N () the fourteenth letter of English alphabet, is a vocal consonent, and, in allusion to its mode of formation, is called the dentinasal or linguanasal consonent. Its commoner sound is that heard in ran, done; but when immediately followed in the same word by the sound of g hard or k (as in single, sink, conquer), it usually represents the same sound as the digraph ng in sing, bring, etc. This is a simple but related sound, and is called the gutturo-nasal consonent. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 243-246. |
N (n.) A measure of space equal to half an M (or em); an en. |
Na (a. & adv.) No, not. See No. |
Nab (n.) The summit of an eminence. |
Nab (n.) The cock of a gunlock. |
Nab (n.) The keeper, or box into which the lock is shot. |
Nabbed (imp. & p. p.) of Nab |
Nabbing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nab |
Nab (v. t.) To catch or seize suddenly or unexpectedly. |
Nabit (n.) Pulverized sugar candy. |
Nabk (n.) The edible berries of the Zizyphys Lotus, a tree of Northern Africa, and Southwestern Europe. |
Nabob (n.) A deputy or viceroy in India; a governor of a province of the ancient Mogul empire. |
Nabob (n.) One who returns to Europe from the East with immense riches: hence, any man of great wealth. |
Nacarat (n.) A pale red color, with a cast of orange. |
Nacarat (n.) Fine linen or crape dyed of this color. |
Nacker (n.) See Nacre. |
Nacre (n.) A pearly substance which lines the interior of many shells, and is most perfect in the mother-of-pearl. [Written also nacker and naker.] See Pearl, and Mother-of-pearl. |
Nacreous (a.) Consisting of, or resembling, nacre; pearly. |
Nad () Alt. of Nadde |
Nadde () Had not. |
Nadder (n.) An adder. |
Nadir (n.) That point of the heavens, or lower hemisphere, directly opposite the zenith; the inferior pole of the horizon; the point of the celestial sphere directly under the place where we stand. |
Nadir (n.) The lowest point; the time of greatest depression. |
Naenia (n.) See Nenia. |
Naeve (n.) A naevus. |
Naevoid (a.) Resembling a naevus or naevi; as, naevoid elephantiasis. |
Naevose (a.) Spotted; frecled. |
Naevi (pl. ) of Navus |
Navus (n.) A spot or mark on the skin of children when born; a birthmark; -- usually applied to vascular tumors, i. e., those consisting mainly of blood vessels, as dilated arteries, veins, or capillaries. |
Nag (n.) A small horse; a pony; hence, any horse. |
Nag (n.) A paramour; -- in contempt. |
Nagged (imp. & p. p.) of Nag |
Nagging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nag |
Nag (v. t. & i.) To tease in a petty way; to scold habitually; to annoy; to fret pertinaciously. |
Nagging (a.) Fault-finding; teasing; persistently annoying; as, a nagging toothache. |
Naggy (a.) Irritable; touchy. |
Nagor (n.) A West African gazelle (Gazella redunca). |
Nagyagite (n.) A mineral of blackish lead-gray color and metallic luster, generally of a foliated massive structure; foliated tellurium. It is a telluride of lead and gold. |
Naiad (n.) A water nymph; one of the lower female divinities, fabled to preside over some body of fresh water, as a lake, river, brook, or fountain. |
Naiad (n.) Any species of a tribe (Naiades) of freshwater bivalves, including Unio, Anodonta, and numerous allied genera; a river mussel. |
Naiad (n.) One of a group of butterflies. See Nymph. |
Naiad (n.) Any plant of the order Naiadaceae, such as eelgrass, pondweed, etc. |
Naiant (a.) See Natant. |
Naid (n.) Any one of numerous species of small, fresh-water, chaetopod annelids of the tribe Naidina. They belong to the Oligochaeta. |
Naif (a.) Having a true natural luster without being cut; -- applied by jewelers to a precious stone. |
Naif (a.) Naive; as, a naif remark. |
Naik (n.) A chief; a leader; a Sepoy corporal. |
Nail (n.) the horny scale of plate of epidermis at the end of the fingers and toes of man and many apes. |
Nail (n.) The basal thickened portion of the anterior wings of certain hemiptera. |
Nail (n.) The terminal horny plate on the beak of ducks, and other allied birds. |
Nail (n.) A slender, pointed piece of metal, usually with a head, used for fastening pieces of wood or other material together, by being driven into or through them. |
Nail (a.) A measure of length, being two inches and a quarter, or the sixteenth of a yard. |
Nailed (imp. & p. p.) of Nail |
Nailing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nail |
Nail (n.) To fasten with a nail or nails; to close up or secure by means of nails; as, to nail boards to the beams. |
Nail (n.) To stud or boss with nails, or as with nails. |
Nail (n.) To fasten, as with a nail; to bind or hold, as to a bargain or to acquiescence in an argument or assertion; hence, to catch; to trap. |
Nail (n.) To spike, as a cannon. |
Nailbrush (n.) A brush for cleaning the nails. |
Nailer (n.) One whose occupation is to make nails; a nail maker. |
Nailer (n.) One who fastens with, or drives, nails. |
Naileress (n.) A women who makes nailes. |
Naileries (pl. ) of Nailery |
Nailery () A manufactory where nails are made. |
Nail-headed (a.) Having a head like that of a nail; formed so as to resemble the head of a nail. |
Nailless (a.) Without nails; having no nails. |
Nainsook (n.) A thick sort of jaconet muslin, plain or striped, formerly made in India. |
Nais (n.) See Naiad. |
Naissant (a.) Same as Jessant. |
Naive (a.) Having native or unaffected simplicity; ingenuous; artless; frank; as, naive manners; a naive person; naive and unsophisticated remarks. |
Naively (adv.) In a naive manner. |
Naivete (n.) Native simplicity; unaffected plainness or ingenuousness; artlessness. |
Naivety (n.) Naivete. |
Nake (v.t.) To make naked. |
Naked (a.) Having no clothes on; uncovered; nude; bare; as, a naked body; a naked limb; a naked sword. |
Naked (a.) Having no means of defense or protection; open; unarmed; defenseless. |
Naked (a.) Unprovided with needful or desirable accessories, means of sustenance, etc.; destitute; unaided; bare. |
Naked (a.) Without addition, exaggeration, or excuses; not concealed or disguised; open to view; manifest; plain. |
Naked (a.) Mere; simple; plain. |
Naked (a.) Without pubescence; as, a naked leaf or stem; bare, or not covered by the customary parts, as a flower without a perianth, a stem without leaves, seeds without a pericarp, buds without bud scales. |
Naked (a.) Not having the full complement of tones; -- said of a chord of only two tones, which requires a third tone to be sounded with them to make the combination pleasing to the ear; as, a naked fourth or fifth. |
Nakedly (adv.) In a naked manner; without covering or disguise; manifestly; simply; barely. |
Nakedness (n.) The condition of being naked. |
Nakedness (n.) The privy parts; the genitals. |
Naker (n.) Same as Nacre. |
Naker (n.) A kind of kettledrum. |
Nakoo (n.) The gavial. |
Nale (n.) Ale; also, an alehouse. |
Nall (n.) An awl. |
Nam () Am not. |
Nam () imp. of Nim. |
Namable (a.) Capable of being named. |
Namation (n.) A distraining or levying of a distress; an impounding. |
Namaycush (n.) A large North American lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). It is usually spotted with red, and sometimes weighs over forty pounds. Called also Mackinaw trout, lake trout, lake salmon, salmon trout, togue, and tuladi. |
Namby-pamby (n.) Talk or writing which is weakly sentimental or affectedly pretty. |
Namby-pamby (a.) Affectedly pretty; weakly sentimental; finical; insipid. |
Name (n.) The title by which any person or thing is known or designated; a distinctive specific appellation, whether of an individual or a class. |
Name (n.) A descriptive or qualifying appellation given to a person or thing, on account of a character or acts. |
Name (n.) Reputed character; reputation, good or bad; estimation; fame; especially, illustrious character or fame; honorable estimation; distinction. |
Name (n.) Those of a certain name; a race; a family. |
Name (n.) A person, an individual. |
Named (imp. & p. p.) of Name |
Naming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Name |
Name (n.) To give a distinctive name or appellation to; to entitle; to denominate; to style; to call. |
Name (n.) To mention by name; to utter or publish the name of; to refer to by distinctive title; to mention. |
Name (n.) To designate by name or specifically for any purpose; to nominate; to specify; to appoint; as, to name a day for the wedding. |
Name (n.) To designate (a member) by name, as the Speaker does by way of reprimand. |
Nameless (a.) Without a name; not having been given a name; as, a nameless star. |
Nameless (a.) Undistinguished; not noted or famous. |
Nameless (a.) Not known or mentioned by name; anonymous; as, a nameless writer. |
Nameless (a.) Unnamable; indescribable; inexpressible. |
Namelessly (adv.) In a nameless manner. |
Namely (adv.) By name; by particular mention; specifically; especially; expressly. |
Namely (adv.) That is to say; to wit; videlicet; -- introducing a particular or specific designation. |
Namer (n.) One who names, or calls by name. |
Namesake (n.) One that has the same name as another; especially, one called after, or named out of regard to, another. |
Namo (adv.) No more. |
Nan (inerj.) Anan. |
Nandine (n.) An African carnivore (Nandinia binotata), allied to the civets. It is spotted with black. |
Nandou (n.) Alt. of Nandu |
Nandu (n.) Any one of three species of South American ostriches of the genera Rhea and Pterocnemia. See Rhea. |
Nankeen (n.) A species of cloth, of a firm texture, originally brought from China, made of a species of cotton (Gossypium religiosum) that is naturally of a brownish yellow color quite indestructible and permanent. |
Nankeen (n.) An imitation of this cloth by artificial coloring. |
Nankeen (n.) Trousers made of nankeen. |
Nanny (n.) A diminutive of Ann or Anne, the proper name. |
Nannyberry (n.) See Sheepberry. |
Nanpie (n.) The magpie. |
Naos (n.) A term used by modern archaeologists instead of cella. See Cella. |
Napped (imp. & p. p.) of Nap |
Napping (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nap |
Nap (v. i.) To have a short sleep; to be drowsy; to doze. |
Nap (v. i.) To be in a careless, secure state. |
Nap (n.) A short sleep; a doze; a siesta. |
Nap (n.) Woolly or villous surface of felt, cloth, plants, etc.; an external covering of down, of short fine hairs or fibers forming part of the substance of anything, and lying smoothly in one direction; the pile; -- as, the nap of cotton flannel or of broadcloth. |
Nap (n.) The loops which are cut to make the pile, in velvet. |
Nap (v. t.) To raise, or put, a nap on. |
Nape (n.) The back part of the neck. |
Nape-crest (n.) An African bird of the genus Schizorhis, related to the plantain eaters. |
Naperies (pl. ) of Napery |
Napery (n.) Table linen; also, linen clothing, or linen in general. |
Napha water () A perfume distilled from orange flowers. |
Naphew (n.) See Navew. |
Naphtha (n.) The complex mixture of volatile, liquid, inflammable hydrocarbons, occurring naturally, and usually called crude petroleum, mineral oil, or rock oil. Specifically: That portion of the distillate obtained in the refinement of petroleum which is intermediate between the lighter gasoline and the heavier benzine, and has a specific gravity of about 0.7, -- used as a solvent for varnishes, as a carburetant, illuminant, etc. |
Naphtha (n.) One of several volatile inflammable liquids obtained by the distillation of certain carbonaceous materials and resembling the naphtha from petroleum; as, Boghead naphtha, from Boghead coal (obtained at Boghead, Scotland); crude naphtha, or light oil, from coal tar; wood naphtha, from wood, etc. |
Naphthalate (n.) A salt of naphthalic acid; a phthalate. |
Naphthalene (n.) A white crystalline aromatic hydrocarbon, C10H8, analogous to benzene, and obtained by the distillation of certain bituminous materials, such as the heavy oil of coal tar. It is the type and basis of a large number of derivatives among organic compounds. Formerly called also naphthaline. |
Naphthalenic (a.) Pertaining to , or derived from, naphthalene; -- used specifically to designate a yellow crystalline substance, called naphthalenic acid and also hydroxy quinone, and obtained from certain derivatives of naphthol. |
Naphthalic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or related to, naphthalene; -- used specifically to denote any one of a series of acids derived from naphthalene, and called naphthalene acids. |
Naphthalic (a.) Formerly, designating an acid probably identical with phthalic acid. |
Naphthalidine (n.) Same as Naphthylamine. |
Naphthalin (n.) Alt. of Naphthaline |
Naphthaline (n.) See Naphthalene. |
Naphthalize (v. t.) To mingle, saturate, or impregnate, with naphtha. |
Naphthazarin (n.) A dyestuff, resembling alizarin, obtained from naphthoquinone as a red crystalline substance with a bright green, metallic luster; -- called also naphthalizarin. |
Naphthene (n.) A peculiar hydrocarbon occuring as an ingredient of Caucasian petroleum. |
Naphthide (n.) A compound of naphthalene or its radical with a metallic element; as, mercuric naphthide. |
Naphthoic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or related to, naphthalene; -- used specifically to designate any one of a series of carboxyl derivatives, called naphthoic acids. |
Naphthol (n.) Any one of a series of hydroxyl derivatives of naphthalene, analogous to phenol. In general they are crystalline substances with a phenol (carbolic) odor. |
Naphthoquinone (n.) A yellow crystalline substance, C10H6O2, analogous to quinone, obtained by oxidizing naphthalene with chromic acid. |
Naphthyl (n.) A hydrocarbon radical regarded as the essential residue of naphthalene. |
Naphthylamine (n.) One of two basic amido derivatives of naphthalene, C10H7.NH2, forming crystalline solids. |
Napierian (a.) Alt. of Naperian |
Naperian (a.) Of, pertaining to, or discovered by, Napier, or Naper. |
Napier's bones () Alt. of Napier's rods |
Napier's rods () A set of rods, made of bone or other material, each divided into nine spaces, and containing the numbers of a column of the multiplication table; -- a contrivance of Baron Napier, the inventor of logarithms, for facilitating the operations of multiplication and division. |
Napiform (a.) Turnip-shaped; large and round in the upper part, and very slender below. |
Napkin (n.) A little towel, or small cloth, esp. one for wiping the fingers and mouth at table. |
Napkin (n.) A handkerchief. |
Napless (a.) Without nap; threadbare. |
Naples yellow () See under Yellow. |
Napoleon (n.) A French gold coin of twenty francs, or about $3.86. |
Napoleonic (a.) Of or pertaining to Napoleon I., or his family; resembling, or having the qualities of, Napoleon I. |
Napoleonist (n.) A supporter of the dynasty of the Napoleons. |
Nappe (n.) Sheet; surface; all that portion of a surface that is continuous in such a way that it is possible to pass from any one point of the portion to any other point of the portion without leaving the surface. Thus, some hyperboloids have one nappe, and some have two. |
Nappiness (n.) The quality of having a nap; abundance of nap, as on cloth. |
Napping (n.) The act or process of raising a nap, as on cloth. |
Napping (n.) A sheet of partially felted fur before it is united to the hat body. |
Nappy (a.) Inclined to sleep; sleepy; as, to feel nappy. |
Nappy (a.) Tending to cause sleepiness; serving to make sleepy; strong; heady; as, nappy ale. |
Nappy (a.) Having a nap or pile; downy; shaggy. |
Nappies (pl. ) of Nappy |
Nappy (n.) A round earthen dish, with a flat bottom and sloping sides. |
Nap-taking (n.) A taking by surprise; an unexpected onset or attack. |
Napu (n.) A very small chevrotain (Tragulus Javanicus), native of Java. It is about the size of a hare, and is noted for its agility in leaping. Called also Java musk deer, pygmy musk deer, and deerlet. |
Napus (n.) A kind of turnip. See Navew. |
Narceine (n.) An alkaloid found in small quantities in opium, and extracted as a white crystalline substance of a bitter astringent taste. It is a narcotic. Called also narceia. |
Narcissine (a.) Of or pertaining to Narcissus. |
Narcissuses (pl. ) of Narcissus |
Narcissus (n.) A genus of endogenous bulbous plants with handsome flowers, having a cup-shaped crown within the six-lobed perianth, and comprising the daffodils and jonquils of several kinds. |
Narcissus (n.) A beautiful youth fabled to have been enamored of his own image as seen in a fountain, and to have been changed into the flower called Narcissus. |
Narcosis (n.) Privation of sense or consciousness, due to a narcotic. |
Narcotic (a.) Having the properties of a narcotic; operating as a narcotic. |
Narcotic (n.) A drug which, in medicinal doses, generally allays morbid susceptibility, relieves pain, and produces sleep; but which, in poisonous doses, produces stupor, coma, or convulsions, and, when given in sufficient quantity, causes death. The best examples are opium (with morphine), belladonna (with atropine), and conium. |
Narcotical (a.) Narcotic. |
Narcotine (n.) An alkaloid found in opium, and extracted as a white crystalline substance, tasteless and less poisonous than morphine; -- called also narcotia. |
Narcotinic (a.) Pertaining to narcotine. |
Narcotism (n.) Narcosis; the state of being narcotized. |
Narcotized (imp. & p. p.) of Narcotize |
Narcotizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Narcotize |
Narcotize (v. t.) To imbue with, or subject to the influence of, a narcotic; to put into a state of narcosis. |
Nard (n.) An East Indian plant (Nardostachys Jatamansi) of the Valerian family, used from remote ages in Oriental perfumery. |
Nard (n.) An ointment prepared partly from this plant. See Spikenard. |
Nard (n.) A kind of grass (Nardus stricta) of little value, found in Europe and Asia. |
Nardine (a.) Of or pertaining to nard; having the qualities of nard. |
Nardoo (n.) An Australian name for Marsilea Drummondii, a four-leaved cryptogamous plant, sometimes used for food. |
Nare (n.) A nostril. |
Nares (n. pl.) The nostrils or nasal openings, -- the anterior nares being the external or proper nostrils, and the posterior nares, the openings of the nasal cavities into the mouth or pharynx. |
Nargile (n.) Alt. of Nargileh |
Nargileh (n.) An apparatus for smoking tobacco. It has a long flexible tube, and the smoke is drawn through water. |
Narica (n.) The brown coati. See Coati. |
Nariform (a.) Formed like the nose. |
Narine (a.) Of or belonging to the nostrils. |
Narrable (a.) Capable of being narrated or told. |
Narragansetts (n. pl.) A tribe of Indians who formerly inhabited the shores of Narragansett Bay. |
Narrated (imp. & p. p.) of Narrate |
Narrating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Narrate |
Narrate (v. t.) To tell, rehearse, or recite, as a story; to relate the particulars of; to go through with in detail, as an incident or transaction; to give an account of. |
Narration (n.) The act of telling or relating the particulars of an event; rehearsal; recital. |
Narration (n.) That which is related; the relation in words or writing of the particulars of any transaction or event, or of any series of transactions or events; story; history. |
Narration (n.) That part of a discourse which recites the time, manner, or consequences of an action, or simply states the facts connected with the subject. |
Narrative (a.) Of or pertaining to narration; relating to the particulars of an event or transaction. |
Narrative (a.) Apt or inclined to relate stories, or to tell particulars of events; story-telling; garrulous. |
Narrative (n.) That which is narrated; the recital of a story; a continuous account of the particulars of an event or transaction; a story. |
Narratively (adv.) In the style of narration. |
Narrator (n.) One who narrates; one who relates a series of events or transactions. |
Narratory (a.) Giving an account of events; narrative; as, narratory letters. |
Narre (a.) Nearer. |
Narrow (superl.) Of little breadth; not wide or broad; having little distance from side to side; as, a narrow board; a narrow street; a narrow hem. |
Narrow (superl.) Of little extent; very limited; circumscribed. |
Narrow (superl.) Having but a little margin; having barely sufficient space, time, or number, etc.; close; near; -- with special reference to some peril or misfortune; as, a narrow shot; a narrow escape; a narrow majority. |
Narrow (superl.) Limited as to means; straitened; pinching; as, narrow circumstances. |
Narrow (superl.) Contracted; of limited scope; illiberal; bigoted; as, a narrow mind; narrow views. |
Narrow (superl.) Parsimonious; niggardly; covetous; selfish. |
Narrow (superl.) Scrutinizing in detail; close; accurate; exact. |
Narrow (superl.) Formed (as a vowel) by a close position of some part of the tongue in relation to the palate; or (according to Bell) by a tense condition of the pharynx; -- distinguished from wide; as e (eve) and / (f/d), etc., from i (ill) and / (f/t), etc. See Guide to Pronunciation, / 13. |
Narrows (pl. ) of Narrow |
Narrow (n.) A narrow passage; esp., a contracted part of a stream, lake, or sea; a strait connecting two bodies of water; -- usually in the plural; as, The Narrows of New York harbor. |
Narrowed (imp. & p. p.) of Narrow |
Narrowing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Narrow |
Narrow (v. t.) To lessen the breadth of; to contract; to draw into a smaller compass; to reduce the width or extent of. |
Narrow (v. t.) To contract the reach or sphere of; to make less liberal or more selfish; to limit; to confine; to restrict; as, to narrow one's views or knowledge; to narrow a question in discussion. |
Narrow (v. t.) To contract the size of, as a stocking, by taking two stitches into one. |
Narrow (v. i.) To become less broad; to contract; to become narrower; as, the sea narrows into a strait. |
Narrow (v. i.) Not to step out enough to the one hand or the other; as, a horse narrows. |
Narrow (v. i.) To contract the size of a stocking or other knit article, by taking two stitches into one. |
Narrower (n.) One who, or that which, narrows or contracts. |
Narrowing (n.) The act of contracting, or of making or becoming less in breadth or extent. |
Narrowing (n.) The part of a stocking which is narrowed. |
Narrowly (adv.) With little breadth; in a narrow manner. |
Narrowly (adv.) Without much extent; contractedly. |
Narrowly (adv.) With minute scrutiny; closely; as, to look or watch narrowly; to search narrowly. |
Narrowly (adv.) With a little margin or space; by a small distance; hence, closely; hardly; barely; only just; -- often with reference to an avoided danger or misfortune; as, he narrowly escaped. |
Narrowly (adv.) Sparingly; parsimoniously. |
Narrow-minded (a.) Of narrow mental scope; illiberal; mean. |
Narrowness (n.) The condition or quality of being narrow. |
Nart () Art not. |
Narthex (n.) A tall umbelliferous plant (Ferula communis). See Giant fennel, under Fennel. |
Narthex (n.) The portico in front of ancient churches; sometimes, the atrium or outer court surrounded by ambulatories; -- used, generally, for any vestibule, lobby, or outer porch, leading to the nave of a church. |
Narwal (n.) See Narwhal. |
Narwe (a.) Narrow. |
Narwhal (n.) An arctic cetacean (Monodon monocerous), about twenty feet long. The male usually has one long, twisted, pointed canine tooth, or tusk projecting forward from the upper jaw like a horn, whence it is called also sea unicorn, unicorn fish, and unicorn whale. Sometimes two horns are developed, side by side. |
Nas () Was not. |
Nas () Has not. |
Nasal (a.) Of or pertaining to the nose. |
Nasal (a.) Having a quality imparted by means of the nose; and specifically, made by lowering the soft palate, in some cases with closure of the oral passage, the voice thus issuing (wholly or partially) through the nose, as in the consonants m, n, ng (see Guide to Pronunciation, // 20, 208); characterized by resonance in the nasal passage; as, a nasal vowel; a nasal utterance. |
Nasal (n.) An elementary sound which is uttered through the nose, or through both the nose and the mouth simultaneously. |
Nasal (n.) A medicine that operates through the nose; an errhine. |
Nasal (n.) Part of a helmet projecting to protect the nose; a nose guard. |
Nasal (n.) One of the nasal bones. |
Nasal (n.) A plate, or scale, on the nose of a fish, etc. |
Nasality (n.) The quality or state of being nasal. |
Nasalization (n.) The act of nasalizing, or the state of being nasalized. |
Nasalized (imp. & p. p.) of Nasalize |
Nasalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nasalize |
Nasalize (v. t.) To render nasal, as sound; to insert a nasal or sound in. |
Nasalize (v. t.) To utter words or letters with a nasal sound; to speak through the nose. |
Nasally (adv.) In a nasal manner; by the nose. |
Nascal (n.) A kind of pessary of medicated wool or cotton, formerly used. |
Nascency (n.) State of being nascent; birth; beginning; origin. |
Nascent (a.) Commencing, or in process of development; beginning to exist or to grow; coming into being; as, a nascent germ. |
Nascent (a.) Evolving; being evolved or produced. |
Naseberry (n.) A tropical fruit. See Sapodilla. |
Nash (a.) Firm; stiff; hard; also, chilly. |
Nasicornous (a.) Bearing a horn, or horns, on the nose, as the rhinoceros. |
Nasiform (a.) Having the shape of a nose. |
Nasion (n.) The middle point of the nasofrontal suture. |
Naso- () A combining form denoting pertaining to, or connected with, the nose; as, nasofrontal. |
Nasobuccal (a.) Connected with both the nose and the mouth; as, the nasobuccal groove in the skate. |
Nasofrontal (a.) Of or pertaining to the nose and the front of the head; as, the embryonic nasofrontal process which forms the anterior boundary of the mouth. |
Nasolachrymal (a.) Connected with the lachrymal apparatus and the nose; as, the nasolachrymal, or lachrymal duct. |
Nasopalatal (a.) Alt. of Nasopalatine |
Nasopalatine (a.) Connected with both the nose and the palate; as, the nasopalatine or incisor, canal connecting the mouth and the nasal chamber in some animals; the nasopalatine nerve. |
Nasopharyngeal (a.) Of or pertaining to both throat and nose; as, a nasopharyngeal polypus. |
Nasoseptal (a.) Of or pertaining to the internasal septum. |
Nasoturbinal (a.) Connected with, or near, both the turbinal and the nasal bones; as, the nasalturbinal bone, made up of the uppermost lammelae of the ethmoturbinal, and sometimes united with the nasal. |
Nasoturbinal (n.) The nasoturbinal bone. |
Nassas (pl. ) of Nassa |
NassAe (pl. ) of Nassa |
Nassa (n.) Any species of marine gastropods, of the genera Nassa, Tritia, and other allied genera of the family Nassidae; a dog whelk. See Illust. under Gastropoda. |
Nastily (adv.) In a nasty manner. |
Nastiness (n.) The quality or state of being nasty; extreme filthness; dirtiness; also, indecency; obscenity. |
Nasturtion (n.) Same as Nasturtium. |
Nasturtium (n.) A genus of cruciferous plants, having white or yellowish flowers, including several species of cress. They are found chiefly in wet or damp grounds, and have a pungent biting taste. |
Nasturtium (n.) Any plant of the genus Tropaeolum, geraniaceous herbs, having mostly climbing stems, peltate leaves, and spurred flowers, and including the common Indian cress (Tropaeolum majus), the canary-bird flower (T. peregrinum), and about thirty more species, all natives of South America. The whole plant has a warm pungent flavor, and the fleshy fruits are used as a substitute for capers, while the leaves and flowers are sometimes used in salads. |
Nasty (superl.) Offensively filthy; very dirty, foul, or defiled; disgusting; nauseous. |
Nasty (superl.) Hence, loosely: Offensive; disagreeable; unpropitious; wet; drizzling; as, a nasty rain, day, sky. |
Nasty (superl.) Characterized by obcenity; indecent; indelicate; gross; filthy. |
Nasute (a.) Having a nice sense of smell. |
Nasute (a.) Critically nice; captious. |
Nasutness (n.) Quickness of scent; hence, nice discernment; acuteness. |
Nat (adv.) Not. |
Nat () Not at; nor at. |
Natal (a.) Of or pertaining to one's birth; accompying or dating from one's birth; native. |
Natal (a.) Presiding over nativity; as, natal Jove. |
Natalitial (a.) Alt. of Natalitious |
Natalitious (a.) Of or pertaining to one's birth or birthday, or one's nativity. |
Nataloin (n.) A bitter crystalline substance constituting the essential principle of Natal aloes. Cf. Aloon. |
Natal plum () The drupaceous fruit of two South African shrubs of the genus Arduina (A. bispinosa and A. grandiflora). |
Natals (n. pl.) One's birth, or the circumstances attending it. |
Natant (a.) Floating in water, as the leaves of water lilies, or submersed, as those of many aquatic plants. |
Natant (a.) Placed horizontally across the field, as if swimmimg toward the dexter side; said of all sorts of fishes except the flying fish. |
Natantly (adv.) In a floating manner; swimmingly. |
Natation (n.) The act of floating on the water; swimming. |
Natatores (n. pl.) The swimming birds. |
Natatorial (a.) Inclined or adapted to swim; swimming; as, natatorial birds. |
Natatorious (a.) Adapted for swimming; -- said of the legs of certain insects. |
Natatorium (n.) A swimming bath. |
Natatory (a.) Adapted for swimming or floating; as, natatory organs. |
Natch (n.) The rump of beef; esp., the lower and back part of the rump. |
Natchez (n. pl.) A tribe of Indians who formerly lived near the site of the city of Natchez, Mississippi. In 1729 they were subdued by the French; the survivors joined the Creek Confederacy. |
Natchnee (n.) An annual grass (Eleusine coracona), cultivated in India as a food plant. |
Nates (n. pl.) The buttocks. |
Nates (n. pl.) The two anterior of the four lobes on the dorsal side of the midbrain of most mammals; the anterior optic lobes. |
Nates (n. pl.) The umbones of a bivalve shell. |
Nath () hath not. |
Nathless (conj.) Nevertheless. |
Nathmore (adv.) Not the more; never the more. |
Naticas (pl. ) of Natica |
NaticAe (pl. ) of Natica |
Natica (n.) Any one of numerous species of marine gastropods belonging to Natica, Lunatia, Neverita, and other allied genera (family Naticidae.) They burrow beneath the sand, or mud, and drill other shells. |
Naticoid (a.) Like or belonging to Natica, or the family Naticidae. |
Nation (n.) A part, or division, of the people of the earth, distinguished from the rest by common descent, language, or institutions; a race; a stock. |
Nation (n.) The body of inhabitants of a country, united under an independent government of their own. |
Nation (n.) Family; lineage. |
Nation (n.) One of the divisions of university students in a classification according to nativity, formerly common in Europe. |
Nation (n.) One of the four divisions (named from the parts of Scotland) in which students were classified according to their nativity. |
Nation (n.) A great number; a great deal; -- by way of emphasis; as, a nation of herbs. |
National (a.) Of or pertaining to a nation; common to a whole people or race; public; general; as, a national government, language, dress, custom, calamity, etc. |
National (a.) Attached to one's own country or nation. |
Nationalism (n.) The state of being national; national attachment; nationality. |
Nationalism (n.) An idiom, trait, or character peculiar to any nation. |
Nationalism (n.) National independence; the principles of the Nationalists. |
Nationalist (n.) One who advocates national unity and independence; one of a party favoring Irish independence. |
Nationalities (pl. ) of Nationality |
Nationality (n.) The quality of being national, or strongly attached to one's own nation; patriotism. |
Nationality (n.) The sum of the qualities which distinguish a nation; national character. |
Nationality (n.) A race or people, as determined by common language and character, and not by political bias or divisions; a nation. |
Nationality (n.) Existence as a distinct or individual nation; national unity and integrity. |
Nationality (n.) The state or quality of belonging to or being connected with a nation or government by nativity, character, ownership, allegiance, etc. |
Nationalization (n.) The act of nationalizing, or the state of being nationalized. |
Nationalized (imp. & p. p.) of Nationalize |
Nationalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nationalize |
Nationalize (v. t.) To make national; to make a nation of; to endow with the character and habits of a nation, or the peculiar sentiments and attachment of citizens of a nation. |
Nationally (adv.) In a national manner or way; as a nation. |
Nationalness (n.) The quality or state of being national; nationality. |
Native (a.) Arising by birth; having an origin; born. |
Native (a.) Of or pertaining to one's birth; natal; belonging to the place or the circumstances in which one is born; -- opposed to foreign; as, native land, language, color, etc. |
Native (a.) Born in the region in which one lives; as, a native inhabitant, race; grown or originating in the region where used or sold; not foreign or imported; as, native oysters, or strawberries. |
Native (a.) Original; constituting the original substance of anything; as, native dust. |
Native (a.) Conferred by birth; derived from origin; born with one; inherent; inborn; not acquired; as, native genius, cheerfulness, simplicity, rights, etc. |
Native (a.) Naturally related; cognate; connected (with). |
Native (a.) Found in nature uncombined with other elements; as, native silver. |
Native (a.) Found in nature; not artificial; as native sodium chloride. |
Native (n.) One who, or that which, is born in a place or country referred to; a denizen by birth; an animal, a fruit, or vegetable, produced in a certain region; as, a native of France. |
Native (n.) Any of the live stock found in a region, as distinguished from such as belong to pure and distinct imported breeds. |
Natively (adv.) By natural or original condition; naturally; originally. |
Nativeness (n.) The quality or state of being native. |
Nativism (n.) The disposition to favor the native inhabitants of a country, in preference to immigrants from foreign countries. |
Nativism (n.) The doctrine of innate ideas, or that the mind possesses forms of thought independent of sensation. |
Nativist (n.) An advocate of nativism. |
Nativistic (a.) Relating to nativism. |
Nativies (pl. ) of Nativity |
Nativity (n.) The coming into life or into the world; birth; also, the circumstances attending birth, as time, place, manner, etc. |
Nativity (n.) A picture representing or symbolizing the early infancy of Christ. The simplest form is the babe in a rude cradle, and the heads of an ox and an ass to express the stable in which he was born. |
Nativity (n.) A representation of the positions of the heavenly bodies as the moment of one's birth, supposed to indicate his future destinies; a horoscope. |
Natka (a.) A species of shrike. |
Natrium (n.) The technical name for sodium. |
Natrolite (n.) A zeolite occuring in groups of glassy acicular crystals, and in masses which often have a radiated structure. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and soda. |
Natron (n.) Native sodium carbonate. |
Natter (v. i.) To find fault; to be peevish. |
Natterjack (n.) A European toad (Bufo calamita), having a yellow line along its back. |
Natty (a.) Neat; tidy; spruce. |
Natural (a.) Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character; according to nature; essential; characteristic; not artifical, foreign, assumed, put on, or acquired; as, the natural growth of animals or plants; the natural motion of a gravitating body; natural strength or disposition; the natural heat of the body; natural color. |
Natural (a.) Conformed to the order, laws, or actual facts, of nature; consonant to the methods of nature; according to the stated course of things, or in accordance with the laws which govern events, feelings, etc.; not exceptional or violent; legitimate; normal; regular; as, the natural consequence of crime; a natural death. |
Natural (a.) Having to do with existing system to things; dealing with, or derived from, the creation, or the world of matter and mind, as known by man; within the scope of human reason or experience; not supernatural; as, a natural law; natural science; history, theology. |
Natural (a.) Conformed to truth or reality |
Natural (a.) Springing from true sentiment; not artifical or exaggerated; -- said of action, delivery, etc.; as, a natural gesture, tone, etc. |
Natural (a.) Resembling the object imitated; true to nature; according to the life; -- said of anything copied or imitated; as, a portrait is natural. |
Natural (a.) Having the character or sentiments properly belonging to one's position; not unnatural in feelings. |
Natural (a.) Connected by the ties of consanguinity. |
Natural (a.) Begotten without the sanction of law; born out of wedlock; illegitimate; bastard; as, a natural child. |
Natural (a.) Of or pertaining to the lower or animal nature, as contrasted with the higher or moral powers, or that which is spiritual; being in a state of nature; unregenerate. |
Natural (a.) Belonging to, to be taken in, or referred to, some system, in which the base is 1; -- said or certain functions or numbers; as, natural numbers, those commencing at 1; natural sines, cosines, etc., those taken in arcs whose radii are 1. |
Natural (a.) Produced by natural organs, as those of the human throat, in distinction from instrumental music. |
Natural (a.) Of or pertaining to a key which has neither a flat nor a sharp for its signature, as the key of C major. |
Natural (a.) Applied to an air or modulation of harmony which moves by easy and smooth transitions, digressing but little from the original key. |
Natural (n.) A native; an aboriginal. |
Natural (n.) Natural gifts, impulses, etc. |
Natural (n.) One born without the usual powers of reason or understanding; an idiot. |
Natural (n.) A character [/] used to contradict, or to remove the effect of, a sharp or flat which has preceded it, and to restore the unaltered note. |
Naturalism (n.) A state of nature; conformity to nature. |
Naturalism (n.) The doctrine of those who deny a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in spiritual influences; also, any system of philosophy which refers the phenomena of nature to a blind force or forces acting necessarily or according to fixed laws, excluding origination or direction by one intelligent will. |
Naturalist (n.) One versed in natural science; a student of natural history, esp. of the natural history of animals. |
Naturalist (n.) One who holds or maintains the doctrine of naturalism in religion. |
Naturalistic (a.) Belonging to the doctrines of naturalism. |
Naturalistic (a.) Closely resembling nature; realistic. |
Naturality (n.) Nature; naturalness. |
Naturalization (n.) The act or process of naturalizing, esp. of investing an alien with the rights and privileges of a native or citizen; also, the state of being naturalized. |
Naturalized (imp. & p. p.) of Naturalize |
Naturalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Naturalize |
Naturalize (v. t.) To make natural; as, custom naturalizes labor or study. |
Naturalize (v. t.) To confer the rights and privileges of a native subject or citizen on; to make as if native; to adopt, as a foreigner into a nation or state, and place in the condition of a native subject. |
Naturalize (v. t.) To receive or adopt as native, natural, or vernacular; to make one's own; as, to naturalize foreign words. |
Naturalize (v. t.) To adapt; to accustom; to habituate; to acclimate; to cause to grow as under natural conditions. |
Naturalize (v. i.) To become as if native. |
Naturalize (v. i.) To explain phenomena by natural agencies or laws, to the exclusion of the supernatural. |
Naturally (adv.) In a natural manner or way; according to the usual course of things; spontaneously. |
Naturalness (n.) The state or quality of being natural; conformity to nature. |
Nature (n.) The existing system of things; the world of matter, or of matter and mind; the creation; the universe. |
Nature (n.) The personified sum and order of causes and effects; the powers which produce existing phenomena, whether in the total or in detail; the agencies which carry on the processes of creation or of being; -- often conceived of as a single and separate entity, embodying the total of all finite agencies and forces as disconnected from a creating or ordering intelligence. |
Nature (n.) The established or regular course of things; usual order of events; connection of cause and effect. |
Nature (n.) Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artifical, or forced, or remote from actual experience. |
Nature (n.) The sum of qualities and attributes which make a person or thing what it is, as distinct from others; native character; inherent or essential qualities or attributes; peculiar constitution or quality of being. |
Nature (n.) Hence: Kind, sort; character; quality. |
Nature (n.) Physical constitution or existence; the vital powers; the natural life. |
Nature (n.) Natural affection or reverence. |
Nature (n.) Constitution or quality of mind or character. |
Nature (v. t.) To endow with natural qualities. |
Natured (a.) Having (such) a nature, temper, or disposition; disposed; -- used in composition; as, good-natured, ill-natured, etc. |
Natureless (a.) Not in accordance with nature; unnatural. |
Naturism (n.) The belief or doctrine that attributes everything to nature as a sanative agent. |
Naturist (n.) One who believes in, or conforms to, the theory of naturism. |
Naturity (n.) The quality or state of being produced by nature. |
Naturize (v. t.) To endow with a nature or qualities; to refer to nature. |
Naufrage (n.) Shipwreck; ruin. |
Naufragous (a.) causing shipwreck. |
Naught (adv.) Nothing. |
Naught (adv.) The arithmetical character 0; a cipher. See Cipher. |
Naught (adv.) In no degree; not at all. |
Naught (a.) Of no value or account; worthless; bad; useless. |
Naught (a.) Hence, vile; base; naughty. |
Naughtily (adv.) In a naughty manner; wickedly; perversely. |
Naughtiness (n.) The quality or state of being naughty; perverseness; badness; wickedness. |
Naughtly (adv.) Naughtily; wrongly. |
Naughty (superl.) Having little or nothing. |
Naughty (superl.) Worthless; bad; good for nothing. |
Naughty (superl.) hence, corrupt; wicked. |
Naughty (superl.) Mischievous; perverse; froward; guilty of disobedient or improper conduct; as, a naughty child. |
Naumachy (n.) A naval battle; esp., a mock sea fight. |
Naumachy (n.) A show or spectacle representing a sea fight; also, a place for such exhibitions. |
Nauplii (pl. ) of Nauplius |
Nauplius (n.) A crustacean larva having three pairs of locomotive organs (corresponding to the antennules, antennae, and mandibles), a median eye, and little or no segmentation of the body. |
Nauropometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the amount which a ship heels at sea. |
Nauscopy (n.) The power or act of discovering ships or land at considerable distances. |
Nausea (n.) Seasickness; hence, any similar sickness of the stomach accompanied with a propensity to vomit; qualm; squeamishness of the stomach; loathing. |
Nauseant (n.) A substance which produces nausea. |
Nauseated (imp. & p. p.) of Nauseate |
Nauseating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nauseate |
Nauseate (v. i.) To become squeamish; to feel nausea; to turn away with disgust. |
Nauseate (v. t.) To affect with nausea; to sicken; to cause to feel loathing or disgust. |
Nauseate (v. t.) To sicken at; to reject with disgust; to loathe. |
Nauseation (n.) The act of nauseating, or the state of being nauseated. |
Nauseative (a.) Causing nausea; nauseous. |
Nauseous (a.) Causing, or fitted to cause, nausea; sickening; loathsome; disgusting; exciting abhorrence; as, a nauseous drug or medicine. |
Nautch (n.) An entertainment consisting chiefly of dancing by professional dancing (or Nautch) girls. |
Nautic (a.) Nautical. |
Nautical (a.) Of or pertaining to seamen, to the art of navigation, or to ships; as, nautical skill. |
Nautically (adv.) In a nautical manner; with reference to nautical affairs. |
Nautiform (a.) Shaped like the hull of a ship. |
Nautilite (n.) A fossil nautilus. |
Nautiloid (a.) Like or pertaining to the nautilus; shaped like a nautilus shell. |
Nautiloid (n.) A mollusk, or shell, of the genus Nautilus or family Nautilidae. |
Nautiluses (pl. ) of Nautilus |
Nautili (pl. ) of Nautilus |
Nautilus (n.) The only existing genus of tetrabranchiate cephalopods. About four species are found living in the tropical Pacific, but many other species are found fossil. The shell is spiral, symmetrical, and chambered, or divided into several cavities by simple curved partitions, which are traversed and connected together by a continuous and nearly central tube or siphuncle. See Tetrabranchiata. |
Nautilus (n.) The argonaut; -- also called paper nautilus. See Argonauta, and Paper nautilus, under Paper. |
Nautilus (n.) A variety of diving bell, the lateral as well as vertical motions of which are controlled, by the occupants. |
Navajoes (n. pl.) A tribe of Indians inhabiting New Mexico and Arizona, allied to the Apaches. They are now largely engaged in agriculture. |
Naval (a.) Having to do with shipping; of or pertaining to ships or a navy; consisting of ships; as, naval forces, successes, stores, etc. |
Navals (n.pl.) Naval affairs. |
Navarch (n.) The commander of a fleet. |
Navarchy (n.) Nautical skill or experience. |
Navarrese (a.) Of or pertaining to Navarre. |
Navarrese (n. sing. & pl.) A native or inhabitant of Navarre; the people of Navarre. |
Nave (n.) The block in the center of a wheel, from which the spokes radiate, and through which the axle passes; -- called also hub or hob. |
Nave (n.) The navel. |
Nave (n.) The middle or body of a church, extending from the transepts to the principal entrances, or, if there are no transepts, from the choir to the principal entrance, but not including the aisles. |
Navel (n.) A mark or depression in the middle of the abdomen; the umbilicus. See Umbilicus. |
Navel (n.) The central part or point of anything; the middle. |
Navel (n.) An eye on the under side of a carronade for securing it to a carriage. |
Navel-string (n.) The umbilical cord. |
Navelwort (n.) A European perennial succulent herb (Cotyledon umbilicus), having round, peltate leaves with a central depression; -- also called pennywort, and kidneywort. |
Navew (n.) A kind of small turnip, a variety of Brassica campestris. See Brassica. |
Navicular (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a boat or ship. |
Navicular (a.) Shaped like a boat; cymbiform; scaphoid; as, the navicular glumes of most grasses; the navicular bone. |
Navicular (n.) The navicular bone. |
Navigability (n.) The quality or condition of being navigable; navigableness. |
Navigable (a.) Capable of being navigated; deep enough and wide enough to afford passage to vessels; as, a navigable river. |
Navigated (imp. & p. p.) of Navigate |
Navigating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Navigate |
Navigate (v. i.) To joirney by water; to go in a vessel or ship; to perform the duties of a navigator; to use the waters as a highway or channel for commerce or communication; to sail. |
Navigate (v. t.) To pass over in ships; to sail over or on; as, to navigate the Atlantic. |
Navigate (v. t.) To steer, direct, or manage in sailing; to conduct (ships) upon the water by the art or skill of seamen; as, to navigate a ship. |
Navigation (n.) The act of navigating; the act of passing on water in ships or other vessels; the state of being navigable. |
Navigation (n.) the science or art of conducting ships or vessels from one place to another, including, more especially, the method of determining a ship's position, course, distance passed over, etc., on the surface of the globe, by the principles of geometry and astronomy. |
Navigation (n.) The management of sails, rudder, etc.; the mechanics of traveling by water; seamanship. |
Navigation (n.) Ships in general. |
Navigator (n.) One who navigates or sails; esp., one who direct the course of a ship, or one who is skillful in the art of navigation; also, a book which teaches the art of navigation; as, Bowditch's Navigator. |
Navigerous (a.) Bearing ships; capable of floating vessels. |
Navies (pl. ) of Navvy |
Navvy (n.) Originally, a laborer on canals for internal navigation; hence, a laborer on other public works, as in building railroads, embankments, etc. |
Navies (pl. ) of Navy |
Navy (n.) A fleet of ships; an assemblage of merchantmen, or so many as sail in company. |
Navy (n.) The whole of the war vessels belonging to a nation or ruler, considered collectively; as, the navy of Italy. |
Navy (n.) The officers and men attached to the war vessels of a nation; as, he belongs to the navy. |
Nawab (n.) A deputy ruler or viceroy in India; also, a title given by courtesy to other persons of high rank in the East. |
Nawl (n.) An awl. |
Nay (adv.) No; -- a negative answer to a question asked, or a request made, now superseded by no. See Yes. |
Nay (adv.) Not this merely, but also; not only so, but; -- used to mark the addition or substitution of a more explicit or more emphatic phrase. |
Nays (pl. ) of Nay |
Nay (n.) Denial; refusal. |
Nay (n.) a negative vote; one who votes in the negative. |
Nay (v. t. & i.) To refuse. |
Nayaur (n.) A specied of wild sheep (Ovis Hodgsonii), native of Nepaul and Thibet. It has a dorsal mane and a white ruff beneath the neck. |
Nayt (v. t.) To refuse; to deny. |
Nayward (n.) The negative side. |
Nayword (n.) A byword; a proverb; also, a watchword. |
Nazarene (n.) A native or inhabitant of Nazareth; -- a term of contempt applied to Christ and the early Christians. |
Nazarene (n.) One of a sect of Judaizing Christians in the first and second centuries, who observed the laws of Moses, and held to certain heresies. |
Nazarite (n.) A Jew bound by a vow to lave the hair uncut, to abstain from wine and strong drink, and to practice extraordinary purity of life and devotion, the obligation being for life, or for a certain time. The word is also used adjectively. |
Nazariteship (n.) The state of a Nazarite. |
Nazaritic (a.) Of or pertaining to a Nazarite, or to Nazarites. |
Nazaritism (n.) The vow and practice of a Nazarite. |
Naze (n.) A promotory or headland. |
Nazirite (n.) A Nazarite. |
Ne (adv.) Not; never. |
Ne (adv.) Nor. |
Neaf (n.) See 2d Neif. |
Neal (v. t.) To anneal. |
Neal (v. i.) To be tempered by heat. |
Neap (n.) The tongue or pole of a cart or other vehicle drawn by two animals. |
Neap (a.) Low. |
Neap (n.) A neap tide. |
Neaped (a.) Left aground on the height of a spring tide, so that it will not float till the next spring tide; -- called also beneaped. |
Neapolitan (a.) Of of pertaining to Naples in Italy. |
Neapolitan (n.) A native or citizen of Naples. |
Near (adv.) At a little distance, in place, time, manner, or degree; not remote; nigh. |
Near (adv.) Nearly; almost; well-nigh. |
Near (adv.) Closely; intimately. |
Near (adv.) Not far distant in time, place, or degree; not remote; close at hand; adjacent; neighboring; nigh. |
Near (adv.) Closely connected or related. |
Near (adv.) Close to one's interests, affection, etc.; touching, or affecting intimately; intimate; dear; as, a near friend. |
Near (adv.) Close to anything followed or imitated; not free, loose, or rambling; as, a version near to the original. |
Near (adv.) So as barely to avoid or pass injury or loss; close; narrow; as, a near escape. |
Near (adv.) Next to the driver, when he is on foot; in the Unted States, on the left of an animal or a team; as, the near ox; the near leg. See Off side, under Off, a. |
Near (a) Immediate; direct; close; short. |
Near (a) Close-fisted; parsimonious. |
Near (prep.) Adjacent to; close by; not far from; nigh; as, the ship sailed near the land. See the Note under near, a. |
Neared (imp. & p. p.) of Near |
Nearing (p. pr. & vb. n) of Near |
Near (adv.) To approach; to come nearer; as, the ship neared the land. |
Near (v. i.) To draw near; to approach. |
Nearctic (a.) Of or pertaining to a region of the earth's surface including all of temperate and arctic North America and Greenland. In the geographical distribution of animals, this region is marked off as the habitat certain species. |
Nearhand (a. & adv.) Near; near at hand; closely. |
Near-legged (a.) Having the feet so near together that they interfere in traveling. |
Nearly (adv.) In a near manner; not remotely; closely; intimately; almost. |
Nearness (n.) The state or quality of being near; -- used in the various senses of the adjective. |
Nearsighted (a.) Seeing distinctly at short distances only; shortsighted. |
Nearsightedness (n.) See Myopic, and Myopia. |
Neat (n. sing. & pl.) Cattle of the genus Bos, as distinguished from horses, sheep, and goats; an animal of the genus Bos; as, a neat's tongue; a neat's foot. |
Neat (n.) Of or pertaining to the genus Bos, or to cattle of that genus; as, neat cattle. |
Neat (a.) Free from that which soils, defiles, or disorders; clean; cleanly; tidy. |
Neat (a.) Free from what is unbecoming, inappropriate, or tawdry; simple and becoming; pleasing with simplicity; tasteful; chaste; as, a neat style; a neat dress. |
Neat (a.) Free from admixture or adulteration; good of its kind; as, neat brandy. |
Neat (a.) Excellent in character, skill, or performance, etc.; nice; finished; adroit; as, a neat design; a neat thief. |
Neat (a.) With all deductions or allowances made; net. [In this sense usually written net. See Net, a., 3.] |
'Neath (prep. & adv.) An abbreviation of Beneath. |
Neatherd (n.) A person who has the care of neat cattle; a cowherd. |
Neathouse (n.) A building for the shelter of neat cattle. |
Neatify (v. t.) To make neat. |
Neatly (adv.) In a neat manner; tidily; tastefully. |
neatness (n.) The state or quality of being neat. |
Neatress (n.) A woman who takes care of cattle. |
Neb (n.) The nose; the snout; the mouth; the beak of a bird; a nib, as of a pen. |
Nebalia (n.) A genus of small marine Crustacea, considered the type of a distinct order (Nebaloidea, or Phyllocarida.) |
Neb-neb (n.) Same as Bablh. |
Nebulae (pl. ) of Nebula |
Nebula (n.) A faint, cloudlike, self-luminous mass of matter situated beyond the solar system among the stars. True nebulae are gaseous; but very distant star clusters often appear like them in the telescope. |
Nebula (n.) A white spot or a slight opacity of the cornea. |
Nebula (n.) A cloudy appearance in the urine. |
Nebular (a.) Of or pertaining to nebulae; of the nature of, or resembling, a nebula. |
Nebulated (a.) Clouded with indistinct color markings, as an animal. |
nebulation (n.) The condition of being nebulated; also, a clouded, or ill-defined, color mark. |
Nebule (n.) A little cloud; a cloud. |
Nebule (a.) Alt. of Nebuly |
Nebuly (a.) Composed of successive short curves supposed to resemble a cloud; -- said of a heraldic line by which an ordinary or subordinary may be bounded. |
Nebulization (n.) The act or process of nebulizing; atomization. |
Nebulize (v. t.) To reduce (as a liquid) to a fine spray or vapor; to atomize. |
Nebulizer (n.) An atomizer. |
Nebulose (a.) Nebulous; cloudy. |
Nebulosity (n.) The state or quality of being nebulous; cloudiness; hazeness; mistiness; nebulousness. |
Nebulosity (n.) The stuff of which a nebula is formed. |
Nebulosity (n.) A nebula. |
Nebulous (a.) Cloudy; hazy; misty. |
Nebulous (a.) Of, pertaining to, or having the appearance of, a nebula; nebular; cloudlike. |
Nebuly (n.) A line or a direction composed of successive short curves or waves supposed to resembe a cloud. See NEbulE |
Necessarian (n.) An advocate of the doctrine of philosophical necessity; a nacessitarian. |
Necessarian (a.) Of or pertaining to necessarianism. |
Necessarianism (n.) The doctrine of philosophical necessity; necessitarianism. |
Necessarily (adv.) In a necessary manner; by necessity; unavoidably; indispensably. |
Necessariness (n.) The quality of being necessary. |
Necessary (a.) Such as must be; impossible to be otherwise; not to be avoided; inevitable. |
Necessary (a.) Impossible to be otherwise, or to be dispensed with, without preventing the attainment of a desired result; indispensable; requiste; essential. |
Necessary (a.) Acting from necessity or compulsion; involuntary; -- opposed to free; as, whether man is a necessary or a free agent is a question much discussed. |
Necessaries (pl. ) of Necessary |
Necessary (n.) A thing that is necessary or indispensable to some purpose; something that one can not do without; a requisite; an essential; -- used chiefly in the plural; as, the necessaries of life. |
Necessary (n.) A privy; a water-closet. |
Necessary (n.) Such things, in respect to infants, lunatics, and married women, as are requisite for support suitable to station. |
Necessitarian (a.) Of or pertaining to the doctrine of philosophical necessity in regard to the origin and existence of things, especially as applied to the actings or choices of the will; -- opposed to libertarian. |
Necessitarian (n.) One who holds to the doctrine of necessitarianism. |
Necessitarianism (n.) The doctrine of philosophical necessity; the doctrine that results follow by invariable sequence from causes, and esp. that the will is not free, but that human actions and choices result inevitably from motives; deteminism. |
Necessitated (imp. & p. p.) of Necessitate |
Necessitating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Necessitate |
Necessitate (v. t.) To make necessary or indispensable; to render unaviolable. |
Necessitate (v. t.) To reduce to the necessity of; to force; to compel. |
Necessitattion (n.) The act of making necessary, or the state of being made necessary; compulsion. |
Necessitied (a.) In a state of want; necessitous. |
Necessitous (a.) Very needy or indigent; pressed with poverty. |
Necessitous (a.) Narrow; destitute; pinching; pinched; as, necessitous circumstances. |
Necessitude (n.) Necessitousness; want. |
Necessitude (n.) Necessary connection or relation. |
Necessities (pl. ) of Necessity |
Necessity (n.) The quality or state of being necessary, unavoidable, or absolutely requisite; inevitableness; indispensableness. |
Necessity (n.) The condition of being needy or necessitous; pressing need; indigence; want. |
Necessity (n.) That which is necessary; a necessary; a requisite; something indispensable; -- often in the plural. |
Necessity (n.) That which makes an act or an event unavoidable; irresistible force; overruling power; compulsion, physical or moral; fate; fatality. |
Necessity (n.) The negation of freedom in voluntary action; the subjection of all phenomena, whether material or spiritual, to inevitable causation; necessitarianism. |
Neck (n.) The part of an animal which connects the head and the trunk, and which, in man and many other animals, is more slender than the trunk. |
Neck (n.) Any part of an inanimate object corresponding to or resembling the neck of an animal |
Neck (n.) The long slender part of a vessel, as a retort, or of a fruit, as a gourd. |
Neck (n.) A long narrow tract of land projecting from the main body, or a narrow tract connecting two larger tracts. |
Neck (n.) That part of a violin, guitar, or similar instrument, which extends from the head to the body, and on which is the finger board or fret board. |
Neck (n.) A reduction in size near the end of an object, formed by a groove around it; as, a neck forming the journal of a shaft. |
Neck (n.) the point where the base of the stem of a plant arises from the root. |
Necked (imp. & p. p.) of Neck |
Necking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Neck |
Neck (v. t.) To reduce the diameter of (an object) near its end, by making a groove around it; -- used with down; as, to neck down a shaft. |
Neck (v. t. & i.) To kiss and caress amorously. |
Neckar nut () See Nicker nut. |
Neckband (n.) A band which goes around the neck; often, the part at the top of a garment. |
Neckcloth (n.) A piece of any fabric worn around the neck. |
Necked (a.) Having (such) a neck; -- chiefly used in composition; as, stiff-necked. |
Necked (a.) Cracked; -- said of a treenail. |
Neckerchief (n.) A kerchief for the neck; -- called also neck handkerchief. |
Necking (n.) Same as Neckmold. |
Necklace (n.) A string of beads, etc., or any continuous band or chain, worn around the neck as an ornament. |
Necklace (n.) A rope or chain fitted around the masthead to hold hanging blocks for jibs and stays. |
necklaced (a.) Wearing a necklace; marked as with a necklace. |
neckland (n.) A neck of land. |
necklet (n.) A necklace. |
Neckmold (n.) Alt. of Neckmould |
Neckmould (n.) A small convex molding surrounding a column at the jinction of the shaft and capital. |
Neckplate (n.) See Gorget, 1 and 2. |
Necktie (n.) A scarf, band, or kerchief of silk, etc., passing around the neck or collar and tied in front; a bow of silk, etc., fastened in front of the neck. |
Neckwear (n.) A collective term for cravats, collars, etc. |
Neckweed (n.) An American annual weed (veronica peregrina), with small white flowers and a roundish pod. |
Neckweed (n.) The hemp; -- so called as furnishing ropes for hanging criminals. |
Necrobiosis (n.) The death of a part by molecular disintegration and without loss of continuity, as in the processes of degeneration and atrophy. |
Necrobiotic (a.) Of or pertaining to necrobiosis; as, a necrobiotic metamorphosis. |
Necrolatry (n.) The worship of the dead; manes worship. |
Necrolite (n.) Same as Necronite. |
Necrologic (a.) Alt. of Necrological |
Necrological (a.) Of or pertaining to necrology; of the nature of necrology; relating to, or giving, an account of the dead, or of deaths. |
Necrologist (n.) One who gives an account of deaths. |
Necrologies (pl. ) of Necrology |
Necrology (n.) An account of deaths, or of the dead; a register of deaths; a collection of obituary notices. |
Necromancer (n.) One who practices necromancy; a sorcerer; a wizard. |
Necromancy (n.) The art of revealing future events by means of a pretended communication with the dead; the black art; hence, magic in general; conjuration; enchantment. See Black art. |
Necromantic (n.) Conjuration. |
Necromantic (a.) Alt. of Necromantical |
Necromantical (a.) Of or pertaining to necromancy; performed by necromancy. |
Necronite (n.) Fetid feldspar, a mineral which, when struck, exhales a fetid odor. |
Necrophagan (a.) Eating carrion. |
Necrophagan (n.) Any species of a tribe (Necrophaga) of beetles which, in the larval state, feed on carrion; a burying beetle. |
Necrophagous (a.) Of or pertaining to the Necrophaga; eating carrion. See Necrophagan. |
Necrophobia (n.) An exaggerated fear of death or horror of dead bodies. |
Necrophore (n.) Any one of numerous species of beetles of the genus Necrophorus and allied genera; -- called also burying beetle, carrion beetle, sexton beetle. |
Necropolises (pl. ) of Necropolis |
Necropolis (n.) A city of the dead; a name given by the ancients to their cemeteries, and sometimes applied to modern burial places; a graveyard. |
Necropsy (n.) A post-mortem examination or inspection; an autopsy. See Autopsy. |
Necroscopic (a.) Alt. of Necroscopical |
Necroscopical (a.) Or or relating to post-mortem examinations. |
Necrose (v. t. & i.) To affect with necrosis; to unergo necrosis. |
Necrosed (a.) Affected by necrosis; dead; as, a necrosed bone. |
Necrosis (n.) Mortification or gangrene of bone, or the death of a bone or portion of a bone in mass, as opposed to its death by molecular disintegration. See Caries. |
Necrosis (n.) A disease of trees, in which the branches gradually dry up from the bark to the center. |
Necrotic (a.) Affected with necrosis; as, necrotic tissue; characterized by, or producing, necrosis; as, a necrotic process. |
Nectar (n.) The drink of the gods (as ambrosia was their food); hence, any delicious or inspiring beverage. |
Nectar (n.) A sweetish secretion of blossoms from which bees make honey. |
Nectareal (a.) Nectareous. |
Nectareal (a.) Of or pertaining to a nectary. |
Nectarean (a.) Resembling nectar; very sweet and pleasant. |
Nectared (a.) Imbued with nectar; mingled with nectar; abounding with nectar. |
Nectareous (a.) Of, pertaining to, containing, or resembling nectar; delicious; nectarean. |
Nectarial (a.) Of or pertaining to the nectary of a plant. |
Nectaried (a.) Having a nectary. |
Nectariferous (a.) Secreting nectar; -- said of blossoms or their parts. |
Nectarine (a.) Nectareous. |
Nectarine (n.) A smooth-skinned variety of peach. |
Nectarized (imp. & p. p.) of Nectarize |
Nectarizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nectarize |
Nectarize (v. t.) To mingle or infuse with nectar; to sweeten. |
Nectarous (a.) Nectareous. |
Nectaries (pl. ) of Nectary |
Nectary (n.) That part of a blossom which secretes nectar, usually the base of the corolla or petals; also, the spur of such flowers as the larkspur and columbine, whether nectariferous or not. See the Illustration of Nasturtium. |
Nectocalyces (pl. ) of Nectocalyx |
Nectocalyx (n.) The swimming bell or umbrella of a jellyfish of medusa. |
Nectocalyx (n.) One of the zooids of certain Siphonophora, having somewhat the form, and the essential structure, of the bell of a jellyfish, and acting as a swimming organ. |
Nectosac (n.) Alt. of Nectosack |
Nectosack (n.) The cavity of a nectocalyx. |
Nectostem (n.) That portion of the axis which bears the nectocalyces in the Siphonophora. |
Nedder (n.) An adder. |
Neddies (pl. ) of Neddy |
Neddy (n.) A pet name for a donkey. |
Nee (p. p., fem.) Born; -- a term sometimes used in introducing the name of the family to which a married woman belongs by birth; as, Madame de Stael, nee Necker. |
Need (n.) A state that requires supply or relief; pressing occasion for something; necessity; urgent want. |
Need (n.) Want of the means of subsistence; poverty; indigence; destitution. |
Need (n.) That which is needful; anything necessary to be done; (pl.) necessary things; business. |
Need (n.) Situation of need; peril; danger. |
Needed (imp. & p. p.) of Need |
Needing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Need |
Need (n.) To be in want of; to have cause or occasion for; to lack; to require, as supply or relief. |
Need (v. i.) To be wanted; to be necessary. |
Need (adv.) Of necessity. See Needs. |
Needer (n.) One who needs anything. |
Needful (a.) Full of need; in need or want; needy; distressing. |
Needful (a.) Necessary for supply or relief; requisite. |
Needily (adv.) In a needy condition or manner; necessarily. |
Neediness (n.) The state or quality of being needy; want; poverty; indigence. |
Needle (n.) A small instrument of steel, sharply pointed at one end, with an eye to receive a thread, -- used in sewing. |
Needle (n.) See Magnetic needle, under Magnetic. |
Needle (n.) A slender rod or wire used in knitting; a knitting needle; also, a hooked instrument which carries the thread or twine, and by means of which knots or loops are formed in the process of netting, knitting, or crocheting. |
Needle (n.) One of the needle-shaped secondary leaves of pine trees. See Pinus. |
Needle (n.) Any slender, pointed object, like a needle, as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc. |
Needle (v. t.) To form in the shape of a needle; as, to needle crystals. |
Needle (v. i.) To form needles; to crystallize in the form of needles. |
Needlebook (n.) A book-shaped needlecase, having leaves of cloth into which the needles are stuck. |
Needlecase (n.) A case to keep needles. |
Needlefish (n.) The European great pipefich (Siphostoma, / Syngnathus, acus); -- called also earl, and tanglefish. |
Needlefish (n.) The garfish. |
needlefuls (pl. ) of needleful |
needleful (n.) As much thread as is used in a needle at one time. |
Needle-pointed (a.) Pointed as needles. |
Needler (n.) One who makes or uses needles; also, a dealer in needles. |
Needless (a.) Having no need. |
Needless (a.) Not wanted; unnecessary; not requiste; as, needless labor; needless expenses. |
Needless (a.) Without sufficient cause; groundless; cuseless. |
Needlestone (n.) Natrolite; -- called also needle zeolite. |
Needlewomen (pl. ) of Needlewoman |
Needlewoman (n.) A woman who does needlework; a seamstress. |
Needlework (n.) Work executed with a needle; sewed work; sewing; embroidery; also, the business of a seamstress. |
Needlework (n.) The combination of timber and plaster making the outside framework of some houses. |
Needly (a.) Like a needle or needles; as, a needly horn; a needly beard. |
Needly (adv.) Necessarily; of necessity. |
Needment (n.) Something needed or wanted. |
Needment (n.) Outfit; necessary luggage. |
Needs (adv.) Of necessity; necessarily; indispensably; -- often with must, and equivalent to of need. |
Needscost (adv.) Of necessity. |
Needsly (adv.) Of necessity. |
Needy (superl.) Distressed by want of the means of living; very por; indigent; necessitous. |
Needy (superl.) Necessary; requiste. |
Neeld (n.) Alt. of Neele |
Neele (n.) A needle. |
Neelghau (n.) See Nylghau. |
Neem tree () An Asiatic name for Melia Azadirachta, and M. Azedarach. See Margosa. |
Neer (adv. & a.) Nearer. |
Ne'er (adv.) a contraction of Never. |
Neesed (imp. & p. p.) of Neese |
Neesing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Neese |
Neese (v. i.) To sneeze. |
Neesing (n.) Sneezing. |
Ne exeat () A writ to restrain a person from leaving the country, or the jurisdiction of the court. The writ was originally applicable to purposes of state, but is now an ordinary process of courts of equity, resorted to for the purpose of obtaining bail, or security to abide a decree. |
Nef (n.) The nave of a church. |
Nefand (a.) Alt. of Nefandous |
Nefandous (a.) Unfit to speak of; unmentionable; impious; execrable. |
Nefarious (adv.) Wicked in the extreme; abominable; iniquitous; atrociously villainous; execrable; detestably vile. |
Nefasch (n.) Any fish of the genus Distichodus. Several large species inhabit the Nile. |
Nefast (a.) Wicked. |
Negation (adv.) The act of denying; assertion of the nonreality or untruthfulness of anything; declaration that something is not, or has not been, or will not be; denial; -- the opposite of affirmation. |
Negation (adv.) Description or definition by denial, exclusion, or exception; statement of what a thing is not, or has not, from which may be inferred what it is or has. |
Negative (a.) Denying; implying, containing, or asserting denial, negation or refusal; returning the answer no to an inquiry or request; refusing assent; as, a negative answer; a negative opinion; -- opposed to affirmative. |
Negative (a.) Not positive; without affirmative statement or demonstration; indirect; consisting in the absence of something; privative; as, a negative argument; a negative morality; negative criticism. |
Negative (a.) Asserting absence of connection between a subject and a predicate; as, a negative proposition. |
Negative (a.) Of or pertaining to a picture upon glass or other material, in which the lights and shades of the original, and the relations of right and left, are reversed. |
Negative (a.) Metalloidal; nonmetallic; -- contracted with positive or basic; as, the nitro group is negative. |
Negative (n.) A proposition by which something is denied or forbidden; a conception or term formed by prefixing the negative particle to one which is positive; an opposite or contradictory term or conception. |
Negative (n.) A word used in denial or refusal; as, not, no. |
Negative (n.) The refusal or withholding of assents; veto. |
Negative (n.) That side of a question which denies or refuses, or which is taken by an opposing or denying party; the relation or position of denial or opposition; as, the question was decided in the negative. |
Negative (n.) A picture upon glass or other material, in which the light portions of the original are represented in some opaque material (usually reduced silver), and the dark portions by the uncovered and transparent or semitransparent ground of the picture. |
Negative (n.) The negative plate of a voltaic or electrolytic cell. |
Negatived (imp. & p. p.) of Negative |
Negativing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Negative |
Negative (v. t.) To prove unreal or intrue; to disprove. |
Negative (v. t.) To reject by vote; to refuse to enact or sanction; as, the Senate negatived the bill. |
Negative (v. t.) To neutralize the force of; to counteract. |
Negatively (adv.) In a negative manner; with or by denial. |
Negatively (adv.) In the form of speech implying the absence of something; -- opposed to positively. |
Negativeness (n.) Alt. of Negativity |
Negativity (n.) The quality or state of being negative. |
Negatory (a.) Expressing denial; belonging to negation; negative. |
Neginoth (n. pl.) Stringed instruments. |
Neglected (imp. & p. p.) of Neglect |
Neglecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Neglect |
Neglect (adv.) Not to attend to with due care or attention; to forbear one's duty in regard to; to suffer to pass unimproved, unheeded, undone, etc.; to omit; to disregard; to slight; as, to neglect duty or business; to neglect to pay debts. |
Neglect (adv.) To omit to notice; to forbear to treat with attention or respect; to slight; as, to neglect strangers. |
Neglect (v.) Omission of proper attention; avoidance or disregard of duty, from heedlessness, indifference, or willfulness; failure to do, use, or heed anything; culpable disregard; as, neglect of business, of health, of economy. |
Neglect (v.) Omission if attention or civilities; slight; as, neglect of strangers. |
Neglect (v.) Habitual carelessness; negligence. |
Neglect (v.) The state of being disregarded, slighted, or neglected. |
Neglectedness (n.) The state of being neglected. |
Neglecter (n.) One who neglects. |
Neglectful (a.) Full of neglect; heedless; careless; negligent; inattentive; indifferent. |
Neglectingly (adv.) Carelessly; heedlessly. |
Neglection (n.) The state of being negligent; negligence. |
Neglective (a.) Neglectful. |
Negligee (n.) An easy, unceremonious attire; undress; also, a kind of easy robe or dressing gown worn by women. |
Negligence (n.) The quality or state of being negligent; lack of due diligence or care; omission of duty; habitual neglect; heedlessness. |
Negligence (n.) An act or instance of negligence or carelessness. |
Negligence (n.) The omission of the care usual under the circumstances, being convertible with the Roman culpa. A specialist is bound to higher skill and diligence in his specialty than one who is not a specialist, and liability for negligence varies acordingly. |
Negligent (a.) Apt to neglect; customarily neglectful; characterized by negligence; careless; heedless; culpably careless; showing lack of attention; as, disposed in negligent order. |
Negligently (adv.) In a negligent manner. |
Negligible (a.) That may neglicted, disregarded, or left out of consideration. |
Negoce (n.) Business; occupation. |
Negotiability (n.) The quality of being negotiable or transferable by indorsement. |
Negotiable (a.) Capable of being negotiated; transferable by assigment or indorsement to another person; as, a negotiable note or bill of exchange. |
Negotiant (n.) A negotiator. |
Negotiate (v. i.) To transact business; to carry on trade. |
Negotiate (v. i.) To treat with another respecting purchase and sale or some business affair; to bargain or trade; as, to negotiate with a man for the purchase of goods or a farm. |
Negotiate (v. i.) To hold intercourse respecting a treaty, league, or convention; to treat with, respecting peace or commerce; to conduct communications or conferences. |
Negotiate (v. i.) To intrigue; to scheme. |
Negotiated (imp. & p. p.) of Negotiate |
Negotiating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Negotiate |
Negotiate (v. t.) To carry on negotiations concerning; to procure or arrange for by negotiation; as, to negotiate peace, or an exchange. |
Negotiate (v. t.) To transfer for a valuable consideration under rules of commercial law; to sell; to pass. |
Negotiation (n.) The act or process of negotiating; a treating with another respecting sale or purchase. etc. |
Negotiation (n.) Hence, mercantile business; trading. |
Negotiation (n.) The transaction of business between nations; the mutual intercourse of governments by diplomatic agents, in making treaties, composing difference, etc.; as, the negotiations at Ghent. |
Negotiator (n.) One who negotiates; a person who treats with others, either as principal or agent, in respect to purchase and sale, or public compacts. |
Negotiatory (a.) Of or pertaining to negotiation. |
Negotiatrix (n.) A woman who negotiates. |
Negotiosity (n.) The state of being busy; multitude of business. |
Negotious (a.) Very busy; attentive to business; active. |
Negotiousness (n.) The state of being busily occupied; activity. |
Negresses (pl. ) of Negress |
Negress (n.) A black woman; a female negro. |
Negrita (n.) A blackish fish (Hypoplectrus nigricans), of the Sea-bass family. It is a native of the West Indies and Florida. |
Negritic (a.) Of or pertaining to negroes; composed of negroes. |
Negritos (n. pl.) A degraded Papuan race, inhabiting Luzon and some of the other east Indian Islands. They resemble negroes, but are smaller in size. They are mostly nomads. |
Negroes (pl. ) of Negro |
Negro (n.) A black man; especially, one of a race of black or very dark persons who inhabit the greater part of tropical Africa, and are distinguished by crisped or curly hair, flat noses, and thick protruding lips; also, any black person of unmixed African blood, wherever found. |
Negro (a.) Of or pertaining to negroes; black. |
Negroid (a.) Characteristic of the negro. |
Negroid (a.) Resembling the negro or negroes; of or pertaining to those who resemble the negro. |
Negroloid (a.) See Negroid. |
Negus (n.) A beverage made of wine, water, sugar, nutmeg, and lemon juice; -- so called, it is said, from its first maker, Colonel Negus. |
Nehiloth (n. pl.) A term supposed to mean, perforated wind instruments of music, as pipes or flutes. |
Nehushtan (n.) A thing of brass; -- the name under which the Israelites worshiped the brazen serpent made by Moses. |
Neif (n.) Alt. of Neife |
Neife (n.) A woman born in the state of villeinage; a female serf. |
Neif (n.) Alt. of Neaf |
Neaf (n.) The fist. |
Neighed (imp. & p. p.) of Neigh |
Neighing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Neigh |
Neigh (v. i.) To utter the cry of the horse; to whinny. |
Neigh (v. i.) To scoff or sneer; to jeer. |
Neigh (n.) The cry of a horse; a whinny. |
Neighbor (n.) A person who lives near another; one whose abode is not far off. |
Neighbor (n.) One who is near in sympathy or confidence. |
Neighbor (n.) One entitled to, or exhibiting, neighborly kindness; hence, one of the human race; a fellow being. |
Neighbor (a.) Near to another; adjoining; adjacent; next; neighboring. |
Neighbored (imp. & p. p.) of neighbor |
Neighboring (p. pr. & vb. n) of neighbor |
neighbor (v. t.) To adjoin; to border on; tobe near to. |
neighbor (v. t.) To associate intimately with. |
Neighbor (v. i.) To dwell in the vicinity; to be a neighbor, or in the neighborhood; to be near. |
Neighborhood (n.) The quality or condition of being a neighbor; the state of being or dwelling near; proximity. |
Neighborhood (n.) A place near; vicinity; adjoining district; a region the inhabitants of which may be counted as neighbors; as, he lives in my neighborhood. |
Neighborhood (n.) The inhabitants who live in the vicinity of each other; as, the fire alarmed all the neiborhood. |
Neighborhood (n.) The disposition becoming a neighbor; neighborly kindness or good will. |
Neighboring (a.) Living or being near; adjacent; as, the neighboring nations or countries. |
Neighborliness (n.) The quality or state of being neighborly. |
Neighborly (a.) Apropriate to the relation of neighbors; having frequent or familiar intercourse; kind; civil; social; friendly. |
Neighborly (adv.) In a neigborly manner. |
Neighborship (n.) The state of being neighbors. |
Neishout (n.) The mahogany-like wood of the South African tree Pteroxylon utile, the sawdust of which causes violent sneezing (whence the name). Also called sneezewood. |
Neither (a.) Not either; not the one or the other. |
Neither (conj.) not either; generally used to introduce the first of two or more coordinate clauses of which those that follow begin with nor. |
Nelumbo (n.) A genus of great water lilies. The North American species is Nelumbo lutea, the Asiatic is the sacred lotus, N. speciosa. |
Nemaline (a.) Having the form of threads; fibrous. |
Nemalite (n.) A fibrous variety of brucite. |
Nematelmia (n. pl.) Same as Nemathelminthes. |
Nemathecia (pl. ) of Nemathecium |
Nemathecium (n.) A peculiar kind of fructification on certain red algae, consisting of an external mass of filaments at length separating into tetraspores. |
Nemthelminthes (n. pl.) Alt. of Nematelminthes |
Nematelminthes (n. pl.) An ordr of helminths, including the Nematoidea and Gordiacea; the roundworms. |
Nemato- () A combining form from Gr. nh^ma, nh`matos, a thread. |
Nematoblast (n.) A spermatocyte or spermoblast. |
Nematocalyces (pl. ) of Nematocalyx |
Calyxes (pl. ) of Nematocalyx |
Nematocalyx (n.) One of a peculiar kind of cups, or calicles, found upon hydroids of the family Plumularidae. They contain nematocysts. See Plumularia. |
Nematocera (n. pl.) A suborder of dipterous insects, having long antennae, as the mosquito, gnat, and crane fly; -- called also Nemocera. |
Nematocyst (n.) A lasso cell, or thread cell. See Lasso cell, under Lasso. |
Nematode (a. & n.) Same as Nematoid. |
Nematogene (n.) One of the dimorphic forms of the species of Dicyemata, which produced vermiform embryos; -- opposed to rhombogene. |
Nematognath (n.) one of the Nematognathi. |
Nematognathi (n. pl.) An order of fishes having barbels on the jaws. It includes the catfishes, or siluroids. See Siluroid. |
Nematoid (a.) Of or pertaining to the Nematoidea. |
Nematoid (n.) One of the Nematoidea. see Illustration in Appendix. |
Nematoidea (n. pl.) An order of worms, having a long, round, and generally smooth body; the roundworms. they are mostly parasites. Called also Nematodea, and Nematoda. |
Nematoidean (a. & n.) Nematoid. |
Nematophora (n. pl.) Same as Coelenterata. |
Nemean (a.) Of or pertaining to Nemea, in Argolis, where the ancient Greeks celebrated games, and Hercules killed a lion. |
Nemetean (a.) Of or pertaining to the Nemertina. |
Nemetean (n.) One of the Nemertina. |
Nemertes (n.) A genus of nemertina. |
Nemertian (a. & n.) Nemertean. |
Nemertid (a. & n.) Nemertean. |
Nemertida (n. pl.) Nemertina. |
Nemertina (n. pl.) An order of helminths usually having a long, slender, smooth, often bright-colored body, covered with minute vibrating cilia; -- called also Nemertea, Nemertida, and Rhynchocoela. |
Nemesis (n.) The goddess of retribution or vengeance; hence, retributive justice personified; divine vengeance. |
Nemophilist (n.) One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods. |
Nemophily (n.) Fondness for forest scenery; love of the woods. |
Nemoral (a.) Of or pertaining to a wood or grove. |
Nemorous (a.) Woody. |
Nempne (v.) To name or call. |
Nempt (p. p.) Called; named. |
Nems (n.) The ichneumon. |
Nenia (n.) A funeral song; an elegy. |
Nenuphar (n.) The great white water lily of Europe; the Nymphaea alba. |
Neo- () A prefix meaning new, recent, late; and in chemistry designating specifically that variety of metameric hydrocarbons which, when the name was applied, had been recently classified, and in which at least one carbon atom in connected directly with four other carbon atoms; -- contrasted with normal and iso-; as, neopentane; the neoparaffins. Also used adjectively. |
Neocarida (n. pl.) The modern, or true, Crustacea, as distinguished from the Merostomata. |
Neocene (a.) More recent than the Eocene, that is, including both the Miocene and Pliocene divisions of the Tertiary. |
Neo-Christianity (n.) Rationalism. |
Neocomian (n.) A term applied to the lowest deposits of the Cretaceous or chalk formation of Europe, being the lower greensand. |
Neocomian (a.) Of or pertaining to the lower greensand. |
Neocosmic (a.) Of or pertaining to the universe in its present state; specifically, pertaining to the races of men known to history. |
Neocracy (n.) Government by new or inexperienced hands; upstart rule; raw or untried officials. |
Neodamode (n.) In ancient Sparta, one of those Helots who were freed by the state in reward for military service. |
Neodymium (n.) An elementary substance which forms one of the constituents of didymium. Symbol Nd. Atomic weight 140.8. |
Neogaean (a.) Of or pertaining to the New World, or Western Hemisphere. |
Neogamist (n.) A person recently married. |
Neogen (n.) An alloy resembling silver, and consisting chiefly of copper, zinc, and nickel, with small proportions of tin, aluminium, and bismuth. |
Neography (n.) A new method or system of writing. |
Neo-Latin (a.) Applied to the Romance languages, as being mostly of Latin origin. |
Neolithic (a.) Of or pertaining to, or designating, an era characterized by late remains in stone. |
Neologian (a.) Neologic; neological. |
Neologian (n.) A neologist. |
Neologianism (n.) Neologism. |
Neologic (a.) Alt. of Neological |
Neological (a.) Of or pertaining to neology; employing new words; of the nature of, or containing, new words or new doctrines. |
Neologically (adv.) In a neological manner. |
Neologism (n.) The introduction of new words, or the use of old words in a new sense. |
Neologism (n.) A new word, phrase, or expression. |
Neologism (n.) A new doctrine; specifically, rationalism. |
Neologist (n.) One who introduces new words or new senses of old words into a language. |
Neologist (n.) An innovator in any doctrine or system of belief, especially in theology; one who introduces or holds doctrines subversive of supernatural or revealed religion; a rationalist, so-called. |
Neologistic (a.) Alt. of Neologistical |
Neologistical (a.) Of or pertaining to neology; neological. |
Neologization (n.) The act or process of neologizing. |
Neologize (v. i.) To introduce or use new words or terms or new uses of old words. |
Neologize (v. i.) To introduce innovations in doctrine, esp. in theological doctrine. |
Neology (n.) The introduction of a new word, or of words or significations, into a language; as, the present nomenclature of chemistry is a remarkable instance of neology. |
Neology (n.) A new doctrine; esp. (Theol.), a doctrine at variance with the received interpretation of revealed truth; a new method of theological interpretation; rationalism. |
Neomenia (n.) The time of the new moon; the beginning of the month in the lunar calendar. |
Neomenoidea (n. pl.) A division of vermiform gastropod mollusks, without a shell, belonging to the Isopleura. |
Neomorph (n.) A structure, part, or organ developed independently, that is, not derived from a similar structure, part, or organ, in a pre existing form. |
Neonism (n.) Neologism. |
Neonomian (n.) One who advocates adheres to new laws; esp. one who holds or believes that the gospel is a new law. |
Neonomian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Neonomians, or in accordance with their doctrines. |
Neonomianism (n.) The doctrines or belief of the neonomians. |
Neophyte (n.) A new convert or proselyte; -- a name given by the early Christians, and still given by the Roman Catholics, to such as have recently embraced the Christian faith, and been admitted to baptism, esp. to converts from heathenism or Judaism. |
Neophyte (n.) A novice; a tyro; a beginner in anything. |
Neoplasia (n.) Growth or development of new material; neoplasty. |
Neoplasm (n.) A new formation or tissue, the product of morbid action. |
Neoplastic (a.) Of or pertaining to neoplasty, or neoplasia. |
Neoplasty (n.) Restoration of a part by granulation, adhesive inflammation, or autoplasty. |
Neoplatonic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, Neoplatonism or the Neoplatonists. |
Neoplatonician (n.) A neoplatonist. |
Neoplatonism (n.) A pantheistic eclectic school of philosophy, of which Plotinus was the chief (A. D. 205-270), and which sought to reconcile the Platonic and Aristotelian systems with Oriental theosophy. It tended to mysticism and theurgy, and was the last product of Greek philosophy. |
Neoplatonist (n.) One who held to Neoplatonism; a member of the Neoplatonic school. |
Neorama (n.) A panorama of the interior of a building, seen from within. |
Neossine (n.) The substance constituting the edible bird's nest. |
Neossology (n.) The study of young birds. |
Neoteric (a.) Alt. of Neoterical |
Neoterical (a.) Recent in origin; modern; new. |
Neoteric (n.) One of modern times; a modern. |
Neoterically (adv.) Recently; newly. |
Neoterism (n.) An innovation or novelty; a neoteric word or phrase. |
Neoterist (n.) One ho introduces new word/ or phrases. |
Neoterized (imp. & p. p.) of Neoterize |
Neoterized (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Neoterize |
Neoterize (v. i.) To innovate; to coin or introduce new words. |
Neotropical (a.) Belonging to, or designating, a region of the earth's surface which comprises most of South America, the Antilles, and tropical North America. |
Neozoic (a.) More recent than the Paleozoic, -- that is, including the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. |
Nep (n.) Catnip. |
Nepa (n.) A genus of aquatic hemipterus insects. The species feed upon other insects and are noted for their voracity; -- called also scorpion bug and water scorpion. |
Nepaulese (a.) Of or pertaining to Nepaul, a kingdom in Northern Hindostan. |
Nepaulese (n. sing. & pl.) A native or natives of Nepaul. |
Nepenthe (n.) A drug used by the ancients to give relief from pain and sorrow; -- by some supposed to have been opium or hasheesh. Hence, anything soothing and comforting. |
Nepenthes (n.) Same as Nepenthe. |
Nepenthes (n.) A genus of climbing plants found in India, Malaya, etc., which have the leaves prolonged into a kind of stout tendril terminating in a pitcherlike appendage, whence the plants are often called pitcher plants and monkey-cups. There are about thirty species, of which the best known is Nepenthes distillatoria. See Pitcher plant. |
Nepeta (n.) A genus of labiate plants, including the catnip and ground ivy. |
Nephalism (n.) Total abstinence from spirituous liquor. |
Nephalist (n.) One who advocates or practices nephalism. |
Nepheline (n.) Alt. of Nephelite |
Nephelite (n.) A mineral occuring at Vesuvius, in glassy agonal crystals; also elsewhere, in grayish or greenish masses having a greasy luster, as the variety elaeolite. It is a silicate of aluminia, soda, and potash. |
Nephelodometer (n.) An instrument for reckoning the distances or velocities of clouds. |
Nephelometer (n.) An instrument for measuring or registering the amount of cloudiness. |
Nephew (n.) A grandson or grandchild, or remoter lineal descendant. |
Nephew (n.) A cousin. |
Nephew (n.) The son of a brother or a sister, or of a brother-in-law or sister-in-law. |
Nephilim (n. pl.) Giants. |
Nephoscope (n.) An instrument for observing the clouds and their velocity. |
Nephralgia (n.) Alt. of Nephralgy |
Nephralgy (n.) Neuralgia of the kidneys; a disease characterized by pain in the region of the kidneys without any structural lesion of the latter. |
Nephridial (a.) Of or pertaining to a nephridium. |
Nephridia (pl. ) of Nephridium |
Nephridium (n.) A segmental tubule; one of the tubules of the primitive urinogenital organs; a segmental organ. See Illust. under Loeven's larva. |
Nephrite (n.) A hard compact mineral, of a dark green color, formerly worn as a remedy for diseases of the kidneys, whence its name; kidney stone; a kind of jade. See Jade. |
Nephritic (a.) Alt. of Nephritical |
Nephritical (a.) Of or pertaining to the kidneys or urinary organs; renal; as, a nephritic disease. |
Nephritical (a.) Affected with a disease of the kidneys; as, a nephritic patient. |
Nephritical (a.) Relieving disorders of the kidneys; affecting the kidneys; as, a nephritic medicine. |
Nephritic (n.) A medicine adapted to relieve or cure disease of the kidneys. |
Nephritis (n.) An inflammation of the kidneys. |
nephrolithic (a.) Of or pertaining to gravel, or renal calculi. |
Nephrology (n.) A treatise on, or the science which treats of, the kidneys, and their structure and functions. |
Nephrostome (n.) The funnelshaped opening of a nephridium into the body cavity. |
Nephrotomy (n.) Extraction of stone from the kidney by cutting. |
Nepotal (a.) Of or relating to a nephew. |
Nepotic (a.) Of or pertaining to npotism. |
Nepotism (n.) Undue attachment to relations; favoritism shown to members of one's family; bestowal of patronage in consideration of relationship, rather than of merit or of legal claim. |
Nepotist (n.) One who practices nepotism. |
Neptune (n.) The son of Saturn and Ops, the god of the waters, especially of the sea. He is represented as bearing a trident for a scepter. |
Neptune (n.) The remotest known planet of our system, discovered -- as a result of the computations of Leverrier, of Paris -- by Galle, of Berlin, September 23, 1846. Its mean distance from the sun is about 2,775,000,000 miles, and its period of revolution is about 164,78 years. |
Neptunian (a.) Of or pertaining to the ocean or sea. |
Neptunian (a.) Formed by water or aqueous solution; as, Neptunian rocks. |
Neptunian (n.) Alt. of Neptunist |
Neptunist (n.) One who adopts the neptunian theory. |
Neptunicentric (a.) As seen from Neptune, or having Neptune as a center; as, Neptunicentric longitude or force. |
Neptunium (n.) A new metallic element, of doubtful genuineness and uncertain indentification, said to exist in certain minerals, as columbite. |
Ner (adv. & a.) nearer. |
Nere () Were not. |
Nereids (pl. ) of Nereid |
Nereides (pl. ) of Nereid |
Nereid (n.) A sea nymph, one of the daughters of Nereus, who were attendants upon Neptune, and were represented as riding on sea horses, sometimes with the human form entire, and sometimes with the tail of a fish. |
Nereid (n.) Any species of Nereis. The word is sometimes used for similar annelids of other families. |
Nereidian (n.) Any annelid resembling Nereis, or of the family Lycoridae or allied families. |
Nereides (pl. ) of Nereis |
Nereis (n.) A Nereid. See Nereid. |
Nereis (n.) A genus, including numerous species, of marine chaetopod annelids, having a well-formed head, with two pairs of eyes, antennae, four pairs of tentacles, and a protrusile pharynx, armed with a pair of hooked jaws. |
Nereites (n. pl.) Fossil tracks of annelids. |
Nereocystis (n.) A genus of gigantic seaweeds. |
Nerfling (n.) The id. |
Nerita (n.) A genus of marine gastropods, mostly natives of warm climates. |
Nerite (n.) Any mollusk of the genus Nerita. |
Neritina (n.) A genus including numerous species of shells resembling Nerita in form. They mostly inhabit brackish water, and are often delicately tinted. |
Nero (n.) A Roman emperor notorius for debauchery and barbarous cruelty; hence, any profligate and cruel ruler or merciless tyrant. |
Neroli (n.) An essential oil obtained by distillation from the flowers of the orange. It has a strong odor, and is used in perfumery, etc. |
Nerre (adv. & a.) Nearer. |
Nervate (a.) Nerved. |
Nervation (n.) The arrangement of nerves and veins, especially those of leaves; neuration. |
Nerve (n.) One of the whitish and elastic bundles of fibers, with the accompanying tissues, which transmit nervous impulses between nerve centers and various parts of the animal body. |
Nerve (n.) A sinew or a tendon. |
Nerve (n.) Physical force or steadiness; muscular power and control; constitutional vigor. |
Nerve (n.) Steadiness and firmness of mind; self-command in personal danger, or under suffering; unshaken courage and endurance; coolness; pluck; resolution. |
Nerve (n.) Audacity; assurance. |
Nerve (n.) One of the principal fibrovascular bundles or ribs of a leaf, especially when these extend straight from the base or the midrib of the leaf. |
Nerve (n.) One of the nervures, or veins, in the wings of insects. |
Nerved (imp. & p. p.) of Nerve |
Nerving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nerve |
Nerve (v. t.) To give strength or vigor to; to supply with force; as, fear nerved his arm. |
Nerved (a.) Having nerves of a special character; as, weak-nerved. |
Nerved (a.) Having nerves, or simple and parallel ribs or veins. |
Nerveless (a.) Destitute of nerves. |
Nerveless (a.) Destitute of strength or of courage; wanting vigor; weak; powerless. |
Nervelessness (n.) The state of being nerveless. |
Nerve-shaken (a.) Affected by a tremor, or by a nervous disease; weakened; overcome by some violent influence or sensation; shoked. |
Nervimotion (n.) The movement caused in the sensory organs by external agents and transmitted to the muscles by the nerves. |
Nervimotor (n.) Any agent capable of causing nervimotion. |
Nervine (a.) Having the quality of acting upon or affecting the nerves; quieting nervous excitement. |
Nervine (n.) A nervine agent. |
Nervomuscular (a.) Of or pertaining to both nerves and muscles; of the nature of nerves and muscles; as, nervomuscular energy. |
Nervose (a.) Same as Nerved. |
Nervosity (n.) Nervousness. |
Nervous (a.) possessing nerve; sinewy; strong; vigorous. |
Nervous (a.) Possessing or manifesting vigor of mind; characterized by strength in sentiment or style; forcible; spirited; as, a nervous writer. |
Nervous (a.) Of or pertaining to the nerves; seated in the nerves; as, nervous excitement; a nervous fever. |
Nervous (a.) Having the nerves weak, diseased, or easily excited; subject to, or suffering from, undue excitement of the nerves; easily agitated or annoyed. |
Nervous (a.) Sensitive; excitable; timid. |
Nervously (adv.) In a nervous manner. |
Nervousness (n.) State or quality of being nervous. |
Nervure (n.) One of the nerves of leaves. |
Nervure (n.) One of the chitinous supports, or veins, in the wings of incests. |
Nervy (superl. -) Strong; sinewy. |
Nescience (n.) Want of knowledge; ignorance; agnosticism. |
Nese (n.) Nose. |
Nesh (a.) Soft; tender; delicate. |
Ness (n.) A promontory; a cape; a headland. |
-ness () A suffix used to form abstract nouns expressive of quality or state; as, goodness, greatness. |
Nesslerize (v. t.) To treat or test, as a liquid, with a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide and potassium hydroxide, which is called Nessler's solution or Nessler's test, and is used to detect the presence of ammonia. |
Nest (n.) The bed or receptacle prepared by a fowl for holding her eggs and for hatching and rearing her young. |
Nest (n.) Hence: the place in which the eggs of other animals, as insects, turtles, etc., are laid and hatched; a snug place in which young animals are reared. |
Nest (n.) A snug, comfortable, or cozy residence or situation; a retreat, or place of habitual resort; hence, those who occupy a nest, frequent a haunt, or are associated in the same pursuit; as, a nest of traitors; a nest of bugs. |
Nest (n.) An aggregated mass of any ore or mineral, in an isolated state, within a rock. |
Nest (n.) A collection of boxes, cases, or the like, of graduated size, each put within the one next larger. |
Nest (n.) A compact group of pulleys, gears, springs, etc., working together or collectively. |
Nest (v. i.) To build and occupy a nest. |
Nest (v. t.) To put into a nest; to form a nest for. |
Nestfuls (pl. ) of Nestful |
Nestful (n.) As much or many as will fill a nest. |
Nestled (imp. & p. p.) of Nestle |
Nestling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nestle |
Nestle (v. i.) To make and occupy a nest; to nest. |
Nestle (v. i.) To lie close and snug, as a bird in her nest; to cuddle up; to settle, as in a nest; to harbor; to take shelter. |
Nestle (v. i.) To move about in one's place, like a bird when shaping the interior of her nest or a young bird getting close to the parent; as, a child nestles. |
Nestle (v. t.) To house, as in a nest. |
Nestle (v. t.) To cherish, as a bird her young. |
Nestling (n.) A young bird which has not abandoned the nest. |
Nestling (n.) A nest; a receptacle. |
Nestling (a.) Newly hatched; being yet in the nest. |
Nestor (n.) A genus of parrots with gray heads. of New Zeland and papua, allied to the cockatoos. See Kaka. |
Nestorian (n.) An adherent of Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople to the fifth century, who has condemned as a heretic for maintaining that the divine and the human natures were not merged into one nature in Christ (who was God in man), and, hence, that it was improper to call Mary the mother of Christ; also, one of the sect established by the followers of Nestorius in Persia, india, and other Oriental countries, and still in existence. opposed to Eutychian. |
Nestorian (a.) Of or relating to the Nestorians. |
Nestorian (a.) relating to, or resembling, Nestor, the aged warior and counselor mentioned by Homer; hence, wise; experienced; aged; as, Nestorian caution. |
Nestorianism (n.) The doctrines of the nestorian Christians, or of Nestorius. |
Ney (n.) A fabric of twine, thread, or the like, wrought or woven into meshes, and used for catching fish, birds, butterflies, etc. |
Ney (n.) Anything designed or fitted to entrap or catch; a snare; any device for catching and holding. |
Ney (n.) Anything wrought or woven in meshes; as, a net for the hair; a mosquito net; a tennis net. |
Ney (n.) A figure made up of a large number of straight lines or curves, which are connected at certain points and related to each other by some specified law. |
Netted (imp. & p. p.) of Net |
Netting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Net |
Net (v. t.) To make into a net; to make n the style of network; as, to net silk. |
Net (v. t.) To take in a net; to capture by stratagem or wile. |
Net (v. t.) To inclose or cover with a net; as, to net a tree. |
Net (v. i.) To form network or netting; to knit. |
Net (a.) Without spot; pure; shining. |
Net (a.) Free from extraneous substances; pure; unadulterated; neat; as, net wine, etc. |
Net (a.) Not including superfluous, incidental, or foreign matter, as boxes, coverings, wraps, etc.; free from charges, deductions, etc; as, net profit; net income; net weight, etc. |
Netted (imp. & p. p.) of Net |
Netting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Net |
Net (v. t.) To produce or gain as clear profit; as, he netted a thousand dollars by the operation. |
Netfish (n.) An astrophyton. |
Nether (a.) Situated down or below; lying beneath, or in the lower part; having a lower position; belonging to the region below; lower; under; -- opposed to upper. |
Neithermore (a.) Lower, nether. |
Nethermost (a.) Lowest; as, the nethermost abyss. |
Nethinim (n. pl.) Servants of the priests and Levites in the menial services about the tabernacle and temple. |
Netify (v. t.) To render neat; to clean; to put in order. |
Netting (n.) The act or process of making nets or network, or of forming meshes, as for fancywork, fishing nets, etc. |
Netting (n.) A piece of network; any fabric, made of cords, threads, wires, or the like, crossing one another with open spaces between. |
Netting (n.) A network of ropes used for various purposes, as for holding the hammocks when not in use, also for stowing sails, and for hoisting from the gunwale to the rigging to hinder an enemy from boarding. |
Netting (n.) Urine. |
Nettle (n.) A plant of the genus Urtica, covered with minute sharp hairs containing a poison that produces a stinging sensation. Urtica gracitis is common in the Northern, and U. chamaedryoides in the Southern, United States. the common European species, U. urens and U. dioica, are also found in the Eastern united States. U. pilulifera is the Roman nettle of England. |
Nettled (imp. & p. p.) of Nettle |
Nettling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nettle |
Nettle (v. t.) To fret or sting; to irritate or vex; to cause to experience sensations of displeasure or uneasiness not amounting to violent anger. |
Nettlebird (n.) the European whitethroat. |
Nettler (n.) One who nettles. |
Nettles (n. pl.) The halves of yarns in the unlaid end of a rope twisted for pointing or grafting. |
Nettles (n. pl.) Small lines used to sling hammocks under the deck beams. |
Nettles (n. pl.) Reef points. |
Nettling (n.) A process (resembling splicing) by which two ropes are jointed end so as to form one rope. |
Nettling (n.) The process of tying together the ends of yarns in pairs, to prevent tangling. |
Nettling (p. pr. & a.) Stinging; irritating. |
Netty (a.) Like a net, or network; netted. |
Net-veined (a.) Having veins, or nerves, reticulated or netted; as, a net-veined wing or leaf. |
Network (n.) A fabric of threads, cords, or wires crossing each other at certain intervals, and knotted or secured at the crossings, thus leaving spaces or meshes between them. |
Network (n.) Any system of lines or channels interlacing or crossing like the fabric of a net; as, a network of veins; a network of railroads. |
Neurad (adv.) Toward the neural side; -- opposed to haemad. |
Neural (a.) relating to the nerves or nervous system; taining to, situated in the region of, or on the side with, the neural, or cerebro-spinal, axis; -- opposed to hemal. As applied to vertebrates, neural is the same as dorsal; as applied to invertebrates it is usually the same as ventral. Cf. Hemal. |
Neuralgia (n.) A disease, the chief symptom of which is a very acute pain, exacerbating or intermitting, which follows the course of a nervous branch, extends to its ramifications, and seems therefore to be seated in the nerve. It seems to be independent of any structural lesion. |
Neuralgic (a.) Of or pertaining to, or having the character of, neuralgia; as, a neuralgic headache. |
Neuralgy (n.) Neuralgia. |
Neurapophysial (a.) Of or pertaining to a neurapophysis. |
Neurapophyses (pl. ) of Neurapophysis |
Neurapophysis (n.) One of the two lateral processes or elements which form the neural arch. |
Neurapophysis (n.) The dorsal process of the neural arch; neural spine; spinous process. |
Neurasthenia (n.) A condition of nervous debility supposed to be dependent upon impairment in the functions of the spinal cord. |
Neuration (n.) The arrangement or distribution of nerves, as in the leaves of a plant or the wings of an insect; nervation. |
Neuraxis (n.) See Axis cylinder, under Axis. |
Neurenteric (a.) Of or pertaining to both the neuron and the enteron; as, the neurenteric canal, which, in embroys of many vertebrates, connects the medullary tube and the primitive intestine. See Illust. of Ectoderm. |
Neuridin (n.) a nontoxic base, C5H14N2, found in the putrescent matters of flesh, fish, decaying cheese, etc. |
Neurilemma (n.) The delicate outer sheath of a nerve fiber; the primitive sheath. |
Neurilemma (n.) The perineurium. |
Neurility (n.) The special properties and functions of the nerves; that capacity for transmitting a stimulus which belongs to nerves. |
Neurine (n.) A poisonous organic base (a ptomaine) formed in the decomposition of protagon with boiling baryta water, and in the putrefraction of proteid matter. It was for a long time considered identical with choline, a crystalline body originally obtained from bile. Chemically, however, choline is oxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium hydroxide, while neurine is vinyl-trimethyl-ammonium hydroxide. |
Neurism (n.) Nerve force. See Vital force, under Vital. |
Neuritis (n.) Inflammation of a nerve. |
Neuro- () A combining denoting a nerve, of / pertaining to a nerve / the nervous system. |
Neuro-central (a.) Between the neural arch and the centrum of a vertebra; as, the neurocentral suture. |
Neurochord (a.) Alt. of Neurochordal |
Neurochordal (a.) See Neurocord. |
Neurocity (n.) Nerve force. |
Neurocoele (n.) The central canal and ventricles of the spinal cord and brain; the myelencephalic cavity. |
Neurocord (n.) A cordlike organ composed of elastic fibers situated above the ventral nervous cord of annelids, like the earthworm. |
Neuro-epidermal (a.) Pertaining to, or giving rise to, the central nervous system and epiderms; as, the neuroepidermal, or epiblastic, layer of the blastoderm. |
Neuroglia (n.) The delicate connective tissue framework which supports the nervous matter and blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord. |
Neurography (n.) A description of the nerves. |
Neurokeratin (n.) A substance, resembling keratin, present in nerve tissue, as in the sheath of the axis cylinder of medullated nerve fibers. Like keratin it resists the action of most chemical agents, and by decomposition with sulphuric acid yields leucin and tyrosin. |
Neurological (a.) Of or pertaining to neurolgy. |
Neurologist (n.) One who is versed in neurology; also, one skilled in the treatment of nervous diseases. |
Neurology (n.) The branch of science which treats of the nervous system. |
Neuroma (n.) A tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve, esp. one consisting of new-formed nerve fibers. |
Neuromere (n.) A metameric segment of the cerebro-spinal nervous system. |
Neuromuscular (a.) Nervomuscular. |
Neura (pl. ) of Neuron |
Neuron (n.) The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; myelencephalon. |
Neuropathic (a.) Of or pertaining to neuropathy; of the nature of, or suffering from, nervous disease. |
Neuropathy (n.) An affection of the nervous system or of a nerve. |
Neuropod (n.) A neuropodous animal. |
Neuropodium (n.) The ventral lobe or branch of a parapodium. |
Neuropodous (a.) Having the limbs on, or directed toward, the neural side, as in most invertebrates; -- opposed to haemapodous. |
Neuropore (n.) An opening at either end of the embryonic neural canal. |
Neuropter (n.) One of the Neuroptera. |
Neuroptera (n. pl.) An order of hexapod insects having two pairs of large, membranous, net-veined wings. The mouth organs are adapted for chewing. They feed upon other insects, and undergo a complete metamorphosis. The ant-lion, hellgamite, and lacewing fly are examples. Formerly, the name was given to a much more extensive group, including the true Neuroptera and the Pseudoneuroptera. |
Neropteral (a.) Of or pertaining to the Neuroptera. |
Neuropteran (n.) A neuropter. |
Neuropteris (n.) An extensive genus of fossil ferns, of which species have been found from the Devonian to the Triassic formation. |
Neuropterous (a.) Neuropteral. |
Neurosensiferous (a.) Pertaining to, or forming, both nerves and sense organs. |
Neurosis (n.) A functional nervous affection or disease, that is, a disease of the nerves without any appreciable change of nerve structure. |
Neuroskeletal (a.) Of or pertaining to the neuroskeleton. |
Neuroskeleton (n.) The deep-seated parts of the vertebrate skeleton which are relation with the nervous axis and locomation. |
Neurospast (n.) A puppet. |
Neurotic (a.) Of or pertaining to the nerves; seated in the nerves; nervous; as, a neurotic disease. |
Neurotic (a.) Uself in disorders of, or affecting, the nerves. |
Neurotic (n.) A disease seated in the nerves. |
Neurotic (n.) Any toxic agent whose action is mainly directed to the great nerve centers. |
Neurotome (n.) An instrument for cutting or dissecting nerves. |
Neurotome (n.) A neuromere. |
Neurotomical (a.) Of or pertaining to neurotomy. |
Neurotomist (n.) One who skilled in or practices neurotomy. |
Neurotomy (n.) The dissection, or anatomy, of the nervous system. |
Neurotomy (n.) The division of a nerve, for the relief of neuralgia, or for other purposes. |
Neurula (n.) An embryo or certain invertebrates in the stage when the primitive band is first developed. |
Neuter (a.) Neither the one thing nor the other; on neither side; impartial; neutral. |
Neuter (a.) Having a form belonging more especially to words which are not appellations of males or females; expressing or designating that which is of neither sex; as, a neuter noun; a neuter termination; the neuter gender. |
Neuter (a.) Intransitive; as, a neuter verb. |
Neuter (a.) Having no generative organs, or imperfectly developed ones; sexless. See Neuter, n., 3. |
Neuter (n.) A person who takes no part in a contest; one who is either indifferent to a cause or forbears to interfere; a neutral. |
Neuter (n.) A noun of the neuter gender; any one of those words which have the terminations usually found in neuter words. |
Neuter (n.) An intransitive verb. |
Neuter (n.) An organism, either vegetable or animal, which at its maturity has no generative organs, or but imperfectly developed ones, as a plant without stamens or pistils, as the garden Hydrangea; esp., one of the imperfectly developed females of certain social insects, as of the ant and the common honeybee, which perform the labors of the community, and are called workers. |
Neutral (a.) Not engaged on either side; not taking part with or assisting either of two or more contending parties; neuter; indifferent. |
Neutral (a.) Neither good nor bad; of medium quality; middling; not decided or pronounced. |
Neutral (a.) Neuter. See Neuter, a., 3. |
Neutral (a.) Having neither acid nor basic properties; unable to turn red litmus blue or blue litmus red; -- said of certain salts or other compounds. Contrasted with acid, and alkaline. |
Neutral (n.) A person or a nation that takes no part in a contest between others; one who is neutral. |
Neutralist (n.) A neutral; one who professes or practices neutrality. |
Neutrality (n.) The state or quality of being neutral; the condition of being unengaged in contests between others; state of taking no part on either side; indifference. |
Neutrality (n.) Indifference in quality; a state neither very good nor bad. |
Neutrality (n.) The quality or state of being neutral. See Neutral, a., 4. |
Neutrality (a.) The condition of a nation or government which refrains from taking part, directly or indirectly, in a war between other powers. |
Neutrality (a.) Those who are neutral; a combination of neutral powers or states. |
Neutralization (n.) The act or process of neutralizing, or the state of being neutralized. |
Neutralization (n.) The act or process by which an acid and a base are combined in such proportions that the resulting compound is neutral. See Neutral, a., 4. |
Neutralized (imp. & p. p.) of Neutralize |
Neutralizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Neutralize |
Neutralize (v. t.) To render neutral; to reduce to a state of neutrality. |
Neutralize (v. t.) To render inert or imperceptible the peculiar affinities of, as a chemical substance; to destroy the effect of; as, to neutralize an acid with a base. |
Neutralize (v. t.) To destroy the peculiar or opposite dispositions of; to reduce to a state of indifference inefficience; to counteract; as, to neutralize parties in government; to neutralize efforts, opposition, etc. |
Neutralizer (n.) One who, or that which, neutralizes; that which destroys, disguises, or renders inert the peculiar properties of a body. |
Neutrally (adv.) In a neutral manner; without taking part with either side; indifferently. |
Neuvaines (n. pl.) Prayers offered up for nine successive days. |
Nevadite (n.) A grantitoid variety of rhyolite, common in Nevada. |
Neve (n.) The upper part of a glacier, above the limit or perpetual snow. See Galcier. |
Neven (v. t.) To name; to mention; to utter. |
Never (adv.) Not ever; not at any time; at no time, whether past, present, or future. |
Never (adv.) In no degree; not in the least; not. |
Nevermore (adv.) Never again; at no time hereafter. |
Neverthelater (adv. / conj.) Nevertheless. |
Nevertheless (adv. / conj.) Not the less; notwithstanding; in spite of that; yet. |
Nevew (n.) Nephew. |
New (superl.) Having existed, or having been made, but a short time; having originated or occured lately; having recently come into existence, or into one's possession; not early or long in being; of late origin; recent; fresh; modern; -- opposed to old, as, a new coat; a new house; a new book; a new fashion. |
New (superl.) Not before seen or known, although existing before; lately manifested; recently discovered; as, a new metal; a new planet; new scenes. |
New (superl.) Newly beginning or recurring; starting anew; now commencing; different from has been; as, a new year; a new course or direction. |
New (superl.) As if lately begun or made; having the state or quality of original freshness; also, changed for the better; renovated; unworn; untried; unspent; as, rest and travel made him a new man. |
New (superl.) Not of ancient extraction, or of a family of ancient descent; not previously kniwn or famous. |
New (superl.) Not habituated; not familiar; unaccustomed. |
New (superl.) Fresh from anything; newly come. |
New (adv.) Newly; recently. |
New (v. t. & i.) To make new; to renew. |
Newborn (a.) Recently born. |
Newcome (a.) Recently come. |
Newcomer (n.) One who has lately come. |
Newel (n.) A novelty; a new thing. |
Newel (n.) The upright post about which the steps of a circular staircase wind; hence, in stairs having straight flights, the principal post at the foot of a staircase, or the secondary ones at the landings. See Hollow newel, under Hollow. |
Newfangle (a.) Eager for novelties; desirous of changing. |
Newfangle (v. t.) To change by introducing novelties. |
Newfangled (a.) Newmade; formed with the affectation of novelty. |
Newfangled (a.) Disposed to change; inclined to novelties; given to new theories or fashions. |
Newfangledness (n.) Affectation of, or fondness for, novelty; vain or affected fashion or form. |
Newfangleness (n.) Newfangledness. |
Newfanglist (n.) One who is eager for novelties or desirous of change. |
Newfangly (adv.) In a newfangled manner; with eagerness for novelty. |
Newfashioned (a.) Made in a new form, or lately come into fashion. |
Newfoundland (n.) An island on the coast of British North America, famed for the fishing grounds in its vicinity. |
Newfoundland (n.) A Newfoundland dog. |
Newing (v. t.) Yeast; barm. |
Newish (a.) Somewhat new; nearly new. |
Newly (adv.) Lately; recently. |
Newly (adv.) Anew; afresh; freshly. |
Newmarket (n.) A long, closely fitting cloak. |
New-model (v. t.) To remodel. |
Newness (n.) The quality or state of being new; as, the newness of a system; the newness of a scene; newness of life. |
News (n) A report of recent occurences; information of something that has lately taken place, or of something before unknown; fresh tindings; recent intelligence. |
News (n) Something strange or newly happened. |
News (n) A bearer of news; a courier; a newspaper. |
News-book (n.) A newspaper. |
newsboy (n.) A boy who distributes or sells newspaper. |
News-letter (n.) A circular letter, written or printed for the purpose of disseminating news. This was the name given to the earliest English newspapers. |
Newsmen (pl. ) of Newsman |
Newsman (n.) One who brings news. |
Newsman (n.) A man who distributes or sells newspapers. |
Newsmonger (n.) One who deals in news; one who is active in hearing and telling news. |
Newspaper (n.) A sheet of paper printed and distributed, at stated intervals, for conveying intelligence of passing events, advocating opinions, etc.; a public print that circulates news, advertisements, proceedings of legislative bodies, public announcements, etc. |
Newsroom (n.) A room where news is collected and disseminated, or periodicals sold; a reading room supplied with newspapers, magazines, etc. |
News-vnder (n.) A seller of newspapers. |
News-writer (n.) One who gathered news for, and wrote, news-letters. |
Newsy (a.) Full of news; abounding in information as to current events. |
Newt (n.) Any one of several species of small aquatic salamanders. The common British species are the crested newt (Triton cristatus) and the smooth newt (Lophinus punctatus). In America, Diemictylus viridescens is one of the most abundant species. |
Newtonian (a.) Of or pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton, or his discoveries. |
Newtonian (n.) A follower of Newton. |
New-year (a.) Of or pertaining to, or suitable for, the commencement of the year; as, New-year gifts or odes. |
New Year's Day () the first day of a calendar year; the first day of January. Often colloquially abbreviated to New year's or new year. |
New Zealand () A group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean. |
Nexible (a.) That may be knit together. |
Next (superl.) Nearest in place; having no similar object intervening. |
Next (superl.) Nearest in time; as, the next day or hour. |
Next (superl.) Adjoining in a series; immediately preceding or following in order. |
Next (superl.) Nearest in degree, quality, rank, right, or relation; as, the next heir was an infant. |
Next (adv.) In the time, place, or order nearest or immediately suceeding; as, this man follows next. |
Nexus (n.) Connection; tie. |
Nez Perces () A tribe of Indians, mostly inhabiting Idaho. |
Ngina (n.) The gorilla. |
Niagara period () A subdivision or the American Upper Silurian system, embracing the Medina, Clinton, and Niagara epoch. The rocks of the Niagara epoch, mostly limestones, are extensively distributed, and at Niagara Falls consist of about eighty feet of shale supporting a greater thickness of limestone, which is gradually undermined by the removal of the shale. See Chart of Geology. |
Nias (n.) A young hawk; an eyas; hence, an unsophisticated person. |
Nib (n.) A small and pointed thing or part; a point; a prong. |
Nib (n.) The bill or beak of a bird; the neb. |
Nib (n.) The points of a pen; also, the pointed part of a pen; a short pen adapted for insertion in a holder. |
Nib (n.) One of the handles which project from a scythe snath; also, [Prov. Eng.], the shaft of a wagon. |
Nebbed (imp. & p. p.) of Nib |
Nibbing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nib |
Nib (v. t.) To furnish with a nib; to point; to mend the point of; as, to nib a pen. |
Nibbed (a.) Having a nib or point. |
Nibbled (imp. & p. p.) of Nibble |
Nibbling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nibble |
Nibble (v. t.) To bite by little at a time; to seize gently with the mouth; to eat slowly or in small bits. |
Nibble (v. t.) To bite upon something gently or cautiously; to eat a little of a thing, as by taking small bits cautiously; as, fishes nibble at the bait. |
Nibble (n.) A small or cautious bite. |
Nibbler (n.) One who, or that which, nibbles. |
Nibblingly (adv.) In a nibbling manner; cautiously. |
Niblick (n.) A kind of golf stick used to lift the ball out of holes, ruts, etc. |
Nicagua (n.) The laughing falcon. See under laughing. |
Nicaragua wood () Brazil wood. |
Niccolite (n.) A mineral of a copper-red color and metallic luster; an arsenide of nickel; -- called also coppernickel, kupfernickel. |
Nice (superl.) Foolish; silly; simple; ignorant; also, weak; effeminate. |
Nice (superl.) Of trifling moment; nimportant; trivial. |
Nice (superl.) Overscrupulous or exacting; hard to please or satisfy; fastidious in small matters. |
Nice (superl.) Delicate; refined; dainty; pure. |
Nice (superl.) Apprehending slight differences or delicate distinctions; distinguishing accurately or minutely; carefully discriminating; as, a nice taste or judgment. |
Nice (superl.) Done or made with careful labor; suited to excite admiration on account of exactness; evidencing great skill; exact; fine; finished; as, nice proportions, nice workmanship, a nice application; exactly or fastidiously discriminated; requiring close discrimination; as, a nice point of law, a nice distinction in philosophy. |
Nice (superl.) Pleasing; agreeable; gratifying; delightful; good; as, a nice party; a nice excursion; a nice person; a nice day; a nice sauce, etc. |
Nicely (adv.) In a nice manner. |
Nicene (a.) Of or pertaining to Nice, a town of Asia Minor, or to the ecumenial council held there A. D. 325. |
Niceness (n.) Quality or state of being nice. |
Nicery (n.) Nicety. |
Niceties (pl. ) of Nicety |
Nicety (n.) The quality or state of being nice (in any of the senses of that word.). |
Nicety (n.) Delicacy or exactness of perception; minuteness of observation or of discrimination; precision. |
Nicety (n.) A delicate expression, act, mode of treatment, distinction, or the like; a minute distinction. |
Niche (n.) A cavity, hollow, or recess, generally within the thickness of a wall, for a statue, bust, or other erect ornament. hence, any similar position, literal or figurative. |
Niched (a.) Placed in a niche. |
Nick (n.) An evil spirit of the waters. |
Nick (n.) A notch cut into something |
Nick (n.) A score for keeping an account; a reckoning. |
Nick (n.) A notch cut crosswise in the shank of a type, to assist a compositor in placing it properly in the stick, and in distribution. |
Nick (n.) A broken or indented place in any edge or surface; nicks in china. |
Nick (n.) A particular point or place considered as marked by a nick; the exact point or critical moment. |
Nicked (imp. & p. p.) of Nick |
Nicking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nick |
Nick (v. t.) To make a nick or nicks in; to notch; to keep count of or upon by nicks; as, to nick a stick, tally, etc. |
Nick (v. t.) To mar; to deface; to make ragged, as by cutting nicks or notches in. |
Nick (v. t.) To suit or fit into, as by a correspondence of nicks; to tally with. |
Nick (v. t.) To hit at, or in, the nick; to touch rightly; to strike at the precise point or time. |
Nick (v. t.) To make a cross cut or cuts on the under side of (the tail of a horse, in order to make him carry ir higher). |
Nick (v. t.) To nickname; to style. |
Nickar nut () Alt. of Nickar tree |
Nickar tree () Same as Nicker nut, Nicker tree. |
Nickel (n.) A bright silver-white metallic element. It is of the iron group, and is hard, malleable, and ductile. It occurs combined with sulphur in millerite, with arsenic in the mineral niccolite, and with arsenic and sulphur in nickel glance. Symbol Ni. Atomic weight 58.6. |
Nickel (n.) A small coin made of or containing nickel; esp., a five-cent piece. |
Nickelic (a.) Pertaining to, or containing, nickel; specifically, designating compounds in which, as contrasted with the nickelous compounds, the metal has a higher valence; as nickelic oxide. |
Nickeliferous (a.) Containing nickel; as, nickelferous iron. |
Nickeline (n.) An alloy of nickel, a variety of German silver. |
Nickeline (n.) Niccolite. |
Nickelous (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, those compounds of nickel in which, as contrasted with the nickelic compounds, the metal has a lower valence; as, nickelous oxide. |
Nicker (v. t.) One of the night brawlers of London formerly noted for breaking windows with half-pence. |
Nicker (v. t.) The cutting lip which projects downward at the edge of a boring bit and cuts a circular groove in the wood to limit the size of the hole that is bored. |
Nicker nut () A rounded seed, rather smaller than a nutmeg, having a hard smooth shell, and a yellowish or bluish color. The seeds grow in the prickly pods of tropical, woody climbers of the genus Caesalpinia. C. Bonduc has yellowish seeds; C. Bonducella, bluish gray. |
Nicker tree () The plant producing nicker nuts. |
Nicking (v. t.) The cutting made by the hewer at the side of the face. |
Nicking (v. t.) Small coal produced in making the nicking. |
Nickle (n.) The European woodpecker, or yaffle; -- called also nicker pecker. |
Nicknack (n.) See Knickknack. |
Nicknackery (n.) See Knickknackery. |
Nickname (n.) A name given in contempt, derision, or sportive familiarity; a familiar or an opprobrious appellation. |
Nicknamed (imp. & p. p.) of Nickname |
Nicknaming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nickname |
Nickname (v. t.) To give a nickname to; to call by a nickname. |
Nicolaitan (n.) One of certain corrupt persons in the early church at Ephesus, who are censured in rev. ii. 6, 15. |
Nicotian (n.) Tobacco. |
Nicotian (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, tobacco. |
Nicotiana (n.) A genus of American and Asiatic solanaceous herbs, with viscid foliage and funnel-shaped blossoms. Several species yield tobacco. See Tobacco. |
Nicotianine (n.) A white waxy substance having a hot, bitter taste, extracted from tobacco leaves and called also tobacco camphor. |
Nicotic (a.) Nicotinic. |
Nicotidine (n.) A complex, oily, nitrogenous base, isomeric with nicotine, and obtained by the reduction of certain derivatives of the pyridine group. |
Nicotine (n.) An alkaloid which is the active principle of tobacco. It is a colorless, transparent, oily liquid, having an acrid odor, and an acrid burning taste. It is intensely poisonous. |
Nicotinic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, nicotine; nicotic; -- used specifically to designate an acid related to pyridine, obtained by the oxidation of nicotine, and called nicotinic acid. |
Nictate (v. i.) To wink; to nictitate. |
Nictation (n.) the act of winking; nictitation. |
Nictitate (v. i.) To wink; to nictate. |
Nictitation (n.) The act of winking. |
Nidamental (a.) Of, pertaining to, or baring, eggs or egg capsules; as, the nidament capsules of certain gastropods; nidamental glands. See Illust. of Dibranchiata. |
Nidary (n.) A collection of nests. |
Nide (n.) A nestful; a brood; as, a nide of pheasants. |
Nidering (a.) Infamous; dastardly. |
Nidgery (n.) A trifle; a piece of foolery. |
Nidget (n.) A fool; an idiot, a coward. |
Nidificated (imp. & p. p.) of Nidificate |
Nidificating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nidificate |
Nidificate (v. i.) To make a nest. |
Nidification (n.) The act or process of building a nest. |
Niding (n.) A coward; a dastard; -- a term of utmost opprobrium. |
Nidor (n.) Scent or savor of meat or food, cooked or cooking. |
Nidorose (a.) Nidorous. |
Nidorous (a.) Resembling the smell or taste of roast meat, or of corrupt animal matter. |
Nidulant (a.) Nestling, as a bird in itss nest. |
Nidulant (a.) Lying loose in pulp or cotton within a berry or pericarp, as in a nest. |
Nidulated (imp. & p. p.) of Nidulate |
Nidulating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nidulate |
Nidulate (v. i.) To make a nest, as a bird. |
Nidulation (n.) The time of remaining in the nest. |
Nidulite (n.) A Silurian fossil, formerly supposed to consist of eggs. |
nidi (pl. ) of Nidus |
Nidus (n.) A nest: a repository for the eggs of birds, insects, etc.; a breeding place; esp., the place or substance where parasites or the germs of a disease effect lodgment or are developed. |
Niece (n.) A relative, in general; especially, a descendant, whether male or female; a granddaughter or a grandson. |
Niece (n.) A daughter of one's brother or sister, or of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law. |
Nief (n.) See Neif, the fist. |
Niellist (n.) One who practices the style of ornamentation called niello. |
Niello (n.) A metallic alloy of a deep black color. |
Niello (n.) The art, process, or method of decorating metal with incised designs filled with the black alloy. |
Niello (n.) A piece of metal, or any other object, so decorated. |
Niello (n.) An impression on paper taken from an ancient incised decoration or metal plate. |
Nifle (n.) A trifle. |
Niggard (n.) A person meanly close and covetous; one who spends grudgingly; a stingy, parsimonous fellow; a miser. |
Niggard (a.) Like a niggard; meanly covetous or parsimonious; niggardly; miserly; stingy. |
Niggard (v. t. & i.) To act the niggard toward; to be niggardly. |
Niggardise (n.) Niggardliness. |
Niggardish (a.) Somewhat niggard. |
Niggardliness (n.) The quality or state of being niggard; meanness in giving or spending; parsimony; stinginess. |
Niggardly (a.) Meanly covetous or avarcious in dealing with others; stingy; niggard. |
Niggardly (adv.) In a niggard manner. |
Niggardness (n.) Niggardliness. |
Niggardous (a.) Niggardly. |
Niggardship (n.) Niggardliness. |
Niggardy (n.) Niggardliness. |
nigged (n.) Hammer-dressed; -- said of building stone. |
Nigger (n.) A negro; -- in vulgar derision or depreciation. |
Niggish (a.) Niggardly. |
Niggled (imp. & p. p.) of Niggle |
Niggling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Niggle |
Niggle (v. t.) To trifle with; to deceive; to mock. |
Niggle (v. t.) To trifle or play. |
Niggle (v. t.) To act or walk mincingly. |
Niggle (v. t.) To fret and snarl about trifles. |
Niggler (n.) One who niggles. |
Nigh (superl.) Not distant or remote in place or time; near. |
Nigh (superl.) Not remote in degree, kindred, circumstances, etc.; closely allied; intimate. |
Nigh (a.) In a situation near in place or time, or in the course of events; near. |
Nigh (a.) Almost; nearly; as, he was nigh dead. |
Nigh (v. t. & i.) To draw nigh (to); to approach; to come near. |
Nigh (prep.) Near to; not remote or distant from. |
Nighly (adv.) In a near relation in place, time, degree, etc.; within a little; almost. |
Nighness (n.) The quality or state of being nigh. |
Night (n.) That part of the natural day when the sun is beneath the horizon, or the time from sunset to sunrise; esp., the time between dusk and dawn, when there is no light of the sun, but only moonlight, starlight, or artificial light. |
Night (n.) Darkness; obscurity; concealment. |
Night (n.) Intellectual and moral darkness; ignorance. |
Night (n.) A state of affliction; adversity; as, a dreary night of sorrow. |
Night (n.) The period after the close of life; death. |
Night (n.) A lifeless or unenlivened period, as when nature seems to sleep. |
Night-blooming (a.) Blooming in the night. |
Nightcap (n.) A cap worn in bed to protect the head, or in undress. |
Nightcap (n.) A potion of spirit drank at bedtime. |
Nightdress (n.) A nightgown. |
Nighted (a.) Darkness; clouded. |
Nighted (a.) Overtaken by night; belated. |
Nightertale (n.) period of night; nighttime. |
Night-eyed (a.) Capable of seeing at night; sharp-eyed. |
Nightfall (n.) The close of the day. |
Night-faring (a.) Going or traveling in the night. |
Nightgown (n.) A loose gown used for undress; also, a gown used for a sleeping garnment. |
Nightingale (n.) A small, plain, brown and gray European song bird (Luscinia luscinia). It sings at night, and is celebrated for the sweetness of its song. |
Nightingale (n.) A larger species (Lucinia philomela), of Eastern Europe, having similar habits; the thrush nightingale. The name is also applied to other allied species. |
Nightish (a.) Of or pertaining to night. |
Nightjar (n.) A goatsucker, esp. the European species. See Illust. of Goatsucker. |
Nightless (a.) Having no night. |
Nightlong (a.) Lasting all night. |
Nightly (a.) Of or pertaining to the night, or to every night; happening or done by night, or every night; as, nightly shades; he kept nightly vigils. |
Nightly (adv.) At night; every night. |
Nightmen (pl. ) of Nightman |
Nightman (n.) One whose business is emptying privies by night. |
Nightmare (n.) A fiend or incubus formerly supposed to cause trouble in sleep. |
Nightmare (n.) A condition in sleep usually caused by improper eating or by digestive or nervous troubles, and characterized by a sense of extreme uneasiness or discomfort (as of weight on the chest or stomach, impossibility of motion or speech, etc.), or by frightful or oppressive dreams, from which one wakes after extreme anxiety, in a troubled state of mind; incubus. |
Nightmare (n.) Hence, any overwhelming, oppressive, or stupefying influence. |
Nightshade (n.) A common name of many species of the genus Solanum, given esp. to the Solanum nigrum, or black nightshade, a low, branching weed with small white flowers and black berries reputed to be poisonous. |
Nightshirt (n.) A kind of nightgown for men. |
Nighttime (n.) The time from dusk to dawn; -- opposed to daytime. |
Nightward (a.) Approaching toward night. |
Nigraniline (n.) The complex, nitrogenous, organic base and dyestuff called also aniline black. |
Nigrescent (a.) Growing black; changing to a black color; approaching to blackness. |
Nigrification (n.) The act or process of making black. |
Nigrine (n.) A ferruginous variety of rutile. |
Nigritude (n.) Blackness; the state of being black. |
Nigromancie (n.) Necromancy. |
Nigromancien (n.) A necromancer. |
Nigrosine (n.) A dark blue dyestuff, of the induline group; -- called also azodiphenyl blue. |
Nigua (n.) The chigoe. |
Nihil (n.) Nothing. |
Nihilism (n.) Nothingness; nihility. |
Nihilism (n.) The doctrine that nothing can be known; scepticism as to all knowledge and all reality. |
Nihilism (n.) The theories and practices of the Nihilists. |
Nihilist (n.) One who advocates the doctrine of nihilism; one who believes or teaches that nothing can be known, or asserted to exist. |
Nihilist (n.) A member of a secret association (esp. in Russia), which is devoted to the destruction of the present political, religious, and social institutions. |
Nihilistic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or characterized by, nihilism. |
Nihility (n.) Nothingness; a state of being nothing. |
Nil (v. t.) Will not. |
Nil (n. & a.) Nothing; of no account; worthless; -- a term often used for canceling, in accounts or bookkeeping. |
Nile (n.) The great river of Egypt. |
Nilgau (n.) see Nylghau. |
Nilled (imp. & p. p.) of Nill |
Nilling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nill |
Nill (v. t.) Not to will; to refuse; to reject. |
Nill (v. i.) To be unwilling; to refuse to act. |
Nill (n.) Shining sparks thrown off from melted brass. |
Nill (n.) Scales of hot iron from the forge. |
Nilometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the rise of water in the Nile during its periodical flood. |
Niloscope (n.) A Nilometer. |
Nilotic (a.) Of or pertaining to the river Nile; as, the Nilotic crocodile. |
Nilt () Wilt not. |
Nam (imp.) of Nim |
Nimmed () of Nim |
Nomen (p. p.) of Nim |
Nome () of Nim |
Nim (v. t.) To take; to steal; to filch. |
Nimbiferous (a.) Serving to bring clouds or stormy weather. |
Nimble (superl.) Light and quick in motion; moving with ease and celerity; lively; swift. |
Nimbleness (n.) The quality of being nimble; lightness and quickness in motion; agility; swiftness. |
Nimbless (n.) Nimbleness. |
Nimbly (adv.) In a nimble manner; with agility; with light, quick motion. |
Nimbose (a.) Cloudy; stormy; tempestuous. |
Nimbi (pl. ) of Nimbus |
Nimbuses (pl. ) of Nimbus |
Nimbus (n.) A circle, or disk, or any indication of radiant light around the heads of divinities, saints, and sovereigns, upon medals, pictures, etc.; a halo. See Aureola, and Glory, n., 5. |
Nimbus (n.) A rain cloud; one of the four principal varieties of clouds. See Cloud. |
Nimiety (n.) State of being in excess. |
Nimious (a.) Excessive; extravagant; inordinate. |
Nimmer (n.) A thief. |
Nin () Not in. |
Nincompoop (n.) A fool; a silly or stupid person. |
Nine (a.) Eight and one more; one less than ten; as, nine miles. |
Nine (n.) The number greater than eight by a unit; nine units or objects. |
Nine (n.) A symbol representing nine units, as 9 or ix. |
Nine-bark (n.) A white-flowered rosaceous shrub (Neillia, / Spiraea, opulifolia), common in the Northern United States. The bark separates into many thin layers, whence the name. |
Nine-eyes (n.) The lamprey. |
Ninefold (a.) Nine times repeated. |
Nineholes (n. pl.) A game in which nine holes are made in the ground, into which a ball is bowled. |
Nine-killer (n.) The northern butcher bird. |
Ninepences (pl. ) of Ninepence |
Ninepence (n.) An old English silver coin, worth nine pence. |
Ninepence (n.) A New England name for the Spanish real, a coin formerly current in the United States, as valued at twelve and a half cents. |
Ninepins (n. pl.) A game played with nine pins, or pieces of wood, set on end, at which a wooden ball is bowled to knock them down; bowling. |
Ninescore (a.) Nine times twenty, or one hundred and eighty. |
Ninescore (n.) The product of nine times twenty; ninescore units or objects. |
Nineteen (a.) Nine and ten; eighteen and one more; one less than twenty; as, nineteen months. |
Nineteen (n.) The number greater than eighteen by a unit; the sum of ten and nine; nineteen units or objects. |
Nineteen (n.) A symbol for nineteen units, as 19 or xix. |
Nineteenth (a.) Following the eighteenth and preceding the twentieth; coming after eighteen others. |
Nineteenth (a.) Constituting or being one of nineteen equal parts into which anything is divided. |
Nineteenth (n.) The quotient of a unit divided by nineteen; one of nineteen equal parts of anything. |
Nineteenth (n.) The next in order after the eighteenth. |
Nineteenth (n.) An interval of two octaves and a fifth. |
Ninetieth (a.) Next in order after the eighty-ninth. |
Ninetieth (a.) Constituting or being one of ninety equal parts. |
Ninetieth (n.) The quotient of a unit divided by ninety; one of ninety equal parts of anything. |
Ninetieth (n.) The next in order after the eighty-ninth. |
Ninety (a.) Nine times ten; eighty-nine and one more; as, ninety men. |
Nineties (pl. ) of Ninety |
Ninety (n.) The sum of nine times ten; the number greater by a unit than eighty-nine; ninety units or objects. |
Ninety (n.) A symbol representing ninety units, as 90 or xc. |
Ninnies (pl. ) of Ninny |
Ninny (n.) A fool; a simpleton. |
Ninnyhammer (n.) A simpleton; a silly person. |
Ninth (a.) Following the eight and preceding the tenth; coming after eight others. |
Ninth (a.) Constituting or being one of nine equal parts into which anything is divided. |
Ninth (n.) The quotient of one divided by nine; one of nine equal parts of a thing; the next after the eighth. |
Ninth (n.) An interval containing an octave and a second. |
Ninth (n.) A chord of the dominant seventh with the ninth added. |
Ninthly (adv.) In the ninth place. |
Ninut (n.) The magpie. |
Niobate (n.) Same as Columbate. |
Niobe (n.) The daughter of Tantalus, and wife of Amphion, king of Thebes. Her pride in her children provoked Apollo and Diana, who slew them all. Niobe herself was changed by the gods into stone. |
Niobic (a.) Same as Columbic. |
Niobite (n.) Same as Columbite. |
Niobium (n.) A later name of columbium. See Columbium. |
Niopo (n.) A kind of snuff prepared by the natives of Venezuela from the roasted seeds of a leguminous tree (Piptadenia peregrina), thence called niopo tree. |
Nip (n.) A sip or small draught; esp., a draught of intoxicating liquor; a dram. |
Nipped (imp. & p. p.) of Nip |
Nipt () of Nip |
Nipping (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nip |
Nip (v. t.) To catch and inclose or compress tightly between two surfaces, or points which are brought together or closed; to pinch; to close in upon. |
Nip (v. t.) To remove by pinching, biting, or cutting with two meeting edges of anything; to clip. |
Nip (v. t.) Hence: To blast, as by frost; to check the growth or vigor of; to destroy. |
Nip (v. t.) To vex or pain, as by nipping; hence, to taunt. |
Nip (n.) A seizing or closing in upon; a pinching; as, in the northern seas, the nip of masses of ice. |
Nip (n.) A pinch with the nails or teeth. |
Nip (n.) A small cut, or a cutting off the end. |
Nip (n.) A blast; a killing of the ends of plants by frost. |
Nip (n.) A biting sarcasm; a taunt. |
Nip (n.) A short turn in a rope. |
Nipper (n.) One who, or that which, nips. |
Nipper (n.) A fore tooth of a horse. The nippers are four in number. |
Nipper (n.) A satirist. |
Nipper (n.) A pickpocket; a young or petty thief. |
Nipper (n.) The cunner. |
Nipper (n.) A European crab (Polybius Henslowii). |
Nipperkin (n.) A small cup. |
Nippers (n. pl.) Small pinchers for holding, breaking, or cutting. |
Nippers (n. pl.) A device with fingers or jaws for seizing an object and holding or conveying it; as, in a printing press, a clasp for catching a sheet and conveying it to the form. |
Nippers (n. pl.) A number of rope-yarns wound together, used to secure a cable to the messenger. |
Nipping (a.) Biting; pinching; painful; destructive; as, a nipping frost; a nipping wind. |
Nippingly (adv.) In a nipping manner. |
Nippitate (a.) Peculiary strong and good; -- said of ale or liquor. |
Nippitato (n.) Strong liquor. |
Nipple (n.) The protuberance through which milk is drawn from the breast or mamma; the mammilla; a teat; a pap. |
Nipple (n.) The orifice at which any animal liquid, as the oil from an oil bag, is discharged. |
Nipple (n.) Any small projection or article in which there is an orifice for discharging a fluid, or for other purposes; as, the nipple of a nursing bottle; the nipple of a percussion lock, or that part on which the cap is put and through which the fire passes to the charge. |
Nipple (n.) A pipe fitting, consisting of a short piece of pipe, usually provided with a screw thread at each end, for connecting two other fittings. |
Nipplewort (n.) A yellow-flowered composite herb (Lampsana communis), formerly used as an external application to the nipples of women; -- called also dock-cress. |
Nirvana (n.) In the Buddhist system of religion, the final emancipation of the soul from transmigration, and consequently a beatific enfrachisement from the evils of wordly existence, as by annihilation or absorption into the divine. See Buddhism. |
Nis () Is not. |
Nisan (n.) The first month of the jewish ecclesiastical year, formerly answering nearly to the month of April, now to March, of the Christian calendar. See Abib. |
Nyseys (pl. ) of Nisey |
Nisey (n.) A simpleton. |
Nisi (conj.) Unless; if not. |
Niste () Wist not; knew not. |
Nisus (n.) A striving; an effort; a conatus. |
Nit (n.) The egg of a louse or other small insect. |
Nitency (n.) Brightness; luster. |
Nitency (n.) Endeavor; rffort; tendency. |
Niter (n.) Alt. of Nitre |
Nitre (n.) A white crystalline semitransparent salt; potassium nitrate; saltpeter. See Saltpeter. |
Nitre (n.) Native sodium carbonate; natron. |
Nithing (n.) See Niding. |
Nitid (a.) Bright; lustrous; shining. |
Nitid (a.) Gay; spruce; fine; -- said of persons. |
Nitranilic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a complex organic acid produced as a white crystalline substance by the action of nitrous acid on hydroquinone. |
Nitraniline (n.) Any one of a series of nitro derivatives of aniline. In general they are yellow crystalline substances. |
Nitrate (n.) A salt of nitric acid. |
Nitrated (a.) Combined, or impregnated, with nitric acid, or some of its compounds. |
Nitrated (a.) Prepared with nitrate of silver. |
Nitratine (n.) A mineral occurring in transparent crystals, usually of a white, sometimes of a reddish gray, or lemon-yellow, color; native sodium nitrate. It is used in making nitric acid and for manure. Called also soda niter. |
Nitre (n.) See Niter. |
Nitriary (n.) An artificial bed of animal matter for the manufacture of niter by nitrification. See Nitrification, 2. |
Nitric (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, nitrogen; specifically, designating any one of those compounds in which, as contrasted with nitrous compounds, the element has a higher valence; as, nitric oxide; nitric acid. |
Nitride (n.) A binary compound of nitrogen with a more metallic element or radical; as, boric nitride. |
Nitriferous (a.) Bearing niter; yielding, or containing, niter. |
Nitrification (n.) The act, process, or result of combining with nitrogen or some of its compounds. |
Nitrification (n.) The act or process of oxidizing nitrogen or its compounds so as to form nitrous or nitric acid. |
Nitrification (n.) A process of oxidation, in which nitrogenous vegetable and animal matter in the presence of air, moisture, and some basic substances, as lime or alkali carbonate, is converted into nitrates. |
Nitrifier (n.) An agent employed in nitrification. |
Nitrified (imp. & p. p.) of Nitrify |
Nitrifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nitrify |
Nitrify (v. t.) To combine or impregnate with nitrogen; to convert, by oxidation, into nitrous or nitric acid; to subject to, or produce by, nitrification. |
Nitrile (n.) Any one of a series of cyanogen compounds; particularly, one of those cyanides of alcohol radicals which, by boiling with acids or alkalies, produce a carboxyl acid, with the elimination of the nitrogen as ammonia. |
Nitrite (n.) A salt of nitrous acid. |
Nitro- () A combining form or an adjective denoting the presence of niter. |
Nitro- () A combining form (used also adjectively) designating certain compounds of nitrogen or of its acids, as nitrohydrochloric, nitrocalcite; also, designating the group or radical NO2, or its compounds, as nitrobenzene. |
Nitrobenzene (n.) A yellow aromatic liquid (C6H5.NO2), produced by the action of nitric acid on benzene, and called from its odor imitation oil of bitter almonds, or essence of mirbane. It is used in perfumery, and is manufactured in large quantities in the preparation of aniline. Fornerly called also nitrobenzol. |
Nitrobenzol (n.) Alt. of Nitrobenzole |
Nitrobenzole (n.) See Nitrobenzene. |
Nitrocalcite (n.) Nitrate of calcium, a substance having a grayish white color, occuring in efforescences on old walls, and in limestone caves, especially where there exists decaying animal matter. |
Nitrocarbol (n.) See Nitromethane. |
Nitrocellulose (n.) See Gun cotton, under Gun. |
Nitro-chloroform (n.) Same as Chlorpicrin. |
Nitroform (n.) A nitro derivative of methane, analogous to chloroform, obtained as a colorless oily or crystalline substance, CH.(NO2)3, quite explosive, and having well-defined acid properties. |
Nitrogelatin (n.) An explosive consisting of gun cotton and camphor dissolved in nitroglycerin. |
Nitrogen (n.) A colorless nonmetallic element, tasteless and odorless, comprising four fifths of the atmosphere by volume. It is chemically very inert in the free state, and as such is incapable of supporting life (hence the name azote still used by French chemists); but it forms many important compounds, as ammonia, nitric acid, the cyanides, etc, and is a constituent of all organized living tissues, animal or vegetable. Symbol N. Atomic weight 14. It was formerly regarded as a permanent noncondensible gas, but was liquefied in 1877 by Cailletet of Paris, and Pictet of Geneva. |
Nitrogenized (imp. & p. p.) of Nitrogenize |
Nitrogenizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nitrogenize |
Nitrogenize (v. t.) To combine, or impregnate, with nitrogen or its compounds. |
Nitrogenous (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, nitrogen; as, a nitrogenous principle; nitrogenous compounds. |
Nitroglycerin (n.) A liquid appearing like a heavy oil, colorless or yellowish, and consisting of a mixture of several glycerin salts of nitric acid, and hence more properly called glycerin nitrate. It is made by the action of nitric acid on glycerin in the presence of sulphuric acid. It is extremely unstable and terribly explosive. A very dilute solution is used in medicine as a neurotic under the name of glonion. |
Nitrohydrochloric (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, nitric and hydrochloric acids. |
Nitrol (n.) Any one of a series of hydrocarbons containing the nitro and the nitroso or isonitroso group united to the same carbon atom. |
Nitroleum (n.) Nitroglycerin. |
Nitrolic (a.) Of, derived from, or designating, a nitrol; as, a nitrolic acid. |
Nitromagnesite (n.) Nitrate of magnesium, a saline efflorescence closely resembling nitrate of calcium. |
Nitrometer (n.) An apparatus for determining the amount of nitrogen or some of its compounds in any substance subjected to analysis; an azotometer. |
Nitromethane (n.) A nitro derivative of methane obtained as a mobile liquid; -- called also nitrocarbol. |
Nitromuriatic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or composed of, nitric acid and muriatic acid; nitrohydrochloric. See Nitrohydrochloric. |
Nitrophnol (n.) Any one of a series of nitro derivatives of phenol. They are yellow oily or crystalline substances and have well-defined acid properties, as picric acid. |
Nitroprussic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, a complex acid called nitroprussic acid, obtained indirectly by the action of nitric acid on potassium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate), as a red crystalline unstable substance. It forms salts called nitroprussides, which give a rich purple color with alkaline subphides. |
Nitroprusside (n.) See Nitroprussic. |
Nitroquinol (n.) A hypothetical nitro derivative of quinol or hydroquinone, not known in the free state, but forming a well defined series of derivatives. |
Niteosaccharin (n.) An explosive nitro derivative of certain sugars, analogous to nitroglycerin, gun cotton, etc. |
Nitrosalicylic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a nitro derivative of salicylic acid, called also anilic acid. |
Nitrose (a.) See Nitrous. |
Nitroso- () (/ / /). (Chem.) A prefix (also used adjectively) designating the group or radical NO, called the nitroso group, or its compounds. |
Nitrosyl (n.) the radical NO, called also the nitroso group. The term is sometimes loosely used to designate certain nitro compounds; as, nitrosyl sulphuric acid. Used also adjectively. |
Nitrosylic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, nitrosyl; as, nitrosylic acid. |
Nitrous (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, niter; of the quality of niter, or resembling it. |
Nitrous (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, any one of those compounds in which nitrogen has a relatively lower valence as contrasted with nitric compounds. |
Nitroxyl (n.) The group NO2, usually called the nitro group. |
Nitrum (n.) Niter. |
Nitry (a.) Nitrous. |
Nitryl (n.) A name sometimes given to the nitro group or radical. |
Nitter (n.) The horselouse; an insect that deposits nits on horses. |
Nittily (adv.) Lousily. |
Nittings (n. pl.) The refuse of good ore. |
Nitty (a.) Full of nits. |
Nitty (a.) Shining; elegant; spruce. |
Nival (a.) Abounding with snow; snowy. |
Niveous (a.) Snowy; resembling snow; partaking of the qualities of snow. |
Nivose (n.) The fourth month of the French republican calendar [1792-1806]. It commenced December 21, and ended January 19. See VendEmiaire. |
Nix (fem.) One of a class of water spirits, commonly described as of a mischievous disposition. |
Nixie (n.) See Nix. |
Nizam (n.) The title of the native sovereigns of Hyderabad, in India, since 1719. |
No (a.) Not any; not one; none. |
No (adv.) Nay; not; not at all; not in any respect or degree; -- a word expressing negation, denial, or refusal. Before or after another negative, no is emphatic. |
Noes (pl. ) of No |
No (n.) A refusal by use of the wordd no; a denial. |
No (n.) A negative vote; one who votes in the negative; as, to call for the ayes and noes; the noes have it. |
Noachian (a.) Of or pertaining to the patriarch Noah, or to his time. |
Noah (n.) A patriarch of Biblical history, in the time of the Deluge. |
Nob (n.) The head. |
Nob (n.) A person in a superior position in life; a nobleman. |
Nobbily (adv.) In a nobby manner. |
Nobbler (n.) A dram of spirits. |
Nobby (a.) Stylish; modish; elegant; showy; aristocratic; fashionable. |
Nobiliary (a.) Of or pertaining to the nobility. |
Nobiliary (n.) A history of noble families. |
Nobilify (v. t.) To make noble; to nobiliate. |
Nobilitate (v. t.) To make noble; to ennoble; to exalt. |
Nobilitation (n.) The act of making noble. |
Nobility (n.) The quality or state of being noble; superiority of mind or of character; commanding excellence; eminence. |
Nobility (n.) The state of being of high rank or noble birth; patrician dignity; antiquity of family; distinction by rank, station, or title, whether inherited or conferred. |
Nobility (n.) Those who are noble; the collictive body of nobles or titled persons in a stste; the aristocratic and patrician class; the peerage; as, the English nobility. |
Noble (superl.) Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc.; above whatever is low, mean, degrading, or dishonorable; magnanimous; as, a noble nature or action; a noble heart. |
Noble (superl.) Grand; stately; magnificent; splendid; as, a noble edifice. |
Noble (superl.) Of exalted rank; of or pertaining to the nobility; distinguished from the masses by birth, station, or title; highborn; as, noble blood; a noble personage. |
Noble (n.) A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer. |
Noble (n.) An English money of account, and, formerly, a gold coin, of the value of 6 s. 8 d. sterling, or about $1.61. |
Noble (n.) A European fish; the lyrie. |
Noble (v. t.) To make noble; to ennoble. |
Noblemen (pl. ) of Nobleman |
Nobleman (n.) One of the nobility; a noble; a peer; one who enjoys rank above a commoner, either by virtue of birth, by office, or by patent. |
Noble-minded (a.) Having a noble mind; honorable; magnanimous. |
Nobleness (n.) The quality or state of being noble; greatness; dignity; magnanimity; elevation of mind, character, or station; nobility; grandeur; stateliness. |
Nobless (n.) Alt. of Noblesse |
Noblesse (n.) Dignity; greatness; noble birth or condition. |
Noblesse (n.) The nobility; persons of noble rank collectively, including males and females. |
Noblewomen (pl. ) of Noblewoman |
Noblewoman (n.) A female of noble rank; a peeress. |
Nobley (n.) The body of nobles; the nobility. |
Nobley (n.) Noble birth; nobility; dignity. |
Nobly (adv.) Of noble extraction; as, nobly born or descended. |
Nobly (adv.) In a noble manner; with greatness of soul; heroically; with magnanimity; as, a deed nobly done. |
Nobly (adv.) Splendidly; magnificently. |
Nobodies (pl. ) of Nobody |
Nobody (n.) No person; no one; not anybody. |
Nobody (n.) A person of no influence or importance; an insignificant or contemptible person. |
Nocake (n.) Indian corn parched, and beaten to powder, -- used for food by the Northern American Indians. |
Nocent (a.) Doing hurt, or having a tendency to hurt; hurtful; mischievous; noxious; as, nocent qualities. |
Nocent (a.) Guilty; -- the opposite of innocent. |
Nocent (n.) A criminal. |
Nocently (adv.) Hurtfully; injuriosly. |
Nocive (a.) Hurtful; injurious. |
Nock (n.) A notch. |
Nock (n.) The upper fore corner of a boom sail or of a trysail. |
Nock (v. t.) To notch; to fit to the string, as an arrow; to string, as a bow. |
Noctambulation (n.) Somnambulism; walking in sleep. |
Noctambulism (n.) Somnambulism. |
Noctambulist (n.) A somnambulist. |
Noctambulo (n.) A noctambulist. |
Noctidial (a.) Comprising a night and a day; a noctidial day. |
Noctiferous (a.) Bringing night. |
Noctilionid (n.) A South American bat of the genus Noctilio, having cheek pouches and large incisor teeth. |
NoctilucAe (pl. ) of Noctiluca |
Noctiluca (n.) That which shines at night; -- a fanciful name for phosphorus. |
Noctiluca (n.) A genus of marine flagellate Infusoria, remarkable for their unusually large size and complex structure, as well as for their phosphorescence. The brilliant diffuse phosphorescence of the sea is often due to myriads of Noctilucae. |
Noctilucin (n.) A fatlike substance in certain marine animals, to which they owe their phosphorescent properties. |
Noctilucine (a.) Of or pertaining to Noctiluca. |
Noctilucous (a.) Shining in the night. |
Noctivagant (a.) Going about in the night; night-wandering. |
Noctivagation (n.) A roving or going about in the night. |
Noctivagous (a.) Noctivagant. |
Noctograph (n.) A kind of writing frame for the blind. |
Noctograph (n.) An instrument or register which records the presence of watchmen on their beats. |
Noctuary (n.) A record of what passes in the night; a nightly journal; -- distinguished from diary. |
Noctuid (n.) Any one of numerous moths of the family Noctuidae, or Noctuaelitae, as the cutworm moths, and armyworm moths; -- so called because they fly at night. |
Noctuid (a.) Of or pertaining to the noctuids, or family Noctuidae. |
Noctule (n.) A large European bat (Vespertilio, / Noctulina, altivolans). |
Nocturn (n.) An office of devotion, or act of religious service, by night. |
Nocturn (n.) One of the portions into which the Psalter was divided, each consisting of nine psalms, designed to be used at a night service. |
Nocturnal (a.) Of, pertaining to, done or occuring in, the night; as, nocturnal darkness, cries, expedition, etc.; -- opposed to diurnal. |
Nocturnal (a.) Having a habit of seeking food or moving about at night; as, nocturnal birds and insects. |
Nocturnal (n.) An instrument formerly used for taking the altitude of the stars, etc., at sea. |
Nocturnally (adv.) By night; nightly. |
Nocturne (n.) A night piece, or serenade. The name is now used for a certain graceful and expressive form of instrumental composition, as the nocturne for orchestra in Mendelsohn's "Midsummer-Night's Dream" music. |
Nocument (n.) Harm; injury; detriment. |
Nocuous (a.) Hurtful; noxious. |
Nod (v. i.) To bend or incline the upper part, with a quick motion; as, nodding plumes. |
Nod (v. i.) To incline the head with a quick motion; to make a slight bow; to make a motion of assent, of salutation, or of drowsiness, with the head; as, to nod at one. |
Nod (v. i.) To be drowsy or dull; to be careless. |
Nodded (imp. & p. p.) of Nod |
Nodding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nod |
Nod (v. t.) To incline or bend, as the head or top; to make a motion of assent, of salutation, or of drowsiness with; as, to nod the head. |
Nod (v. t.) To signify by a nod; as, to nod approbation. |
Nod (v. t.) To cause to bend. |
Nod (n.) A dropping or bending forward of the upper oart or top of anything. |
Nod (n.) A quick or slight downward or forward motion of the head, in assent, in familiar salutation, in drowsiness, or in giving a signal, or a command. |
Nodal (a.) Of the nature of, or relating to, a node; as, a nodal point. |
Nodated (a.) Knotted. |
Nodation (n.) Act of making a knot, or state of being knotted. |
Nodder (n.) One who nods; a drowsy person. |
Nodding (a.) Curved so that the apex hangs down; having the top bent downward. |
Noddle (n.) The head; -- used jocosely or contemptuously. |
Noddle (n.) The back part of the head or neck. |
Noddies (pl. ) of Noddy |
Noddy (n.) A simpleton; a fool. |
Noddy (n.) Any tern of the genus Anous, as A. stolidus. |
Noddy (n.) The arctic fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis). Sometimes also applied to other sea birds. |
Noddy (n.) An old game at cards. |
Noddy (n.) A small two-wheeled one-horse vehicle. |
Noddy (n.) An inverted pendulum consisting of a short vertical flat spring which supports a rod having a bob at the top; -- used for detecting and measuring slight horizontal vibrations of a body to which it is attached. |
Node (n.) A knot, a knob; a protuberance; a swelling. |
Node (n.) One of the two points where the orbit of a planet, or comet, intersects the ecliptic, or the orbit of a satellite intersects the plane of the orbit of its primary. |
Node (n.) The joint of a stem, or the part where a leaf or several leaves are inserted. |
Node (n.) A hole in the gnomon of a dial, through which passes the ray of light which marks the hour of the day, the parallels of the sun's declination, his place in the ecliptic, etc. |
Node (n.) The point at which a curve crosses itself, being a double point of the curve. See Crunode, and Acnode. |
Node (n.) The point at which the lines of a funicular machine meet from different angular directions; -- called also knot. |
Node (n.) The knot, intrigue, or plot of a piece. |
Node (n.) A hard concretion or incrustation which forms upon bones attacked with rheumatism, gout, or syphilis; sometimes also, a swelling in the neighborhood of a joint. |
Node (n.) One of the fixed points of a sonorous string, when it vibrates by aliquot parts, and produces the harmonic tones; nodal line or point. |
Node (n.) A swelling. |
Nodical (a.) Of or pertaining to the nodes; from a node to the same node again; as, the nodical revolutions of the moon. |
Nodosarine (a.) Resembling in form or structure a foraminiferous shell of the genus Nodosaria. |
Nodosarine (n.) A foraminifer of the genus Nodosaria or of an allied genus. |
Nodose (a.) Knotty; having numerous or conspicuous nodes. |
Nodose (a.) Having nodes or prominences; having the alternate joints enlarged, as the antennae of certain insects. |
Nodosity (n.) The quality of being knotty or nodose; resemblance to a node or swelling; knottiness. |
Nodosity (n.) A knot; a node. |
Nodosous (a.) Alt. of Nodous |
Nodous (a.) Nodose; knotty; knotted. |
Nodular (a.) Of, pertaining to, or in the form of, a nodule or knot. |
Nodule (n.) A rounded mass or irregular shape; a little knot or lump. |
Noduled (a.) Having little knots or lumps. |
Nodulose (a.) Alt. of Nodulous |
Nodulous (a.) Having small nodes or knots; diminutively nodose. |
Noel (n.) Same as Nowel. |
Noematachograph (n.) An instrument for determining and registering the duration of more or less complex operations of the mind. |
Noematic (a.) Alt. of Noematical |
Noematical (a.) Of or pertaining to the understanding. |
Noemics (n.) The science of the understanding; intellectual science. |
Noetian (n.) One of the followers of Noetus, who lived in the third century. He denied the distinct personality of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. |
Noetic (a.) Alt. of Noetical |
Noetical (a.) Of or pertaining to the intellect; intellectual. |
Nof () Not of; nor of. |
Nog (n.) A noggin. |
Nog (n.) A kind of strong ale. |
Nog (n.) A wooden block, of the size of a brick, built into a wall, as a hold for the nails of woodwork. |
Nog (n.) One of the square logs of wood used in a pile to support the roof of a mine. |
Nog (n.) A treenail to fasten the shores. |
Nog (v. t.) To fill in, as between scantling, with brickwork. |
Nog (v. t.) To fasten, as shores, with treenails. |
Noggen (a.) Made of hemp; hence, hard; rough; harsh. |
Noggin (n.) A small mug or cup. |
Noggin (n.) A measure equivalent to a gill. |
Nogging (v. t.) Rough brick masonry used to fill in the interstices of a wooden frame, in building. |
Noght (adv.) Not. |
Noiance (n.) Annoyance. |
Noie (v. t.) To annoy. See Noy. |
Noier (n.) An annoyer. |
Noils (n. pl.) Waste and knots of wool removed by the comb; combings. |
Noint (v. t.) To anoint. |
Noious (a.) Annoying; troublesome. |
Noise (n.) Sound of any kind. |
Noise (n.) Especially, loud, confused, or senseless sound; clamor; din. |
Noise (n.) Loud or continuous talk; general talk or discussion; rumor; report. |
Noise (n.) Music, in general; a concert; also, a company of musicians; a band. |
Noise (v. i.) To sound; to make a noise. |
Noised (imp. & p. p.) of Noise |
Noising (p pr. & vb. n.) of Noise |
Noise (v. t.) To spread by rumor or report. |
Noise (v. t.) To disturb with noise. |
Noiseful (a.) Loud; clamorous. |
Noiseless (a.) Making, or causing, no noise or bustle; without noise; silent; as, the noiseless foot of time. |
Noisette (n.) A hybrid rose produced in 1817, by a French gardener, Noisette, of Charleston, South Carolina, from the China rose and the musk rose. It has given rise to many fine varieties, as the Lamarque, the Marechal (or Marshal) Niel, and the Cloth of gold. Most roses of this class have clustered flowers and are of vigorous growth. |
Noisily (adv.) In a noisy manner. |
Noisiness (n.) The state or quality of being noisy. |
Noisome (a.) Noxious to health; hurtful; mischievous; unwholesome; insalubrious; destructive; as, noisome effluvia. |
Noisome (a.) Offensive to the smell or other senses; disgusting; fetid. |
Noisy (superl.) Making a noise, esp. a loud sound; clamorous; vociferous; turbulent; boisterous; as, the noisy crowd. |
Noisy (superl.) Full of noise. |
Nolde () Would not. |
Nole (n.) The head. |
Noli-me-tangere (n.) Any plant of a genus of herbs (Impatiens) having capsules which, if touched when ripe, discharge their seeds. -- See Impatiens. |
Noli-me-tangere (n.) The squirting cucumber. See under Cucumber. |
Noli-me-tangere (n.) A name formerly applied to several varieties of ulcerous cutaneous diseases, but now restricted to Lupus exedens, an ulcerative affection of the nose. |
Nolition (n.) Adverse action of will; unwillingness; -- opposed to volition. |
Noll (n.) The head; the noddle. |
Nolleity (n.) The state of being unwilling; nolition. |
Nolle prosequi () Will not prosecute; -- an entry on the record, denoting that a plaintiff discontinues his suit, or the attorney for the public a prosecution; either wholly, or as to some count, or as to some of several defendants. |
Nolo contendere () A plea, by the defendant, in a criminal prosecution, which, without admitting guilt, subjects him to all the consequences of a plea of quilty. |
Nol. pros. () An abbrev. of Nolle prosequi. |
-prossed (imp. & p. p.) of Nol-pros |
-prossing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nol-pros |
Nol-pros (v. t.) To discontinue by entering a nolle prosequi; to decline to prosecute. |
Nolt (n. sing. & pl.) Neat cattle. |
Nom (n.) Name. |
Noma (n.) See Canker, n., 1. |
Nomad (n.) One of a race or tribe that has no fixed location, but wanders from place to place in search of pasture or game. |
Nomad (a.) Roving; nomadic. |
Nomade (n.) See Nomad, n. |
Nomadian (n.) A nomad. |
Nomadic (a.) Of or pertaining to nomads, or their way of life; wandering; moving from place to place for subsistence; as, a nomadic tribe. |
Nomadism (n.) The state of being a nomad. |
Nomadized (imp. & p. p.) of Nomadize |
Nomadizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nomadize |
Nomadize (v. i.) To lead the life of a nomad; to wander with flocks and herds for the sake of finding pasturage. |
Nomancy (n.) The art or practice of divining the destiny of persons by the letters which form their names. |
No-man's land () A space amidships used to keep blocks, ropes, etc.; a space on a ship belonging to no one in particular to care for. |
No-man's land () Fig.: An unclaimed space or time. |
Nomarch (n.) The chief magistrate of a nome or nomarchy. |
Nomarchies (pl. ) of Nomarchy |
Nomarchy (n.) A province or territorial division of a kingdom, under the rule of a nomarch, as in modern Greece; a nome. |
Nombles (n. pl.) The entrails of a deer; the umbles. |
Nombril (n.) A point halfway between the fess point and the middle base point of an escutcheon; -- called also navel point. See Escutcheon. |
Nome (n.) A province or political division, as of modern Greece or ancient Egypt; a nomarchy. |
Nome (n.) Any melody determined by inviolable rules. |
Nome (n.) See Term. |
Nome () Alt. of Nomen |
Nomen () p. p. of Nim. |
Nomenclator (n.) One who calls persons or things by their names. |
Nomenclator (n.) One who gives names to things, or who settles and adjusts the nomenclature of any art or science; also, a list or vocabulary of technical names. |
Nomenclatress (n.) A female nomenclator. |
Nomenclatural (a.) Pertaining or according to a nomenclature. |
Nomenclature (n.) A name. |
Nomenclature (n.) A vocabulary, dictionary, or glossary. |
Nomenclature (n.) The technical names used in any particular branch of science or art, or by any school or individual; as, the nomenclature of botany or of chemistry; the nomenclature of Lavoisier and his associates. |
Nomial (n.) A name or term. |
Nomic (a.) Customary; ordinary; -- applied to the usual English spelling, in distinction from strictly phonetic methods. |
Nomic (n.) Nomic spelling. |
Nominal (a.) Of or pertaining to a name or names; having to do with the literal meaning of a word; verbal; as, a nominal definition. |
Nominal (a.) Existing in name only; not real; as, a nominal difference. |
Nominal (n.) A nominalist. |
Nominal (n.) A verb formed from a noun. |
Nominal (n.) A name; an appellation. |
Nominalism (n.) The principles or philosophy of the Nominalists. |
Nominalist (n.) One of a sect of philosophers in the Middle Ages, who adopted the opinion of Roscelin, that general conceptions, or universals, exist in name only. |
Nominalistic (a.) Of or pertaining to the Nominalists. |
Nominalize (v. t.) To convert into a noun. |
Nominally (adv.) In a nominal manner; by name; in name only; not in reality. |
Nominated (imp. & p. p.) of Nominate |
Nominating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nominate |
Nominate (v. t.) To mention by name; to name. |
Nominate (v. t.) To call; to entitle; to denominate. |
Nominate (v. t.) To set down in express terms; to state. |
Nominate (v. t.) To name, or designate by name, for an office or place; to appoint; esp., to name as a candidate for an election, choice, or appointment; to propose by name, or offer the name of, as a candidate for an office or place. |
Nominately (adv.) By name; particularly; namely. |
Nomination (n.) The act of naming or nominating; designation of a person as a candidate for office; the power of nominating; the state of being nominated. |
Nomination (n.) The denomination, or name. |
Nominatival (a.) Of or pertaining to the nominative case. |
Nominative (a.) Giving a name; naming; designating; -- said of that case or form of a noun which stands as the subject of a finite verb. |
Nominative (n.) The nominative case. |
Nominatively (adv.) In the manner of a nominative; as a nominative. |
Nominator (n.) One who nominates. |
Nominee (n.) A person named, or designated, by another, to any office, duty, or position; one nominated, or proposed, by others for office or for election to office. |
Nominor (n.) A nominator. |
Nomocracy (n.) Government in accordance with a system of law. |
Nomography (n.) A treatise on laws; an exposition of the form proper for laws. |
Nomology (n.) The science of law; legislation. |
Nomology (n.) The science of the laws of the mind; rational psychology. |
Nomopelmous (a.) Having a separate and simple tendon to flex the first toe, or hallux, as do passerine birds. |
Nomothete (n.) A lawgiver. |
Nomothetic (a.) Alt. of Nomothetical |
Nomothetical (a.) Legislative; enacting laws; as, a nomothetical power. |
Non (a.) No; not. See No, a. |
Non- () A prefix used in the sense of not; un-; in-; as in nonattention, or non-attention, nonconformity, nonmetallic, nonsuit. |
Nonability (n.) Want of ability. |
Nonability (n.) An exception taken against a plaintiff in a cause, when he is unable legally to commence a suit. |
Nonacceptance (n.) A neglect or refusal to accept. |
Nonacid (a.) Destitute of acid properties; hence, basic; metallic; positive; -- said of certain atoms and radicals. |
Nonacquaintance (n.) Want of acquaintance; the state of being unacquainted. |
Nonacquiescence (n.) Refusal of acquiescence; failure to yield or comply. |
Nonadmission (n.) Failure to be admitted. |
Nonadult (a.) Not adult; immature. |
Nonaerobiotic (a.) Capable of living without atmospheric oxygen; anaerobiotic. |
Nonage (n.) The ninth part of movable goods, formerly payable to the clergy on the death of persons in their parishes. |
Nonage (n.) Time of life before a person becomes of age; legal immaturity; minority. |
Nonaged (a.) Having the quality of nonage; being a minor; immature. |
Nonagenarian (n.) A person ninety years old. |
Nonagesimal (a.) Of or pertaining to the ninetieth degree or to a nonagesimal. |
Nonagesimal (n.) The middle or highest point of the part of the ecliptic which is at any given moment above the horizon. It is the ninetieth degree of the ecliptic, reckoned from the points in which it is intersected by the horizon. |
Nonagon (n.) A figure or polygon having nine sides and nine angles. |
Nonagrian (n.) Any moth of the genus Nonagria and allied genera, as the spindleworm and stalk borer. |
Nonalienation (n.) Failure to alienate; also, the state of not being alienated. |
Nonane (n.) One of a group of metameric hydrocarbons C9H20 of the paraffin series; -- so called because of the nine carbon atoms in the molecule. Normal nonane is a colorless volatile liquid, an ingredient of ordinary kerosene. |
Nonappearance (n.) Default of apperance, as in court, to prosecute or defend; failure to appear. |
Nonappointment (n.) Neglect of making appointment; failure to receive an appointment. |
Nonarrival (n.) Failure to arrive. |
Non assumpsit () The general plea or denial in an action of assumpsit. |
Nonattendance (n.) A failure to attend; omission of attendance; nonappearance. |
Nonattention (n.) Inattention. |
Nonbituminous (a.) Containing no bitumen; not bituminous. |
Nonce (n.) The one or single occasion; the present call or purpose; -- chiefly used in the phrase for the nonce. |
Nonchalance (n.) Indifference; carelessness; coolness. |
Nonchalant (a.) Indifferent; careless; cool. |
Nonchalantly (adv.) In a nonchalant, indifferent, or careless manner; coolly. |
Nonclaim (n.) A failure to make claim within the time limited by law; omission of claim. |
Noncohesion (n.) Want of cohesion. |
Noncoincidence (n.) Lack of coincidence. |
Noncoincident (a.) Not coincident. |
Noncombatant (n.) Any person connected with an army, or within the lines of an army, who does not make it his business to fight, as any one of the medical officers and their assistants, chaplains, and others; also, any of the citizens of a place occupied by an army; also, any one holding a similar position with respect to the navy. |
Noncommissioned (a.) Not having a commission. |
Noncommittal (n.) A state of not being committed or pledged; forbearance or refusal to commit one's self. Also used adjectively. |
Noncommunion (n.) Neglect or failure of communion. |
Noncompletion (n.) Lack of completion; failure to complete. |
Noncompliance (n.) Neglect of compliance; failure to comply. |
Noncomplying (a.) Neglecting or refusing to comply. |
Non compos () Alt. of Non compos mentis |
Non compos mentis () Not of sound mind; not having the regular use of reason; hence, also, as a noun, an idiot; a lunatic; one devoid of reason, either by nature or from accident. |
Noncon. (n.) See Noncontent. |
Nonconcluding (a.) Not concluding. |
Nonconcur (v. i.) To dissent or refuse to concur. |
Nonconcurrence (n.) Refusal to concur. |
Noncondensible (a.) Not condensible; incapable of being liquefied; -- said of gases. |
Noncondensing (a.) Not condensing; discharging the steam from the cylinder at a pressure nearly equal to or above that of the atmosphere and not into a condenser. |
Nonconducting (a.) Not conducting; not transmitting a fluid or force; thus, in electricity, wax is a nonconducting substance. |
Nonconduction (n.) The quality of not being able to conduct or transmit; failure to conduct. |
Nonconductor (n.) A substance which does not conduct, that is, convey or transmit, heat, electricity, sound, vibration, or the like, or which transmits them with difficulty; an insulator; as, wool is a nonconductor of heat; glass and dry wood are nonconductors of electricity. |
Nonconforming (a.) Not conforming; declining conformity; especially, not conforming to the established church of a country. |
Nonconformist (n.) One who does not conform to an established church; especially, one who does not conform to the established church of England; a dissenter. |
Nonconformity (n.) Neglect or failure of conformity; especially, in England, the neglect or refusal to unite with the established church in its rites and modes of worship. |
Nonconstat (n.) It does not appear; it is not plain or clear; it does not follow. |
Noncontagious (a.) Not contagious; not catching; not communicable by contact. |
Noncontent (n.) One who gives a negative vote; -- sometimes abridged into noncon. or non con. |
Noncontributing (a.) Alt. of Noncontributory |
Noncontributory (a.) Not contributing. |
Nonda (n.) The edible plumlike fruit of the Australian tree, Parinarium Nonda. |
Nondecane (n.) A hydrocarbon of the paraffin series, a white waxy substance, C19H40; -- so called from the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. |
Nondeciduate (a.) Characterized by the absence of a decidua; indeciduate. |
Nondelivery (n.) A neglect or failure of delivery; omission of delivery. |
Nondeposition (n.) A failure to deposit or throw down. |
Nondescript (a.) Not hitherto described; novel; hence, odd; abnormal; unclassifiable. |
Nondescript (n.) A thing not yet described; that of which no account or explanation has been given; something abnormal, or hardly classifiable. |
Nondevelopment (n.) Failure or lack of development. |
Nondiscovery (n.) Want or failure of discovery. |
Nondo (n.) A coarse umbelliferous plant (Ligusticum actaeifolium) with a large aromatic root. It is found chiefly in the Alleghany region. Also called Angelico. |
None (a.) No one; not one; not anything; -- frequently used also partitively, or as a plural, not any. |
None (a.) No; not any; -- used adjectively before a vowel, in old style; as, thou shalt have none assurance of thy life. |
None (n.) Same as Nones, 2. |
Noneffective (a.) Not effective. |
Noneffective (a.) Not fit or available for duty. |
Non-ego (n.) The union of being and relation as distinguished from, and contrasted with, the ego. See Ego. |
Nonelastic (a.) Not having elasticity. |
Nonelect (n. sing. & pl.) A person or persons not elected, or chosen, to salvation. |
Nonelection (n.) Failure of election. |
Nonelectric (a.) Alt. of Nonelectrical |
Nonelectrical (a.) Not electric; conducting electricity. |
Nonelectric (n.) A substance that is not an electric; that which transmits electricity, as a metal. |
Nonemphatic (a.) Alt. of Nonemphatical |
Nonemphatical (a.) Having no emphasis; unemphatic. |
Nonentities (pl. ) of Nonentity |
Nonentity (n.) Nonexistence; the negation of being. |
Nonentity (n.) A thing not existing. |
Nonentity (n.) A person or thing of little or no account. |
Non-Episcopal (a.) Not Episcopal; not pertaining to the Episcopal church or system. |
Nones (n. pl.) The fifth day of the months January, February, April, June, August, September, November, and December, and the seventh day of March, May, July, and October. The nones were nine days before the ides, reckoning inclusively, according to the Roman method. |
Nones (n. pl.) The canonical office, being a part of the Breviary, recited at noon (formerly at the ninth hour, 3 P. M.) in the Roman Catholic Church. |
Nones (n. pl.) The hour of dinner; the noonday meal. |
Nonessential (a.) Not essential. |
Nonessential (n.) A thing not essential. |
Non est factum () The plea of the general issue in an action of debt on bond. |
Non est inventus () The return of a sheriff on a writ, when the defendant is not found in his county. |
Nonesuch (n.) A person or thing of a sort that there is no other such; something extraordinary; a thing that has not its equal. It is given as a name to various objects, as to a choice variety of apple, a species of medic (Medicago lupulina), a variety of pottery clay, etc. |
Nonet (n.) Alt. of Nonetto |
Nonetto (n.) A composition for nine instruments, rarely for nine voices. |
Nonett (n.) The titmouse. |
Nonexecution (n.) Neglect or failure of execution; nonperformance. |
Nonexistence (n.) Absence of existence; the negation of being; nonentity. |
Nonexistence (n.) A thing that has no existence. |
Nonexistent (a.) Not having existence. |
Nonexportation (n.) A failure of exportation; a not exporting of commodities. |
Nonextensile (a.) Not extensile; incapable of being stretched. |
Non-feasance (n.) An omission or neglect to do something, esp. that which ought to have been done. Cf. Malfeasance. |
Nonfulfillment (n.) Neglect or failure to fulfill. |
Nonillion (n.) According to the French and American notation, a thousand octillions, or a unit with thirty ciphers annexed; according to the English notation, a million octillions, or a unit with fifty-four ciphers annexed. See the Note under Numeration. |
Nonimportation (n.) Want or failure of importation; a not importing of commodities. |
Nonimporting (a.) Not importing; not bringing from foreign countries. |
Noninflectional (a.) Not admitting of, or characterized by, inflection. |
Noninhabitant (n.) One who is not an inhabitant; a stranger; a foreigner; a nonresident. |
Nonintervention (n.) The state or habit of not intervening or interfering; as, the nonintervention of one state in the affairs of another. |
Nonius (n.) A vernier. |
Nonjoinder (n.) The omission of some person who ought to have been made a plaintiff or defendant in a suit, or of some cause of action which ought to be joined. |
Nonjurant (a.) Nonjuring. |
Nonjuring (a.) Not swearing allegiance; -- applied to the party in Great Britain that would not swear allegiance to William and Mary, or their successors. |
Nonjuror (n.) One of those adherents of James II. who refused to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary, or to their successors, after the revolution of 1688; a Jacobite. |
Nonjurorism (n.) The doctrines, or action, of the Nonjurors. |
Nonlimitation (n.) Want of limitation; failure to limit. |
Non liquet () It is not clear; -- a verdict given by a jury when a matter is to be deferred to another day of trial. |
Nonmalignant (a.) Not malignant, as a disease. |
Nonmanufacturing (a.) Not carrying on manufactures. |
Nonmedullated (a.) Not medullated; (Anat.) without a medulla or marrow, or without a medullary sheath; as, a nonmedullated nerve fiber. |
Nonmember (n.) One who is not a member. |
Nonmembership (n.) State of not being a member. |
Nonmetal (n.) Any one of the set of elements which, as contrasted with the metals, possess, produce, or receive, acid rather than basic properties; a metalloid; as, oxygen, sulphur, and chlorine are nonmetals. |
Nonmetallic (a.) Not metallic. |
Nonmetallic (a.) Resembling, or possessing the properties of, a nonmetal or metalloid; as, sulphur is a nonmetallic element. |
Nonnatural (a.) Not natural; unnatural. |
Nonne (n.) A nun. |
Nonnecessity (n.) Absence of necessity; the quality or state of being unnecessary. |
Nonnitrognous (a.) Devoid of nitrogen; as, a nonnitrogenous principle; a nonnitrogenous food. See the Note under Food, n., 1. |
Nonnucleated (a.) Without a nucleus. |
Nonny (n.) A silly fellow; a ninny. |
Nonobedience (n.) Neglect of obedience; failure to obey. |
Nonobservance (n.) Neglect or failure to observe or fulfill. |
Non obstante () Notwithstanding; in opposition to, or in spite of, what has been stated, or is to be stated or admitted. |
Non obstante () A clause in old English statutes and letters patent, importing a license from the crown to do a thing notwithstanding any statute to the contrary. This dispensing power was abolished by the Bill of Rights. |
Nonoic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or resembling, nonane; as, nonoic acid, which is also called pelargonic acid. Cf. Pelargonic. |
Nonone (n.) Any one of several metameric unsaturated hydrocarbons (C9H14) of the valylene series. |
Nonoxygenous (a.) Without oxygen; characterized by the absence of oxygen; as, a nonoxygenous alkaloid. |
Nonpareil (a.) Something of unequaled excellence; a peerless thing or person; a nonesuch; -- often used as a name. |
Nonpareil (a.) A size of type next smaller than minion and next larger than agate (or ruby). |
Nonpareil (a.) A beautifully colored finch (Passerina ciris), native of the Southern United States. The male has the head and neck deep blue, rump and under parts bright red, back and wings golden green, and the tail bluish purple. Called also painted finch. |
Nonpareil (a.) Any other similar bird of the same genus. |
Nonpareil (a.) Having no equal; peerless. |
Nonpayment (n.) Neglect or failure to pay. |
Nonperformance (n.) Neglect or failure to perform. |
Nonphotobiotic (a.) Capable of living without light; as, nonphotobiotic plant cells, or cells which habitually live in darkness. |
Nonplane (a.) Not lying in one plane; -- said of certain curves. |
Nonplus (n.) A state or condition which daffles reason or confounds judgment; insuperable difficalty; inability to proceed or decide; puzzle; quandary. |
Nonplused (imp. & p. p.) of Nonplus |
Nonplussed () of Nonplus |
Nonplusing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nonplus |
Nonplussing () of Nonplus |
Nonplus (v. t.) To puzzle; to confound; to perplex; to cause to stop by embarrassment. |
Nonpreparation (n.) Neglect or failure to prepare; want of preparation. |
Nonpresentation (n.) Neglect or failure to present; state of not being presented. |
Nonproduction (n.) A failure to produce or exhibit. |
Nonprofessional (a.) Not belonging to a profession; not done by, or proceeding from, professional men; contrary to professional usage. |
Nonproficiency (n.) Want of proficiency; failure to make progress. |
Nonproficient (n.) One who has failed to become proficient. |
Non pros. () An abbreviation of Non prosequitur. |
Nonprossed (imp. & p. p.) of Non-pros |
Non-prossing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Non-pros |
Non-pros (v. t.) To decline or fail to prosecute; to allow to be dropped (said of a suit); to enter judgment against (a plaintiff who fails to prosecute); as, the plaintiff was non-prossed. |
Non prosequitur () A judgment entered against the plaintiff in a suit where he does not appear to prosecute. See Nolle prosequi. |
Nonrecurrent (a.) Not recurring. |
Nonrecurring (a.) Nonrecurrent. |
Nonregardance (n.) Want of due regard; disregard; slight. |
Nonregent (n.) A master of arts whose regency has ceased. See Regent. |
Nonrendition (n.) Neglect of rendition; the not rendering what is due. |
Nonresemblance (n.) Want of resemblance; unlikeness; dissimilarity. |
Nonresidence (n.) The state or condition of being nonresident, |
Nonresident (a.) Not residing in a particular place, on one's own estate, or in one's proper place; as, a nonresident clergyman or proprietor of lands. |
Nonresident (n.) A nonresident person; one who does not reside in the State or jurisdiction. |
Nonresistance (n.) The principles or practice of a nonresistant; passive obedience; submission to authority, power, oppression, or violence without opposition. |
Nonresistant (a.) Making no resistance. |
Nonresistant (n.) One who maintains that no resistance should be made to constituted authority, even when unjustly or oppressively exercised; one who advocates or practices absolute submission; also, one who holds that violence should never be resisted by force. |
Nonresisting (a.) Not making resistance. |
Nonruminant (a.) Not ruminating; as, a nonruminant animal. |
Nonsane (a.) Unsound; not perfect; as, a person of nonsane memory. |
Nonsense (n.) That which is not sense, or has no sense; words, or language, which have no meaning, or which convey no intelligible ideas; absurdity. |
Nonsense (n.) Trifles; things of no importance. |
Nonsensical (a.) Without sense; unmeaning; absurb; foolish; irrational; preposterous. |
Nonsensitive (a.) Not sensitive; wanting sense or perception; not easily affected. |
Non sequitur () An inference which does not follow from the premises. |
Nonsexual (a.) Having no distinction of sex; sexless; neuter. |
Nonslaveholding (a.) Not possessing or holding slaves; as, a nonslaveholding State. |
Nonsolution (n.) Failure of solution or explanation. |
Nonsolvency (n.) Inability to pay debts; insolvency. |
Nonsolvent (a.) Not solvent; insolvent. |
Nonsolvent (n.) An insolvent. |
Nonsonant (a.) Not sonant. |
Nonsonant (n.) A nonsonant or nonvocal consonant. |
Nonsparing (a.) Sparing none. |
Nonstriated (a.) Without striations; unstriped; as, nonstriated muscle fibers. |
Nonsubmission (n.) Want of submission; failure or refusal to submit. |
Nonsubmissive (a.) Not submissive. |
Nonsuch (n.) See Nonesuch. |
Nonsuit (n.) A neglect or failure by the plaintiff to follow up his suit; a stopping of the suit; a renunciation or withdrawal of the cause by the plaintiff, either because he is satisfied that he can not support it, or upon the judge's expressing his opinion. A compulsory nonsuit is a nonsuit ordered by the court on the ground that the plaintiff on his own showing has not made out his case. |
Nonsuited (imp. & p. p.) of Nonsuit |
Nonsuiting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nonsuit |
Nonsuit (v. t.) To determine, adjudge, or record (a plaintiff) as having dropped his suit, upon his withdrawal or failure to follow it up. |
Nonsuit (a.) Nonsuited. |
Nonsurety (n.) Insecurity. |
Nontenure (n.) A plea of a defendant that he did not hold the land, as affirmed. |
Nonterm (n.) A vacation between two terms of a court. |
Nontoxic (a.) Not toxic. |
Nontronite (n.) A greenish yellow or green mineral, consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of iron. |
Nonuniformist (n.) One who believes that past changes in the structure of the earth have proceeded from cataclysms or causes more violent than are now operating; -- called also nonuniformitarian. |
Nonunionist (n.) One who does not belong, or refuses to belong, to a trades union. |
Nonusance (n.) Neglect of using; failure to use. |
Nonuser () A not using; failure to use. |
Nonuser () Neglect or omission to use an easement or franchise or to assert a right. |
Nonvascular (a.) Destitute of vessels; extravascular. |
Nonvernacular (a.) Not vernacular. |
Nonvocal (a.) Not vocal; destitute of tone. |
Nonvocal (n.) A nonvocal consonant. |
Nonyl (n.) The hydrocarbon radical, C9H19, derived from nonane and forming many compounds. Used also adjectively; as, nonyl alcohol. |
Nonylene (n.) Any one of a series of metameric, unsaturated hydrocarbons C9H18 of the ethylene series. |
Nonylenic (a.) Of, pertaining to, related to, or designating, nonylene or its compounds; as, nonylenic acid. |
Nonylic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, nonyl or its compounds; as, nonylic acid. |
Noodle (n.) A simpleton; a blockhead; a stupid person; a ninny. |
Noodle (n.) A thin strip of dough, made with eggs, rolled up, cut into small pieces, and used in soup. |
Nook (n.) A narrow place formed by an angle in bodies or between bodies; a corner; a recess; a secluded retreat. |
Nook-shotten (a.) Full of nooks, angles, or corners. |
Noological (a.) Of or pertaining to noology. |
Noologist (n.) One versed in noology. |
Noology (n.) The science of intellectual phenomena. |
Noon (a.) No. See the Note under No. |
Noon (n.) The middle of the day; midday; the time when the sun is in the meridian; twelve o'clock in the daytime. |
Noon (n.) Hence, the highest point; culmination. |
Noon (a.) Belonging to midday; occurring at midday; meridional. |
Noon (v. i.) To take rest and refreshment at noon. |
Noonday (n.) Midday; twelve o'clock in the day; noon. |
Noonday (a.) Of or pertaining to midday; meridional; as, the noonday heat. |
Noon-flower (n.) The goat's beard, whose flowers close at midday. |
Nooning (n.) A rest at noon; a repast at noon. |
Noonshun (n.) See Nunchion. |
Noonstead (n.) The position of the sun at noon. |
Noontide (n.) The time of noon; midday. |
Noose (n.) A running knot, or loop, which binds the closer the more it is drawn. |
Noosed (imp. & p. p.) of Noose |
Noosing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Noose |
Noose (v. t.) To tie in a noose; to catch in a noose; to entrap; to insnare. |
Noot () See lst Not. |
Nopal (n.) A cactaceous plant (Nopalea cochinellifera), originally Mexican, on which the cochineal insect feeds, and from which it is collected. The name is sometimes given to other species of Cactaceae. |
Nopalries (pl. ) of Nopalry |
Nopalry (n.) A plantation of the nopal for raising the cochineal insect. |
Nope (n.) A bullfinch. |
Nor (conj.) A negative connective or particle, introducing the second member or clause of a negative proposition, following neither, or not, in the first member or clause (as or in affirmative propositions follows either). Nor is also used sometimes in the first member for neither, and sometimes the neither is omitted and implied by the use of nor. |
Norbertine (n.) See Premonstrant. |
Noria (n.) A large water wheel, turned by the action of a stream against its floats, and carrying at its circumference buckets, by which water is raised and discharged into a trough; used in Arabia, China, and elsewhere for irrigating land; a Persian wheel. |
Norian (a.) Pertaining to the upper portion of the Laurentian rocks. |
Norice (n.) Nurse. |
Norie (n.) The cormorant. |
Norimons (pl. ) of Norimon |
Norimon (n.) A Japanese covered litter, carried by men. |
Norite (n.) A granular crystalline rock consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar (as labradorite) and hypersthene. |
Norium (n.) A supposed metal alleged to have been discovered in zircon. |
Norm (a.) A rule or authoritative standard; a model; a type. |
Norm (a.) A typical, structural unit; a type. |
Norma (n.) A norm; a principle or rule; a model; a standard. |
Norma (n.) A mason's or a carpenter's square or rule. |
Norma (n.) A templet or gauge. |
Normal (a.) According to an established norm, rule, or principle; conformed to a type, standard, or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal; regular; natural; analogical. |
Normal (a.) According to a square or rule; perpendicular; forming a right angle. Specifically: Of or pertaining to a normal. |
Normal (a.) Standard; original; exact; typical. |
Normal (a.) Denoting a solution of such strength that every cubic centimeter contains the same number of milligrams of the element in question as the number of its molecular weight. |
Normal (a.) Denoting certain hypothetical compounds, as acids from which the real acids are obtained by dehydration; thus, normal sulphuric acid and normal nitric acid are respectively S(OH)6, and N(OH)5. |
Normal (a.) Denoting that series of hydrocarbons in which no carbon atom is united with more than two other carbon atoms; as, normal pentane, hexane, etc. Cf. Iso-. |
Normal (a.) Any perpendicular. |
Normal (a.) A straight line or plane drawn from any point of a curve or surface so as to be perpendicular to the curve or surface at that point. |
Normalcy (n.) The quality, state, or fact of being normal; as, the point of normalcy. |
Normalization (n.) Reduction to a standard or normal state. |
Normally (adv.) In a normal manner. |
Norman (n.) A wooden bar, or iron pin. |
Norman (a.) Of or pertaining to Normandy or to the Normans; as, the Norman language; the Norman conquest. |
Norman (n.) A native or inhabitant of Normandy; originally, one of the Northmen or Scandinavians who conquered Normandy in the 10th century; afterwards, one of the mixed (Norman-French) race which conquered England, under William the Conqueror. |
Normanism (n.) A Norman idiom; a custom or expression peculiar to the Normans. |
Norn (n.) Alt. of Norna |
Norna (n.) One of the three Fates, Past, Present, and Future. Their names were Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. |
Norna (n.) A tutelary deity; a genius. |
Noropianic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid of the aromatic series obtained from opianic acid. |
Norroy (n.) The most northern of the English Kings-at-arms. See King-at-arms, under King. |
Norse (a.) Of or pertaining to ancient Scandinavia, or to the language spoken by its inhabitants. |
Norse (n.) The Norse language. |
Norsemen (pl. ) of Norseman |
Norseman (n.) One of the ancient Scandinavians; a Northman. |
Nortelry (n.) Nurture; education; culture; bringing up. |
North (n.) That one of the four cardinal points of the compass, at any place, which lies in the direction of the true meridian, and to the left hand of a person facing the east; the direction opposite to the south. |
North (n.) Any country or region situated farther to the north than another; the northern section of a country. |
North (n.) Specifically: That part of the United States lying north of Mason and Dixon's line. See under Line. |
North (a.) Lying toward the north; situated at the north, or in a northern direction from the point of observation or reckoning; proceeding toward the north, or coming from the north. |
North (v. i.) To turn or move toward the north; to veer from the east or west toward the north. |
North (adv.) Northward. |
Northeast (n.) The point between the north and east, at an equal distance from each; the northeast part or region. |
Northeast (a.) Of or pertaining to the northeast; proceeding toward the northeast, or coming from that point; as, a northeast course; a northeast wind. |
Northeast (adv.) Toward the northeast. |
Northeaster (n.) A storm, strong wind, or gale, coming from the northeast. |
Northeasterly (a.) Pertaining to the northeast; toward the northeast, or coming from the northeast. |
Northeasterly (adv.) Toward the northeast. |
Northeastern (a.) Of or pertaining to the northeast; northeasterly. |
Northeastward (adv.) Alt. of Northeastwardly |
Northeastwardly (adv.) Toward the northeast. |
Norther (n.) A wind from the north; esp., a strong and cold north wind in Texas and the vicinity of the Gulf of Mexico. |
Northerliness (n.) The quality or state of being northerly; direction toward the north. |
Northerly (a.) Of or pertaining to the north; toward the north, or from the north; northern. |
Northerly (adv.) Toward the north. |
Northern (a.) Of or pertaining to the north; being in the north, or nearer to that point than to the east or west. |
Northern (a.) In a direction toward the north; as, to steer a northern course; coming from the north; as, a northern wind. |
Northerner (n.) One born or living in the north. |
Northerner (n.) A native or inhabitant of the Northern States; -- contradistinguished from Southerner. |
Northernly (adv.) Northerly. |
Northernmost (a.) Farthest north. |
Northing (n.) Distance northward from any point of departure or of reckoning, measured on a meridian; -- opposed to southing. |
Northing (n.) The distance of any heavenly body from the equator northward; north declination. |
Northmen (pl. ) of Northman |
Northman (n.) One of the inhabitants of the north of Europe; esp., one of the ancient Scandinavians; a Norseman. |
Northmost (a.) Lying farthest north; northernmost. |
Northness (n.) A tendency in the end of a magnetic needle to point to the north. |
Northumbrian (a.) Of or pertaining to Northumberland in England. |
Northumbrian (n.) A native or inhabitant of Northumberland. |
Northward (a.) Toward the north; nearer to the north than to the east or west point. |
Northward (adv.) Alt. of Northwards |
Northwards (adv.) Toward the north, or toward a point nearer to the north than to the east or west point. |
Northwardly (a.) Having a northern direction. |
Northwardly (adv.) In a northern direction. |
Northwest (n.) The point in the horizon between the north and west, and equally distant from each; the northwest part or region. |
Northwest (a.) Pertaining to, or in the direction of, the point between the north and west; being in the northwest; toward the northwest, or coming from the northwest; as, the northwest coast. |
Northwest (a.) Coming from the northwest; as, a northwest wind. |
Northwest (adv.) Toward the northwest. |
Northwester (n.) A storm or gale from the northwest; a strong northwest wind. |
Northwesterly (a.) Toward the northwest, or from the northwest. |
Northwestern (a.) Of, pertaining to, or being in, the northwest; in a direction toward the northwest; coming from the northwest; northwesterly; as, a northwestern course. |
Northwestward (adv.) Alt. of Northwestwardly |
Northwestwardly (adv.) Toward the northwest. |
Norwegian (a.) Of or pertaining to Norway, its inhabitants, or its language. |
Norwegian (n.) A native of Norway. |
Norwegian (n.) That branch of the Scandinavian language spoken in Norway. |
Norwegium (n.) A rare metallic element, of doubtful identification, said to occur in the copper-nickel of Norway. |
Norweyan (a.) Norwegian. |
Nose (n.) The prominent part of the face or anterior extremity of the head containing the nostrils and olfactory cavities; the olfactory organ. See Nostril, and Olfactory organ under Olfactory. |
Nose (n.) The power of smelling; hence, scent. |
Nose (n.) A projecting end or beak at the front of an object; a snout; a nozzle; a spout; as, the nose of a bellows; the nose of a teakettle. |
Nosed (imp. & p. p.) of Nose |
Nosing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nose |
Nose (v. t.) To smell; to scent; hence, to track, or trace out. |
Nose (v. t.) To touch with the nose; to push the nose into or against; hence, to interfere with; to treat insolently. |
Nose (v. t.) To utter in a nasal manner; to pronounce with a nasal twang; as, to nose a prayer. |
Nose (v. i.) To smell; to sniff; to scent. |
Nose (v. i.) To pry officiously into what does not concern one. |
Nosebag (n.) A bag in which feed for a horse, ox, or the like, may be fastened under the nose by a string passing over the head. |
Noseband (n.) That part of the headstall of a bridle which passes over a horse's nose. |
Nosebleed (n.) A bleeding at the nose. |
Nosebleed (n.) The yarrow. See Yarrow. |
Nosed (a.) Having a nose, or such a nose; -- chieflay used in composition; as, pug-nosed. |
Nosegay (n.) A bunch of odorous and showy flowers; a bouquet; a posy. |
Nosel (v. t.) To nurse; to lead or teach; to foster; to nuzzle. |
Noseless (a.) Destitute of a nose. |
Nosesmart (n.) A kind of cress, a pungent cruciferous plant, including several species of the genus Nasturtium. |
Nosethirl (n.) Alt. of Nosethril |
Nosethril (n.) Nostril. |
Nosing (n.) That part of the treadboard of a stair which projects over the riser; hence, any like projection, as the projecting edge of a molding. |
Nosle (n.) Nozzle. |
Nosocomial (a.) Of or pertaining to a hospital; as, nosocomial atmosphere. |
Nosography (n.) A description or classification of diseases. |
Nosological (a.) Of or pertaining to nosology. |
Nosologist (n.) One versed in nosology. |
Nosology (n.) A systematic arrangement, or classification, of diseases. |
Nosology (n.) That branch of medical science which treats of diseases, or of the classification of diseases. |
Nosopoetic (a.) Producing diseases. |
Nost () Wottest not; knowest not. |
Nostalgia (n.) Homesickness; esp., a severe and sometimes fatal form of melancholia, due to homesickness. |
Nostalgic (a.) Of or pertaining to nostalgia; affected with nostalgia. |
Nostalgy (n.) Same as Nostalgia. |
Nostoc (n.) A genus of algae. The plants are composed of moniliform cells imbedded in a gelatinous substance. |
Nostril (n.) One of the external openings of the nose, which give passage to the air breathed and to secretions from the nose and eyes; one of the anterior nares. |
Nostril (n.) Perception; insight; acuteness. |
Nostrums (pl. ) of Nostrum |
Nostrum (n.) A medicine, the ingredients of which are kept secret for the purpose of restricting the profits of sale to the inventor or proprietor; a quack medicine. |
Nostrum (n.) Any scheme or device proposed by a quack. |
Not () Wot not; know not; knows not. |
Not (a.) Shorn; shaven. |
Not (adv.) A word used to express negation, prohibition, denial, or refusal. |
Notabilia (n. pl.) Things worthy of notice. |
Notabilities (pl. ) of Notability |
Notability (n.) Quality of being notable. |
Notability (n.) A notable, or remarkable, person or thing; a person of note. |
Notability (n.) A notable saying. |
Notable (a.) Capable of being noted; noticeable; plan; evident. |
Notable (a.) Worthy of notice; remarkable; memorable; noted or distinguished; as, a notable event, person. |
Notable (a.) Well-known; notorious. |
Notable (n.) A person, or thing, of distinction. |
Notable (n.) One of a number of persons, before the revolution of 1789, chiefly of the higher orders, appointed by the king to constitute a representative body. |
Notableness (n.) The quality of being notable. |
Notably (adv.) In a notable manner. |
Notaeum (n.) The back or upper surface, as of a bird. |
Notal (a.) Of or pertaining to the back; dorsal. |
Notanda (pl. ) of Notandum |
Notandum (n.) A thing to be noted or observed; a notable fact; -- chiefly used in the plural. |
Notarial (a.) Of or pertaining to a notary; done or taken by a notary; as, a notarial seal; notarial evidence or attestation. |
Notarially (adv.) In a notarial manner. |
Notaries (pl. ) of Notary |
Notary (n.) One who records in shorthand what is said or done; as, the notary of an ecclesiastical body. |
Notary (n.) A public officer who attests or certifies deeds and other writings, or copies of them, usually under his official seal, to make them authentic, especially in foreign countries. His duties chiefly relate to instruments used in commercial transactions, such as protests of negotiable paper, ship's papers in cases of loss, damage, etc. He is generally called a notary public. |
Notate (a.) Marked with spots or lines, which are often colored. |
Notation (n.) The act or practice of recording anything by marks, figures, or characters. |
Notation (n.) Any particular system of characters, symbols, or abbreviated expressions used in art or science, to express briefly technical facts, quantities, etc. Esp., the system of figures, letters, and signs used in arithmetic and algebra to express number, quantity, or operations. |
Notation (n.) Literal or etymological signification. |
Notch (n.) A hollow cut in anything; a nick; an indentation. |
Notch (n.) A narrow passage between two elevation; a deep, close pass; a defile; as, the notch of a mountain. |
Notched (imp. & p. p.) of Notch |
Notching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Notch |
Notch (v. t.) To cut or make notches in ; to indent; also, to score by notches; as, to notch a stick. |
Notch (v. t.) To fit the notch of (an arrow) to the string. |
Notchboard (n.) The board which receives the ends of the steps in a staircase. |
Notching (n.) The act of making notches; the act of cutting into small hollows. |
Notching (n.) The small hollow, or hollows, cut; a notch or notches. |
Notching (n.) A method of joining timbers, scantling, etc., by notching them, as at the ends, and overlapping or interlocking the notched portions. |
Notching (n.) A method of excavating, as in a bank, by a series of cuttings side by side. See also Gulleting. |
Notchweed (n.) A foul-smelling weed, the stinking goosefoot (Chenopodium Vulvaria). |
Note (v. t.) To butt; to push with the horns. |
Note () Know not; knows not. |
Note (n.) Nut. |
Note (n.) Need; needful business. |
Note (n.) A mark or token by which a thing may be known; a visible sign; a character; a distinctive mark or feature; a characteristic quality. |
Note (n.) A mark, or sign, made to call attention, to point out something to notice, or the like; a sign, or token, proving or giving evidence. |
Note (n.) A brief remark; a marginal comment or explanation; hence, an annotation on a text or author; a comment; a critical, explanatory, or illustrative observation. |
Note (n.) A brief writing intended to assist the memory; a memorandum; a minute. |
Note (n.) Hence, a writing intended to be used in speaking; memoranda to assist a speaker, being either a synopsis, or the full text of what is to be said; as, to preach from notes; also, a reporter's memoranda; the original report of a speech or of proceedings. |
Note (n.) A short informal letter; a billet. |
Note (n.) A diplomatic missive or written communication. |
Note (n.) A written or printed paper acknowledging a debt, and promising payment; as, a promissory note; a note of hand; a negotiable note. |
Note (n.) A list of items or of charges; an account. |
Note (n.) A character, variously formed, to indicate the length of a tone, and variously placed upon the staff to indicate its pitch. Hence: |
Note (n.) A musical sound; a tone; an utterance; a tune. |
Note (n.) A key of the piano or organ. |
Note (n.) Observation; notice; heed. |
Note (n.) Notification; information; intelligence. |
Note (n.) State of being under observation. |
Note (n.) Reputation; distinction; as, a poet of note. |
Note (n.) Stigma; brand; reproach. |
Noted (imp. & p. p.) of Note |
Noting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Note |
Note (n.) To notice with care; to observe; to remark; to heed; to attend to. |
Note (n.) To record in writing; to make a memorandum of. |
Note (n.) To charge, as with crime (with of or for before the thing charged); to brand. |
Note (n.) To denote; to designate. |
Note (n.) To annotate. |
Note (n.) To set down in musical characters. |
Notebook (n.) A book in which notes or memorandums are written. |
Notebook (n.) A book in which notes of hand are registered. |
Noted (a.) Well known by reputation or report; eminent; celebrated; as, a noted author, or traveler. |
Noteful (a.) Useful. |
Noteless (a.) Not attracting notice; not conspicuous. |
Notelessness (n.) A state of being noteless. |
Notelet (n.) A little or short note; a billet. |
Note paper () Writing paper, not exceeding in size, when folded once, five by eight inches. |
Noter (n.) One who takes notice. |
Noter (n.) An annotator. |
Noteworthy (a.) Worthy of observation or notice; remarkable. |
Nother (conj.) Neither; nor. |
Nothing (n.) Not anything; no thing (in the widest sense of the word thing); -- opposed to anything and something. |
Nothing (n.) Nonexistence; nonentity; absence of being; nihility; nothingness. |
Nothing (n.) A thing of no account, value, or note; something irrelevant and impertinent; something of comparative unimportance; utter insignificance; a trifle. |
Nothing (n.) A cipher; naught. |
Nothing (adv.) In no degree; not at all; in no wise. |
Nothingarian (n.) One of no certain belief; one belonging to no particular sect. |
Nothingism (n.) Nihility; nothingness. |
Nothingness (n.) Nihility; nonexistence. |
Nothingness (n.) The state of being of no value; a thing of no value. |
Notice (n.) The act of noting, remarking, or observing; observation by the senses or intellect; cognizance; note. |
Notice (n.) Intelligence, by whatever means communicated; knowledge given or received; means of knowledge; express notification; announcement; warning. |
Notice (n.) An announcement, often accompanied by comments or remarks; as, book notices; theatrical notices. |
Notice (n.) A writing communicating information or warning. |
Notice (n.) Attention; respectful treatment; civility. |
Noticed (imp. & p. p.) of Notice |
Noticing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Notice |
Notice (v. t.) To observe; to see to mark; to take note of; to heed; to pay attention to. |
Notice (v. t.) To show that one has observed; to take public note of; remark upon; to make comments on; to refer to; as, to notice a book. |
Notice (v. t.) To treat with attention and civility; as, to notice strangers. |
Noticeable (a.) Capable of being observed; worthy of notice; likely to attract observation; conspicous. |
Noticeably (adv.) In a noticeable manner. |
Noticer (n.) One who notices. |
Notidanian (n.) Any one of several species of sharks of the family Notidanidae, or Hexanchidae. Called also cow sharks. See Shark. |
Notification (n.) The act of notifying, or giving notice; the act of making known; especially, the act of giving official notice or information to the public or to individuals, corporations, companies, or societies, by words, by writing, or by other means. |
Notification (n.) Notice given in words or writing, or by signs. |
Notification (n.) The writing which communicates information; an advertisement, or citation, etc. |
Notified (imp. & p. p.) of Notify |
Notifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Notify |
Notify (v. t.) To make known; to declare; to publish; as, to notify a fact to a person. |
Notify (v. t.) To give notice to; to inform by notice; to apprise; as, the constable has notified the citizens to meet at the city hall; the bell notifies us of the time of meeting. |
Notion () Mental apprehension of whatever may be known or imagined; an idea; a conception; more properly, a general or universal conception, as distinguishable or definable by marks or notae. |
Notion () A sentiment; an opinion. |
Notion () Sense; mind. |
Notion () An invention; an ingenious device; a knickknack; as, Yankee notions. |
Notion () Inclination; intention; disposition; as, I have a notion to do it. |
Notional (a.) Consisting of, or conveying, notions or ideas; expressing abstract conceptions. |
Notional (a.) Existing in idea only; visionary; whimsical. |
Notional (a.) Given to foolish or visionary expectations; whimsical; fanciful; as, a notional man. |
Notionality (n.) A notional or groundless opinion. |
Notionally (adv.) In mental apprehension; in conception; not in reality. |
Notionate (a.) Notional. |
Notionist (n.) One whose opinions are ungrounded notions. |
Notist (n.) An annotator. |
Notobranchiata (n. pl.) A division of nudibranchiate mollusks having gills upon the back. |
Notobranchiata (n. pl.) The Dorsibranchiata. |
Notobranchiate (a.) Of or pertaining to the Notobranchiata. |
Notochord (n.) An elastic cartilagelike rod which is developed beneath the medullary groove in the vertebrate embryo, and constitutes the primitive axial skeleton around which the centra of the vertebrae and the posterior part of the base of the skull are developed; the chorda dorsalis. See Illust. of Ectoderm. |
Notochordal (a.) Of or pertaining to the notochord; having a notochord. |
Notodontian (n.) Any one of several species of bombycid moths belonging to Notodonta, Nerice, and allied genera. The caterpillar of these moths has a hump, or spine, on its back. |
Notopodia (pl. ) of Notopodium |
E (pl. ) of Notopodium |
Notopodiums (pl. ) of Notopodium |
Notopodium (n.) The dorsal lobe or branch of a parapodium. See Parapodium. |
Notorhizal (a.) Having the radicle of the embryo lying against the back of one of the cotyledons; incumbent. |
Notoriety (n.) The quality or condition of being notorious; the state of being generally or publicly known; -- commonly used in an unfavorable sense; as, the notoriety of a crime. |
Notorious (a.) Generally known and talked of by the public; universally believed to be true; manifest to the world; evident; -- usually in an unfavorable sense; as, a notorious thief; a notorious crime or vice. |
Notornis (n.) A genus of birds allied to the gallinules, but having rudimentary wings and incapable of flight. Notornis Mantelli was first known as a fossil bird of New Zealand, but subsequently a few individuals were found living on the southern island. It is supposed to be now nearly or quite extinct. |
Nototherium (n.) An extinct genus of gigantic herbivorous marsupials, found in the Pliocene formation of Australia. |
Nototrema (n.) The pouched, or marsupial, frog of South America. |
Not-pated (a.) Alt. of Nott-pated |
Nott-pated (a.) Same as Nott-headed. |
Notself (n.) The negative of self. |
Nott (a.) Shorn. |
Nott (v. t.) To shear. |
Nott-headed (a.) Having the hair cut close. |
Notturno (n.) Same as Nocturne. |
Nota (pl. ) of Notum |
Notum (n.) The back. |
Notus (n.) The south wind. |
Notwheat (n.) Wheat not bearded. |
Notwithstanding (prep.) Without prevention, or obstruction from or by; in spite of. |
Notwithstanding (adv. / conj.) Nevertheless; however; although; as, I shall go, notwithstanding it rains. |
Nouch (n.) An ouch; a jewel. |
Nougat (n.) A cake, sweetmeat, or confection made with almonds or other nuts. |
Nought (n. & adv.) See Naught. |
Nould () Would not. |
Noule (n.) The top of the head; the head or noll. |
Noumenal (a.) Of or pertaining to the noumenon; real; -- opposed to phenomenal. |
Noumenon (n.) The of itself unknown and unknowable rational object, or thing in itself, which is distinguished from the phenomenon through which it is apprehended by the senses, and by which it is interpreted and understood; -- so used in the philosophy of Kant and his followers. |
Noun (n.) A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or thing, existing in fact or in thought; a substantive. |
Nounal (a.) Of or pertaining to a noun. |
Nounize (v. t.) To change (an adjective, verb, etc.) into a noun. |
Nourice (n.) A nurse. |
Nourished (imp. & p. p.) of Nourish |
Nourishing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nourish |
Nourish (v. t.) To feed and cause to grow; to supply with matter which increases bulk or supplies waste, and promotes health; to furnish with nutriment. |
Nourish (v. t.) To support; to maintain. |
Nourish (v. t.) To supply the means of support and increase to; to encourage; to foster; as, to nourish rebellion; to nourish the virtues. |
Nourish (v. t.) To cherish; to comfort. |
Nourish (v. t.) To educate; to instruct; to bring up; to nurture; to promote the growth of in attainments. |
Nourish (v. i.) To promote growth; to furnish nutriment. |
Nourish (v. i.) To gain nourishment. |
Nourish (n.) A nurse. |
Nourishable (a.) Capable of being nourished; as, the nourishable parts of the body. |
Nourishable (a.) Capable of giving nourishment. |
Nourisher (n.) One who, or that which, nourishes. |
Nourishing (a.) Promoting growth; nutritious, |
Nourishingly (adv.) Nutritively; cherishingly. |
Nourishment (n.) The act of nourishing, or the state of being nourished; nutrition. |
Nourishment (n.) That which serves to nourish; nutriment; food. |
Nouriture (n.) Nurture. |
Noursle (v. t.) To nurse; to rear; to bring up. |
Nous (n.) Intellect; understanding; talent; -- used humorously. |
Nousel (v. t.) Alt. of Nousle |
Nousle (v. t.) To insnare; to entrap. |
Nouthe (adv.) Alt. of Nowthe |
Nowthe (adv.) Just now; at present. |
Novaculite (n.) A variety of siliceous slate, of which hones are made; razor stone; Turkey stone; hone stone; whet slate. |
Novatian (n.) One of the sect of Novatius, or Novatianus, who held that the lapsed might not be received again into communion with the church, and that second marriages are unlawful. |
Novatianism (n.) The doctrines or principles of the Novatians. |
Novation (n.) Innovation. |
Novation (n.) A substitution of a new debt for an old one; also, the remodeling of an old obligation. |
Novator (n.) An innovator. |
Novel (a.) Of recent origin or introduction; not ancient; new; hence, out of the ordinary course; unusual; strange; surprising. |
Novel (a.) That which is new or unusual; a novelty. |
Novel (a.) News; fresh tidings. |
Novel (a.) A fictitious tale or narrative, professing to be conformed to real life; esp., one intended to exhibit the operation of the passions, and particularly of love. |
Novel (a.) A new or supplemental constitution. See the Note under Novel, a. |
Novelette (n.) A short novel. |
Novelism (n.) Innovation. |
Novelist (n.) An innovator; an asserter of novelty. |
Novelist (n.) A writer of news. |
Novelist (n.) A writer of a novel or novels. |
Novelize (v. i.) To innovate. |
Novelized (imp. & p. p.) of Novelize |
Novelizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Novelize |
Novelize (v. t.) To innovate. |
Novelize (v. t.) To put into the form of novels; to represent by fiction. |
Novelry (n.) Novelty; new things. |
Novelties (pl. ) of Novelty |
Novelty (n.) The quality or state of being novel; newness; freshness; recentness of origin or introduction. |
Novelty (n.) Something novel; a new or strange thing. |
November (n.) The eleventh month of the year, containing thirty days. |
Novenary (a.) Of or pertaining to the number nine. |
Novenary (n.) The number of nine units; nine, collectively. |
Novene (a.) Relating to, or dependent on, the number nine; novenary. |
Novennial (a.) Done or recurring every ninth year. |
Novercal (a.) Done or recurring every ninth year. |
Novercal (a.) Of or pertaining to a stepmother; suitable to, or in the manner of, a stepmother. |
Novice (n.) One who is new in any business, profession, or calling; one unacquainted or unskilled; one yet in the rudiments; a beginner; a tyro. |
Novice (n.) One newly received into the church, or one newly converted to the Christian faith. |
Novice (n.) One who enters a religious house, whether of monks or nuns, as a probationist. |
Novice (a.) Like a novice; becoming a novice. |
Noviceship (n.) The state of being a novice; novitiate. |
Novilunar (a.) Of or pertaining to the new moon. |
Novitiate (n.) The state of being a novice; time of initiation or instruction in rudiments. |
Novitiate (n.) Hence: Time of probation in a religious house before taking the vows. |
Novitiate (n.) One who is going through a novitiate, or period of probation; a novice. |
Novitiate (n.) The place where novices live or are trained. |
Novitious (a.) Newly invented; recent; new. |
Novity (n.) Newness; novelty. |
Novum (n.) A game at dice, properly called novem quinque (L., nine five), the two principal throws being nine and five. |
Now (adv.) At the present time; at this moment; at the time of speaking; instantly; as, I will write now. |
Now (adv.) Very lately; not long ago. |
Now (adv.) At a time contemporaneous with something spoken of or contemplated; at a particular time referred to. |
Now (adv.) In present circumstances; things being as they are; -- hence, used as a connective particle, to introduce an inference or an explanation. |
Now (a.) Existing at the present time; present. |
Now (n.) The present time or moment; the present. |
Nowadays (adv.) In these days; at the present time. |
Noway (adv.) Alt. of Noways |
Noways (adv.) In no manner or degree; not at all; nowise. |
Nowch (n.) See Nouch. |
Nowd (n.) The European gray gurnard (Trigla gurnardus). |
Nowed (a.) Knotted; tied in a knot, as a serpent. |
Nowel (n.) Christmas; also, a shout of joy at Christmas for the birth of the Savior. |
Nowel (n.) A kind of hymn, or canticle, of mediaeval origin, sung in honor of the Nativity of our Lord; a Christmas carol. |
Nowel (n.) The core, or the inner part, of a mold for casting a large hollow object. |
Nowel (n.) The bottom part of a mold or of a flask, in distinction from the cope; the drag. |
Nowes (n. pl.) The marriage knot. |
Nowhere (adv.) Not anywhere; not in any place or state; as, the book is nowhere to be found. |
Nowhither (adv.) Not anywhither; in no direction; nowhere. |
Nowise (n.) Not in any manner or degree; in no way; noways. |
Nowt (n. pl.) Neat cattle. |
Nowthe () See Nouthe. |
Noxious (a.) Hurtful; harmful; baneful; pernicious; injurious; destructive; unwholesome; insalubrious; as, noxious air, food, or climate; pernicious; corrupting to morals; as, noxious practices or examples. |
Noxious (a.) Guilty; criminal. |
Noy (v. t.) To annoy; to vex. |
Noy (n.) That which annoys. |
Noyance (n.) Annoyance. |
Noyau (n.) A cordial of brandy, etc., flavored with the kernel of the bitter almond, or of the peach stone, etc. |
Noyer (n.) An annoyer. |
Noyful (a.) Full of annoyance. |
Noyls (n. pl.) See Noils. |
Noyous (a.) Annoying; disagreeable. |
Nozle (n.) Nozzle. |
Nozzle (n.) The nose; the snout; hence, the projecting vent of anything; as, the nozzle of a bellows. |
Nozzle (n.) A short tube, usually tapering, forming the vent of a hose or pipe. |
Nozzle (n.) A short outlet, or inlet, pipe projecting from the end or side of a hollow vessel, as a steam-engine cylinder or a steam boiler. |
Nuance (n.) A shade of difference; a delicate gradation. |
Nub (v. t.) To push; to nudge; also, to beckon. |
Nub (n.) A jag, or snag; a knob; a protuberance; also, the point or gist, as of a story. |
Nubbin (n.) A small or imperfect ear of maize. |
Nubble (v. t.) To beat or bruise with the fist. |
Nubeculae (pl. ) of Nubecula |
Nubecula (n.) A nebula. |
Nubecula (n.) Specifically, the Magellanic clouds. |
Nubecula (n.) A slight spot on the cornea. |
Nubecula (n.) A cloudy object or appearance in urine. |
Nubia (n.) A light fabric of wool, worn on the head by women; a cloud. |
Nubian (a.) Of or pertaining to Nubia in Eastern Africa. |
Nubian (n.) A native of Nubia. |
Nubiferous (a.) Bringing, or producing, clouds. |
Nubigenous (a.) Born of, or produced from, clouds. |
Nubilate (v. t.) To cloud. |
Nubile (a.) Of an age suitable for marriage; marriageable. |
Nubility (n.) The state of being marriageable. |
Nubilose (a.) Alt. of Nubilous |
Nubilous (a.) Cloudy. |
Nucament (n.) A catkin or ament; the flower cluster of the hazel, pine, willow, and the like. |
Nucamentaceous (a.) Like a nut either in structure or in being indehiscent; bearing one-seeded nutlike fruits. |
Nucelli (pl. ) of Nucellus |
Nucellus (n.) See Nucleus, 3 (a). |
Nuch/ (pl. ) of Nucha |
Nucha (n.) The back or upper part of the neck; the nape. |
Nuchal (a.) Of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the back, or nape, of the neck; -- applied especially to the anterior median plate in the carapace of turtles. |
Nuciferous (a.) Bearing, or producing, nuts. |
Nuciform (a.) Shaped like a nut; nut-shaped. |
Nucin (n.) See Juglone. |
Nucleal (a.) Alt. of Nuclear |
Nuclear (a.) Of or pertaining to a nucleus; as, the nuclear spindle (see Illust. of Karyokinesis) or the nuclear fibrils of a cell; the nuclear part of a comet, etc. |
Nucleate (a.) Having a nucleus; nucleated. |
Nucleate (v. t.) To gather, as about a nucleus or center. |
Nucleated (a.) Having a nucleus; nucleate; as, nucleated cells. |
Nucleiform (a.) Formed like a nucleus or kernel. |
Nuclein (n.) A constituent of the nuclei of all cells. It is a colorless amorphous substance, readily soluble in alkaline fluids and especially characterized by its comparatively large content of phosphorus. It also contains nitrogen and sulphur. |
Nucleobranch (a.) Belonging to the Nucleobranchiata. |
Nucleobranch (n.) One of the Nucleobranchiata. |
Nucleobranchiata (n. pl.) See Heteropoda. |
Nucleoidioplasma (n.) Hyaline plasma contained in the nucleus of vegetable cells. |
Nucleolar (a.) Of or pertaining to the nucleolus of a cell. |
Nucleolated (a.) Having a nucleole, or second inner nucleus. |
Nucleole (n.) The nucleus within a nucleus; nucleolus. |
Nucleoli (pl. ) of Nucleolus |
Nucleolus (n.) A little nucleus. |
Nucleolus (n.) A small rounded body contained in the nucleus of a cell or a protozoan. |
Nucleoplasm (n.) The matter composing the nucleus of a cell; the protoplasm of the nucleus; karyoplasma. |
Nucleoplasmic (a.) Of or pertaining to nucleoplasm; -- esp. applied to a body formed in the developing ovum from the plasma of the nucleus of the germinal vesicle. |
Nucleuses (pl. ) of Nucleus |
Nuclei (pl. ) of Nucleus |
Nucleus (n.) A kernel; hence, a central mass or point about which matter is gathered, or to which accretion is made; the central or material portion; -- used both literally and figuratively. |
Nucleus (n.) The body or the head of a comet. |
Nucleus (n.) An incipient ovule of soft cellular tissue. |
Nucleus (n.) A whole seed, as contained within the seed coats. |
Nucleus (n.) A body, usually spheroidal, in a cell or a protozoan, distinguished from the surrounding protoplasm by a difference in refrangibility and in behavior towards chemical reagents. It is more or less protoplasmic, and consists of a clear fluid (achromatin) through which extends a network of fibers (chromatin) in which may be suspended a second rounded body, the nucleolus (see Nucleoplasm). See Cell division, under Division. |
Nucleus (n.) The tip, or earliest part, of a univalve or bivalve shell. |
Nucleus (n.) The central part around which additional growths are added, as of an operculum. |
Nucleus (n.) A visceral mass, containing the stomach and other organs, in Tunicata and some mollusks. |
Nucula (n.) A genus of small marine bivalve shells, having a pearly interior. |
Nucle (n.) Same as Nutlet. |
Nucumentaceous (a.) See Nucamentaceous. |
Nudation (n.) The act of stripping, or making bare or naked. |
Nuddle (v. i.) To walk quickly with the head bent forward; -- often with along. |
Nude (a.) Bare; naked; unclothed; undraped; as, a nude statue. |
Nude (a.) Naked; without consideration; void; as, a nude contract. See Nudum pactum. |
Nudge/ (imp. & p. p.) of Nudge |
Nudging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nudge |
Nudge (v. t.) To touch gently, as with the elbow, in order to call attention or convey intimation. |
Nudge (n.) A gentle push, or jog, as with the elbow. |
Nudibrachiate (a.) Having tentacles without vibratile cilia. |
Nudibranch (a.) Of or pertaining to the Nudibranchiata. |
Nudibranch (n.) One of the Nudibranchiata. |
Nudibranchiata (n. pl.) A division of opisthobranchiate mollusks, having no shell except while very young. The gills are naked and situated upon the back or sides. See Ceratobranchia. |
Nudibranchiate (a. & n.) Same as Nudibranch. |
Nudicaul (a.) Having the stems leafless. |
Nudification (n.) The act of making nude. |
Nudities (pl. ) of Nudity |
Nudity (n.) The quality or state of being nude; nakedness. |
Nudity (n.) That which is nude or naked; naked part; undraped or unclothed portion; esp. (Fine Arts), the human figure represented unclothed; any representation of nakedness; -- chiefly used in the plural and in a bad sense. |
Nudum pactum () A bare, naked contract, without any consideration. |
Nugacity (n.) Futility; trifling talk or behavior; drollery. |
Nugae (n. pl.) Trifles; jests. |
Nugation (n.) The act or practice of trifling. |
Nugatory (a.) Trifling; vain; futile; insignificant. |
Nugatory (a.) Of no force; inoperative; ineffectual. |
Nugget (n.) A lump; a mass, esp. a native lump of a precious metal; as, a nugget of gold. |
Nugify (v. t.) To render trifling or futile; to make silly. |
Nuisance (n.) That which annoys or gives trouble and vexation; that which is offensive or noxious. |
Nuisancer (n.) One who makes or causes a nuisance. |
Nul (a.) No; not any; as, nul disseizin; nul tort. |
Null (a.) Of no legal or binding force or validity; of no efficacy; invalid; void; nugatory; useless. |
Null (n.) Something that has no force or meaning. |
Null (n.) That which has no value; a cipher; zero. |
Null (v. t.) To annul. |
Null (n.) One of the beads in nulled work. |
Nulled (a.) Turned so as to resemble nulls. |
Nullibiety (n.) The state or condition of being nowhere. |
Nullification (n.) The act of nullifying; a rendering void and of no effect, or of no legal effect. |
Nullifidian (a.) Of no faith; also, not trusting to faith for salvation; -- opposed to solifidian. |
Nullifidian (n.) An unbeliever. |
Nullifier (n.) One who nullifies or makes void; one who maintains the right to nullify a contract by one of the parties. |
Nullified (imp. & p. p.) of Nullify |
Nullifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nullify |
Nullify (a.) To make void; to render invalid; to deprive of legal force or efficacy. |
Nullipore (n.) A name for certain crustaceous marine algae which secrete carbonate of lime on their surface, and were formerly thought to be of animal nature. They are now considered corallines of the genera Melobesia and Lithothamnion. |
Nullities (pl. ) of Nullity |
Nullity (n.) The quality or state of being null; nothingness; want of efficacy or force. |
Nullity (n.) Nonexistence; as, a decree of nullity of marriage is a decree that no legal marriage exists. |
Nullity (n.) That which is null. |
Numb (a.) Enfeebled in, or destitute of, the power of sensation and motion; rendered torpid; benumbed; insensible; as, the fingers or limbs are numb with cold. |
Numb (a.) Producing numbness; benumbing; as, the numb, cold night. |
Numbed (imp. & p. p.) of Numb |
Numbing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Numb |
Numb (v. t.) To make numb; to deprive of the power of sensation or motion; to render senseless or inert; to deaden; to benumb; to stupefy. |
Numbedness (n.) Numbness. |
Number (n.) That which admits of being counted or reckoned; a unit, or an aggregate of units; a numerable aggregate or collection of individuals; an assemblage made up of distinct things expressible by figures. |
Number (n.) A collection of many individuals; a numerous assemblage; a multitude; many. |
Number (n.) A numeral; a word or character denoting a number; as, to put a number on a door. |
Number (n.) Numerousness; multitude. |
Number (n.) The state or quality of being numerable or countable. |
Number (n.) Quantity, regarded as made up of an aggregate of separate things. |
Number (n.) That which is regulated by count; poetic measure, as divisions of time or number of syllables; hence, poetry, verse; -- chiefly used in the plural. |
Number (n.) The distinction of objects, as one, or more than one (in some languages, as one, or two, or more than two), expressed (usually) by a difference in the form of a word; thus, the singular number and the plural number are the names of the forms of a word indicating the objects denoted or referred to by the word as one, or as more than one. |
Number (n.) The measure of the relation between quantities or things of the same kind; that abstract species of quantity which is capable of being expressed by figures; numerical value. |
Numbered (imp. & p. p.) of Number |
Numbering (p. pr & vb. n.) of Number |
Number (n.) To count; to reckon; to ascertain the units of; to enumerate. |
Number (n.) To reckon as one of a collection or multitude. |
Number (n.) To give or apply a number or numbers to; to assign the place of in a series by order of number; to designate the place of by a number or numeral; as, to number the houses in a street, or the apartments in a building. |
Number (n.) To amount; to equal in number; to contain; to consist of; as, the army numbers fifty thousand. |
Numberer (n.) One who numbers. |
Numberful (a.) Numerous. |
Numberless (a.) Innumerable; countless. |
Numberous (a.) Numerous. |
Numbers (n.) pl. of Number. The fourth book of the Pentateuch, containing the census of the Hebrews. |
Numbfish (n.) The torpedo, which numbs by the electric shocks which it gives. |
Numbless (n. pl.) See Nombles. |
Numbness (n.) The condition of being numb; that state of a living body in which it loses, wholly or in part, the power of feeling or motion. |
Numerable (v. t.) Capable of being numbered or counted. |
Numeral (n.) Of or pertaining to number; consisting of number or numerals. |
Numeral (n.) Expressing number; representing number; as, numeral letters or characters, as X or 10 for ten. |
Numeral (n.) A figure or character used to express a number; as, the Arabic numerals, 1, 2, 3, etc.; the Roman numerals, I, V, X, L, etc. |
Numeral (n.) A word expressing a number. |
Numerally (adv.) According to number; in number; numerically. |
Numerary (a.) Belonging to a certain number; counting as one of a collection or body. |
Numerated (imp. & p. p.) of Numerate |
Numerating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Numerate |
Numerate (v.) To divide off and read according to the rules of numeration; as, to numerate a row of figures. |
Numeration (n.) The act or art of numbering. |
Numeration (n.) The act or art of reading numbers when expressed by means of numerals. The term is almost exclusively applied to the art of reading numbers written in the scale of tens, by the Arabic method. |
Numerative (a.) Of or pertaining to numeration; as, a numerative system. |
Numerator (n.) One who numbers. |
Numerator (n.) The term in a fraction which indicates the number of fractional units that are taken. |
Numeric (n.) Alt. of Numerical |
Numerical (n.) Belonging to number; denoting number; consisting in numbers; expressed by numbers, and not letters; as, numerical characters; a numerical equation; a numerical statement. |
Numerical (n.) The same in number; hence, identically the same; identical; as, the same numerical body. |
Numeric (n.) Any number, proper or improper fraction, or incommensurable ratio. The term also includes any imaginary expression like m + n�-1, where m and n are real numerics. |
Numerically (adv.) In a numerical manner; in numbers; with respect to number, or sameness in number; as, a thing is numerically the same, or numerically different. |
Numerist (n.) One who deals in numbers. |
Numero (n.) Number; -- often abbrev. No. |
Numerosity (n.) The state of being numerous; numerousness. |
Numerosity (n.) Rhythm; harmony; flow. |
Numerous (a.) Consisting of a great number of units or individual objects; being many; as, a numerous army. |
Numerous (a.) Consisting of poetic numbers; rhythmical; measured and counted; melodious; musical. |
Numidian (a.) Of or pertaining to ancient Numidia in Northern Africa. |
Numismatic (a.) Alt. of Numismatical |
Numismatical (a.) Of or pertaining to coins; relating to the science of coins or medals. |
Numismatics (n.) The science of coins and medals. |
Numismatist (n.) One skilled in numismatics; a numismatologist. |
Numismatography (n.) A treatise on, or description of, coins and medals. |
Numismatologist (n.) One versed in numismatology. |
Numismatology (n.) The science which treats of coins and medals, in their relation to history; numismatics. |
Nummary (a.) Of or relating to coins or money. |
Nummular (a.) Alt. of Nummulary |
Nummulary (a.) Of or pertaining to coin or money; pecuniary; as, the nummulary talent. |
Nummulary (a.) Having the appearance or form of a coin. |
Nummulation (n.) The arrangement of the red blood corpuscles in rouleaux, like piles of coins, as when a drop of human blood is examined under the microscope. |
Nummulite (n.) A fossil of the genus Nummulites and allied genera. |
Nummulites (n.) A genus of extinct Tertiary Foraminifera, having a thin, flat, round shell, containing a large number of small chambers arranged spirally. |
Nummulitic (a.) Of, like, composed of, containing, nummulites; as, nummulitic beds. |
Numps (n.) A dolt; a blockhead. |
Numskull (n.) A dunce; a dolt; a stupid fellow. |
Numskulled (a.) Stupid; doltish. |
Nun (n.) A woman devoted to a religious life, who lives in a convent, under the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. |
Nun (n.) A white variety of domestic pigeons having a veil of feathers covering the head. |
Nun (n.) The smew. |
Nun (n.) The European blue titmouse. |
Nunchion (v. i.) A portion of food taken at or after noon, usually between full meals; a luncheon. |
Nunciate (n.) One who announces; a messenger; a nuncio. |
Nunciature (n.) The office of a nuncio. |
Nuncios (pl. ) of Nuncio |
Nuncio (n.) A messenger. |
Nuncio (n.) The permanent official representative of the pope at a foreign court or seat of government. Distinguished from a legate a latere, whose mission is temporary in its nature, or for some special purpose. Nuncios are of higher rank than internuncios. |
Nuncii (pl. ) of Nuncius |
Nuncius (n.) A messenger. |
Nuncius (n.) The information communicated. |
Nuncupate (v. t.) To declare publicly or solemnly; to proclaim formally. |
Nuncupate (v. t.) To dedicate by declaration; to inscribe; as, to nuncupate a book. |
Nuncupation (n.) The act of nuncupating. |
Nuncupative (a.) Publicly or solemnly declaratory. |
Nuncupative (a.) Nominal; existing only in name. |
Nuncupative (a.) Oral; not written. |
Nuncupatory (a.) Nuncupative; oral. |
Nundinal (n.) A nundinal letter. |
Nundinal (a.) Alt. of Nundinary |
Nundinary (a.) Of or pertaining to a fair, or to a market day. |
Nundinate (a.) To buy and sell at fairs or markets. |
Nundination (n.) Traffic at fairs; marketing; buying and selling. |
Nunnation (n.) The pronunciation of n at the end of words. |
Nunneries (pl. ) of Nunnery |
Nunnery (n.) A house in which nuns reside; a cloister or convent in which women reside for life, under religious vows. See Cloister, and Convent. |
Nunnish (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling a nun; characteristic of a nun. |
Nup (n.) Same as Nupson. |
Nuphar (n.) A genus of plants found in the fresh-water ponds or lakes of Europe, Asia, and North America; the yellow water lily. Cf. Nymphaea. |
Nupson (n.) A simpleton; a fool. |
Nuptial (a.) Of or pertaining to marriage; done or used at a wedding; as, nuptial rites and ceremonies. |
Nuptials (pl. ) of Nuptial |
Nuptial (n.) Marriage; wedding; nuptial ceremony; -- now only in the plural. |
Nur (n.) A hard knot in wood; also, a hard knob of wood used by boys in playing hockey. |
Nurled (imp. & p. p.) of Nurl |
Nurling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nurl |
Nurl (v. t.) To cut with reeding or fluting on the edge of, as coins, the heads of screws, etc.; to knurl. |
Nurse (n.) One who nourishes; a person who supplies food, tends, or brings up; as: (a) A woman who has the care of young children; especially, one who suckles an infant not her own. (b) A person, especially a woman, who has the care of the sick or infirm. |
Nurse (n.) One who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow, trains, fosters, or the like. |
Nurse (n.) A lieutenant or first officer, who is the real commander when the captain is unfit for his place. |
Nurse (n.) A peculiar larva of certain trematodes which produces cercariae by asexual reproduction. See Cercaria, and Redia. |
Nurse (n.) Either one of the nurse sharks. |
Nursed (imp. & p. p.) of Nurse |
Nursing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nurse |
Nurse (v. t.) To nourish; to cherish; to foster |
Nurse (v. t.) To nourish at the breast; to suckle; to feed and tend, as an infant. |
Nurse (v. t.) To take care of or tend, as a sick person or an invalid; to attend upon. |
Nurse (v. t.) To bring up; to raise, by care, from a weak or invalid condition; to foster; to cherish; -- applied to plants, animals, and to any object that needs, or thrives by, attention. |
Nurse (v. t.) To manage with care and economy, with a view to increase; as, to nurse our national resources. |
Nurse (v. t.) To caress; to fondle, as a nurse does. |
Nursehound (n.) See Houndfish. |
Nursemaid (n.) A girl employed to attend children. |
Nursepond (n.) A pond where fish are fed. |
Nurser (n.) One who nurses; a nurse; one who cherishes or encourages growth. |
Nurseries (pl. ) of Nursery |
Nursery (n.) The act of nursing. |
Nursery (n.) The place where nursing is carried on |
Nursery (n.) The place, or apartment, in a house, appropriated to the care of children. |
Nursery (n.) A place where young trees, shrubs, vines, etc., are propagated for the purpose of transplanting; a plantation of young trees. |
Nursery (n.) The place where anything is fostered and growth promoted. |
Nursery (n.) That which forms and educates; as, commerce is the nursery of seamen. |
Nursery (n.) That which is nursed. |
Nurserymen (pl. ) of Nurseryman |
Nurseryman (n.) One who cultivates or keeps a nursery, or place for rearing trees, etc. |
Nursing (a.) Supplying or taking nourishment from, or as from, the breast; as, a nursing mother; a nursing infant. |
Nursling (n.) One who, or that which, is nursed; an infant; a fondling. |
Nurstle (v. t.) To nurse. See Noursle. |
Nurture (n.) The act of nourishing or nursing; thender care; education; training. |
Nurture (n.) That which nourishes; food; diet. |
Nurtured (imp. & p. p.) of Nurture |
Nurturing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nurture |
Nurture (v. t.) To feed; to nourish. |
Nurture (v. t.) To educate; to bring or train up. |
Nustle (v. t.) To fondle; to cherish. |
Nut (n.) The fruit of certain trees and shrubs (as of the almond, walnut, hickory, beech, filbert, etc.), consisting of a hard and indehiscent shell inclosing a kernel. |
Nut (n.) A perforated block (usually a small piece of metal), provided with an internal or female screw thread, used on a bolt, or screw, for tightening or holding something, or for transmitting motion. See Illust. of lst Bolt. |
Nut (n.) The tumbler of a gunlock. |
Nut (n.) A projection on each side of the shank of an anchor, to secure the stock in place. |
Nutted (imp. & p. p.) of Nut |
Nutting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nut |
Nut (v. i.) To gather nuts. |
Nutant (a.) Nodding; having the top bent downward. |
Nutation (n.) The act of nodding. |
Nutation (n.) A very small libratory motion of the earth's axis, by which its inclination to the plane of the ecliptic is constantly varying by a small amount. |
Nutation (n.) The motion of a flower in following the apparent movement of the sun, from the east in the morning to the west in the evening. |
Nutation (n.) Circumnutation. |
Nutbreaker (n.) The European nuthatch. |
Nutbreaker (n.) The nutcracker. |
Nut-brown (a.) Brown as a nut long kept and dried. |
Nutcracker (n.) An instrument for cracking nuts. |
Nutcracker (n.) A European bird (Nucifraga caryocatactes), allied to the magpie and crow. Its color is dark brown, spotted with white. It feeds on nuts, seeds, and insects. |
Nutcracker (n.) The American, or Clarke's, nutcracker (Picicorvus Columbianus) of Western North America. |
Nutgall (n.) A more or less round gall resembling a nut, esp. one of those produced on the oak and used in the arts. See Gall, Gallnut. |
Nuthatch (n.) Any one of several species of birds of the genus Sitta, as the European species (Sitta Europaea). The white-breasted nuthatch (S. Carolinensis), the red-breasted nuthatch (S. Canadensis), the pygmy nuthatch (S. pygmaea), and others, are American. |
Nuthook (n.) A hook at the end of a pole to pull down boughs for gathering the nuts. |
Nuthook (n.) A thief who steals by means of a hook; also, a bailiff who hooks or seizes malefactors. |
Nutjobber (n.) The nuthatch. |
Nutlet (n.) A small nut; also, the stone of a drupe. |
Nutmeg (n.) The kernel of the fruit of the nutmeg tree (Myristica fragrans), a native of the Molucca Islands, but cultivated elsewhere in the tropics. |
Nutmegged (a.) Seasoned with nutmeg. |
Nutpecker (n.) The nuthatch. |
Nutria (n.) The fur of the coypu. See Coypu. |
Nutrication (n.) The act or manner of feeding. |
Nutrient (a.) Nutritious; nourishing; promoting growth. |
Nutrient (n.) Any substance which has nutritious qualities, i. e., which nourishes or promotes growth. |
Nutriment (n.) That which nourishes; anything which promotes growth and repairs the natural waste of animal or vegetable life; food; aliment. |
Nutriment (n.) That which promotes development or growth. |
Nutrimental (a.) Nutritious. |
Nutritial (a.) Pertaining to, or connected with, nutrition; nutritious. |
Nutrition (n.) In the broadest sense, a process or series of processes by which the living organism as a whole (or its component parts or organs) is maintained in its normal condition of life and growth. |
Nutrition (n.) In a more limited sense, the process by which the living tissues take up, from the blood, matters necessary either for their repair or for the performance of their healthy functions. |
Nutrition (n.) That which nourishes; nutriment. |
Nutritional (a.) Of or pertaining to nutrition; as, nutritional changes. |
Nutritious (a.) Nourishing; promoting growth, or preventing decay; alimental. |
Nutritive (a.) Of or pertaining to nutrition; as, the nutritive functions; having the quality of nourishing; nutritious; nutrimental; alimental; as, nutritive food or berries. |
Nutriture (n.) Nutrition; nourishment. |
Nutshell (n.) The shell or hard external covering in which the kernel of a nut is inclosed. |
Nutshell (n.) Hence, a thing of little compass, or of little value. |
Nutshell (n.) A shell of the genus Nucula. |
Nutter (n.) A gatherer of nuts. |
Nutting (n.) The act of gathering nuts. |
Nutty (a.) Abounding in nuts. |
Nutty (a.) Having a flavor like that of nuts; as, nutty wine. |
Nux vomica () The seed of Strychnos Nuxvomica, a tree which abounds on the Malabar and Coromandel coasts of the East Indies. From this seed the deadly poisons known as strychnine and brucine are obtained. The seeds are sometimes called Quaker buttons. |
Nuzzied (imp. & p. p.) of Nuzzle |
Nuzzling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Nuzzle |
Nuzzle (v. t.) To noursle or nurse; to foster; to bring up. |
Nuzzle (v. t.) To nestle; to house, as in a nest. |
Nuzzle (v. i.) To work with the nose, like a swine in the mud. |
Nuzzle (v. i.) To go with head poised like a swine, with nose down. |
Nuzzle (v. t.) To hide the head, as a child in the mother's bosom; to nestle. |
Nuzzle (v. t.) To loiter; to idle. |
Ny () Not I; nor I. |
Ny (a. & adv.) Alt. of Nye |
Nye (a. & adv.) Nigh. |
Nyas (n.) See Nias. |
Nyctalopia (n.) A disease of the eye, in consequence of which the patient can see well in a faint light or at twilight, but is unable to see during the day or in a strong light; day blindness. |
Nyctalopia (n.) See Moonblink. |
Nyctalops (n.) One afflicted with nyctalopia. |
Nyctalopy (n.) Same as Nyctalopia. |
Nycthemeron (n.) The natural day and night, or space of twenty-four hours. |
Nyctibune (n.) A South American bird of the genus Nyctibius, allied to the goatsuckers. |
Nyctitropic (a.) Turning or bending at night into special positions. |
Nyctophile (n.) Any Australian bat of the genus Nyctophilus, having a very simple nasal appendage. |
Nye (n.) A brood or flock of pheasants. |
Nyentek (n.) A carnivorous mannual (Helictis moscatus, or H. orientalis), native of Eastern Asia and the Indies. It has a dorsal white stripe, and another one across the shoulders. It has a strong musky odor. |
Nylghau (n.) Alt. of Nylgau |
Nylgau (n.) A large Asiatic antelope (Boselaphus, / Portax, tragocamelus), found in Northern India. It has short horns, a black mane, and a bunch of long hair on the throat. The general color is grayish brown. |
Nymph (n.) A goddess of the mountains, forests, meadows, or waters. |
Nymph (n.) A lovely young girl; a maiden; a damsel. |
Nymph (n.) The pupa of an insect; a chrysalis. |
Nymph (n.) Any one of a subfamily (Najades) of butterflies including the purples, the fritillaries, the peacock butterfly, etc.; -- called also naiad. |
Nymph/ (pl. ) of Nympha |
Nympha (n.) Same as Nymph, 3. |
Nympha (n.) Two folds of mucous membrane, within the labia, at the opening of the vulva. |
Nymphaea (n.) A genus of aquatic plants having showy flowers (white, blue, pink, or yellow, often fragrant), including the white water lily and the Egyptia lotus. |
Nymphal (a.) Of or pertaining to a nymph or nymphs; nymphean. |
Nymphales (n. pl.) An extensive family of butterflies including the nymphs, the satyrs, the monarchs, the heliconias, and others; -- called also brush-footed butterflies. |
Nymphean (a.) Of, pertaining to, or appropriate to, nymphs; inhabited by nymphs; as, a nymphean cave. |
Nymphet (n.) A little or young nymph. |
Nymphic (a.) Alt. of Nymphical |
Nymphical (a.) Of or pertaining to nymphs. |
Nymphiparous (a.) Producing pupas or nymphs. |
Nymphish (a.) Relating to nymphs; ladylike. |
Nymphlike (a.) Alt. of Nymphly |
Nymphly (a.) Resembling, or characteristic of, a nymph. |
Nympholepsy (n.) A species of demoniac enthusiasm or possession coming upon one who had accidentally looked upon a nymph; ecstasy. |
Nympholeptic (a.) Under the influence of nympholepsy; ecstatic; frenzied. |
Nymphomania (n.) Morbid and uncontrollable sexual desire in women, constituting a true disease. |
Nymphomany (n.) Same as Nymphomania. |
Nymphotomy (n.) Excision of the nymphae. |
Nys () Is not. See Nis. |
Nystagmus (n.) A rapid involuntary oscillation of the eyeballs. |
Nyula (n.) A species of ichneumon (Herpestes nyula). Its fur is beautifully variegated by closely set zigzag markings. |