight. The nutrients required for growth by dairy cattle of various live-weights are given in Table 11 (NRC,1988).Table 9
Daily nutrient requirements for growth of dairy cattle
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Nutrient requirements for milk production
When feeding a dairy cow the aim should be to maximize milk yield by meeting cow's feed requirements. Requirements for milk production will depend on the amount of milk produced by the cow, energy content of milk which is indicated by fat content (the higher the fat content the higher the energy required). Table 10 Nutrient requirements for production of 1 kg of milk of various butter fat contents
Milk BF (%) | ME Energy
(MJ) |
Crude protein
(g) |
(g) |
(g) |
3.0 | 4.5 | 78 | 2.7 | 1.7 |
3.5 | 4.8 | 84 | 3.0 | 1.8 |
4.0 | 5.2 | 90 | 3.2 | 2.0 |
4.5 | 5.5 | 96 | 3.5 | 2.1 |
5.0 | 5.9 | 101 | 3.7 | 2.3 |
5.5 | 6.2 | 107 | 3.9 | 2.4 |
Ration formulation guidelines
Dairy farming is a serious business and therefore farmers need to make profit in order to meet family needs. Feed rations fed to dairy cattle either originate from the farm or are purchased. In order to minimize feed wastage and to overcome the problem of low levels of production, dairy rations need to be efficiently utilized by the animal. A cow fed on balanced ration will utilize the feed more efficiently and hence it production will be better than a cow fed on imbalanced rations. Feed rations that are offered to dairy cows are considered balanced if they provide adequate nutrients (Carbohydrates, protein and minerals) to meet the animal requirements for maintenance, reproduction, growth and milk production.
Proportions of basal diet and supplement in a dairy cow ration
The cheapest feed for milk production is good quality roughage. However, quality of roughage fed to dairy cattle is usually low resulting in sub-optimal levels of production. Further increase in production can therefore be achieved by the use of supplements. Among the factors influencing the quantities of roughage and supplements offered are their quality and level of production of dairy cattle. Table 13 shows simple guidelines on proportions of basal diet and supplements depending on levels of milk production in dairy cattle. Table 11: Proportion of basal diet and supplements in dairy cattle rations
Milk yield (kg/day) | Basal diet DM (%) | Supplement DM (%) |
10-14 | 70 | 30 |
15-19 | 60 | 40 |
20-24 | 50 | 50 |
25-29 | 40 | 60 |
30-34 | 30 | 70 |
35-40 | 20 | 80 |
Total mixed rations (TMR's)
Dairy cattle feeding as practiced by most farmers (roughage feeding followed by concentrate feeding at milking), may not meet all the nutrient requirements of the animal. Fluctuations in rumen fermentation and supply of nutrients to the mammary glands occur when basal diet and concentrates are offered to dairy cattle at different times. This has a negative effect on productivity of the animal because requirements are met mostly for one nutrient and not the other nutrient and thus the ration is not balanced. To overcome this problem, a total mixed ration can be formulated (Tables 11 and 12).
Limitations of Total Mixed Rations
- Lack of technical skills and knowledge by farmer and extension officers
- Narrow feed resource base at farm level
- Cost of feed ingredients, processing and mixing equipment may be high for small scale farmers
Advantages of TMR's
- Nutritional balanced diet is supplied to the animal 24 hours a day for maximum productivity
- Convenience of feeding a single meal per day
- Minimise selection and hence wastage of feed by the animal
Table 12 Simple total mixed ration for a dairy cow (DM basis)
Feedstuff | % |
Rhodes hay | 66 |
Dairy meal | 33 |
Maclick super | 1 |
Total | 100 |
Table 13 Total mixed ration made from several feed ingredients (DM basis)
Feedstuff | % |
Napier grass | 65 |
Lucerne hay | 4 |
Maize germ | 18 |
Wheat pollard | 4 |
Soya meal | 2 |
Cotton seed cake | 6 |
Maclick super | 1 |
Total | 100 |
Proportions of energy, protein and minerals in concentrates
Concentrates are needed to promote better utilization of low quality roughage and increase dairy production. Since availability and cost of commercial concentrates are limiting factors to small holder dairy production, formulation of inexpensive home-made concentrates is a necessity. Various combinations of feed ingredients can be compounded depending upon the costs of ingredients and costs per unit protein and energy (Table 14).Table 14 Proportion of energy, protein and minerals in concentrates for dairy cattle
Nutrient | % |
Energy feed ingredient | 68 |
Protein feed ingredient | 30 |
Mineral feed ingredient | 2 |
Total | 100 |
Table 15 Example of how to mix a high yielder home-made concentrate
Nutrient | % |
Maize germ | 74 |
Cotton seed cake | 20 |
Fish meal | 4 |
Maclick super | 2 |
Total | 100 |
a) Formulation of rations using a single Pearson square
Assume you want to make a dairy meal with 16% crude protein (CP) using cotton seed cake (CSC) and maize germ (MG). The CSC provides 35 % CP while MG provides 10.6 % CP. Arrange the information as shown in the square below. In the middle of the square is desired value of the nutrient. On the left are the two ingredients with their nutrient content. Subtract diagonally (lesser from the larger) or disregard the sign.![]() |
Mix 5.4 parts of CSC with 19 parts of MG. Expressed as % (100 kg feed) this gives: 5.4/24.4*100 = 22.1 % of CSC 19/25*100 = 77.9 % of MG
Check to confirm the CP value. CSC 22.1*35/100 = 7.74 MG 77.9*10.6/100 = 8.26 Total 16
One ingredient must be higher in the nutrient (e.g 35 % CP for CSC) than the desired value (e.g. 16 % CP for dairy meal). The other ingredient must be lower in the nutrient (e.g. 10.6 % CP for MG) than the desired value for dairy meal. No ration can be mixed with a higher value than the highest of the ingredients or vice versa. This method balances only one nutrient from two feedstuffs at a time
b) Formulation of rations using several Pearson square
In many instances, more than two feedstuffs and for more than one nutrient need to be balanced. A double Pearson square method may be used with four feedstuffs and two nutrients. This is accomplished using three Pearson squares. Example: Make a ration for a lactating cow of 18 % CP and ME of 12.0 MJ/ kg DM of ME using MG (10.6 % CP and 15.5 MJ/ kg DM), Poultry litter(PL) (16 % CP and 10.6 MJ/ kg DM), Cotton seed cake (35 % CP and 13.5 MJ/ kg DM) and Soyabean meal (47 % CP and 12.4 MJ/ kg DM).
Normally, two sets of a high energy and a high protein concentrates are chosen. The first two Pearson squares are used to balance for the first nutrient in both sets. The densities of the second nutrient in either mixture are calculated. Then the two mixtures are balanced in the third set for the second nutrient.
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Note: for ME to be >12.0 MJ/kg DM, MG must be used. For CP = 18 %, either CSC or soybean (SBM) can be used. Compute for ME in mix 1. MG (70*15.5/100) + CSC (30*13.5/100) =14.9 MJ/ kg DM
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Compute for ME
PL (93.5*10.6/100) + SBM (6.5 *12.4/100) = 10.7 MJ/ kg DM
Mix 3: CP=18 %, ME=12.0 MJ/ kg DM
Mix 1 = 14.9 1.3 = 31.0 % (Mix 1)
Mix 2 = 10.7 2.9 = 69.0 (Mix 2)
Total 4.2
Calculate ingredient composition
To avoid mixing three times, calculate the ingredient composition of the final mix.
Table 16 Final mix of raw materials when two nutrients are balanced
Ingredient | Mix 1 | Mix 2 | Amount of Mix 1 in Mix 3 |
Amount of Mix 2 in Mix 3 |
Final composition of ration |
Maize germ | 70 | 0 | 31.0 | 0 | 70*31.0/100 =21.7 |
Poultry litter | 0 | 93.5 | 0 | 69.0 | 93.5*69.0/100=64.5 |
Cotton seed cake | 30 | 0 | 31.0 | 0 | 30*31.0/100 =9.3 |
Soy bean meal | 0 | 6.5 | 0 | 69.0 | 6.5*69.0/100 =4.5 |
Table 17 Check for ME and CP
Ingredient | % In Ration |
CP % | ME, MJ/kg DM |
CP contribution | ME contribution |
Maize germ | 21.7 | 10.6 | 15.5 | 2.3 | 3.4 |
Poultry litter | 64.5 | 16.0 | 10.6 | 10.3 | 6.8 |
Cotton seed cake. | 9.3 | 35.0 | 13.5 | 3.3 | 1.3 |
Soybean meal | 4.5 | 47.0 | 12.4 | 2.1 | 0.6 |
Total | 18.0 | 12.1 |
c) Formulation of rations using an alternative procedure
If the following information is provided:
A cow weighing 450 kg and producing 20 kg/day of milk (4 % butter fat) is fed on a basal diet of Napier grass supplemented with dairy meal and Maclick super. How much of the Napier, dairy meal and minerals will meet the cows requirements.
From table 7 estimate maximum dry matter intake for a 450 kg cow producing 20 kg of milk (4 % butter fat) = 15.5 kg
From table 11 estimate proportions of Napier and dairy meal for a cow producing 20 kg/ day of milk
Napier grass = 15.5*50/100 = 7.75 kg
Dairy meal = 15.5*50/100 = 7.75 kg
From tables 3 and 4 estimate nutrients supplied by the feedstuffs and from tables 5 and 6 estimate nutrient requirements by a 450 kg cow producing 20 kg/ day of milk (4 % butter fat)
Table 18 Nutrients supplied by feeds and requirements to produce 20 kg/day of milk
DMI | ME | CP | Ca | P | |
(Kg/day) | (MJ/kg) | (g/day) | (g/day) | (g/day) | |
Feedstuffs | 15.6 | 155.8 | 1938 | 102.1 | 64.2 |
Requirements | 15.6 | 158.9 | 2141 | 82.0 | 53.0 |
Difference | 0.0 | -3.1 | -203 | +20.1 | +11.2 |
Estimate amount of feed to be fed to the cow per day
Napier = 7.75*1000/180 = 43.1 kg fresh Napier
With 5 % wastage allowance = 43.1 + (43.1*5/100) = 45 kg of fresh Napier
Dairy meal = 7.75 = 8.0 kg
Maclick = 100 g
d) Formulation of rations using computer software
Feeding standards are considered as minimum; hence the final mix should have at least the stated amounts. The Pearson square and the alternative method cannot give a least cost formulation.
Where more than two feed ingredients are available and more than two nutrients must be balanced and costs must be considered then linear programming (LP) must be used. The technique allows for simultaneous consideration of economical and nutritional parameters. The formulator must have a good understanding of the specifications and the techniques of formulation so as to enable interpretation of results.
Most of the performance drill of linear programming is a black box but it is good to know the basic concept to enable verification, interpretation and reformulation of formulas when necessary. A host of LP programs are available. In LP the fewer the constraints the more accurate are the results. But because of nutritional considerations these are necessary. However, with each additional constraint, cost of feeds increases.
Where more than two feed ingredients are available and more than two nutrients must be balanced and costs must be considered then linear programming (LP) must be used. The technique allows for simultaneous consideration of economical and nutritional parameters. The formulator must have a good understanding of the specifications and the techniques of formulation so as to enable interpretation of results.
Most of the performance drill of linear programming is a black box but it is good to know the basic concept to enable verification, interpretation and reformulation of formulas when necessary. A host of LP programs are available. In LP the fewer the constraints the more accurate are the results. But because of nutritional considerations these are necessary. However, with each additional constraint, cost of feeds increases.
Advantages of least cost formulation
- Avail cheap supply of nutrients
- Avoid unnecessary costs when one ingredient's price increases
- Determines critical price ranges before reworking the problems
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Dairy cattle under stall feeding; feed intake must adequately supply desired nutrients. |
© JO Ouda, KARI, Kenya |
- Cullison, A.E. and Lowrey, R.S. (1987). Feeds and Feeding (4th edition). Prentice-Hall Inc.. ISBN: 0-8359-1907-2 025
- Dryden, G. McL. (2008). Animal Nutrition Science. CABI, UK. ISBN: 978 1 84593 412 5.
- Etgen, W. M., James, R.E, and Reaves, P.M (1987). Dairy Cattle, Feeding and Management. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0-471-90891-1
- Haynes, C. (1985). Raising Chicken. TAB Books Inc. Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214, USA. ISBN: 0-8306-0963-6
- Pagot, J. (1992). Animal Production in the Tropics. The Macmillan Press Ltd, UK. ISBN: 0-333-53818-8.
- Lanyasunya et al, KARI, undated: Estimation of live-weight of dairy cattle using chest girth measurements
- MAFF 1975
- NRC1988