ElmerGrid 1 2 anturi Starting program Elmergrid Elmergrid reading in-line arguments Output will be saved to file anturi. Elmergrid loading data: Loading the geometry from file 'anturi.grd'. Loading old version of Elmergrid file. Loading the geometry from file 'anturi.grd'. Loading Elmergrid file: VERSION 080500 Defining the coordinate system (3-DIM). Loading [2 5 4] subcell intervals in 3D Loading material structure Loading element meshing no 1 Loading element ratios Loading element densities Loading 2 boundary conditions Found 1 divisions for grid SetElementDivision The mesh is devided into 7 separate subcells. Created 48 radial and 21 axial divisions, total of 576 elements. Loading ElmerGrid commands from file 'anturi.grd'. Reached the end of command file Read commands from a file Elmergrid creating and manipulating meshes: 7 cells were created. Numbered 670 knots in 576 4-node elements. Numbering order was and max levelwidth 51. Maximum elementsize is 2.277e-04 and minimum 5.000e-05. 1 element sides between materials -4 and 1 were located to type 1. 2 element sides between materials -4 and 2 were located to type 2. Created 8 extruded divisions. Elementtype 404 extruded to type 808. Extruded mesh has 4272 elements in 8 levels. Extruded BC 0 of type 1 was created with 2 sides. Extruded BC 1 of type 2 was created with 8 sides. BC 2 on layer 1 was created with 504 sides. BC 3 on layer 3 was created with 72 sides. There were more than one topology in the BC definition BC 4 on layer 5 was created with 24 sides. BC 5 on layer 7 was created with 48 sides. BC 6 on layer 9 was created with 504 sides. 6030 original nodes moved to 5454 new ones. Reordering 5454 knots and 4272 elements in 3-dimensions. Ordering with (1e+04*x + 100*y + 1*z) Moving knots to new positions Moving the elements to new positions Moving the parents of the boundary nodes. Indexwidth of the new node order is 208. Created 4272 elements and 5454 nodes by extruding the 2D geometry Elmergrid saving data: Saving mesh in ElmerSolver format to directory anturi. Reusing an existing directory Saving 5454 coordinates to mesh.nodes. Saving 4272 element topologies to mesh.elements. Saving boundary elements to mesh.boundary. Saving header info to mesh.header. Thank you for using Elmergrid! Send bug reports and feature wishes to peter.raback@csc.fi ../../src/ElmerSolver ELMER SOLVER STARTED AT: 2005/10/07 15:45:26 MAIN: MAIN: =========================================================== MAIN: E L M E R S O L V E R S T A R T I N G, W E L C O M E MAIN: =========================================================== MAIN: MAIN: MAIN: ----------------------- MAIN: Reading Model ... WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [extend elastic region] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [extend elastic layers] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [optimize matrix structure] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [reverse ordering] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [output node types] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [extend elastic region] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [extend elastic layers] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [optimize matrix structure] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [reverse ordering] in section: [solver 1] WARNING:: Model Input: Unknown keyword: [output node types] in section: [solver 1] MAIN: Done MAIN: ----------------------- OptimizeBandwidth: --------------------------------------------------------- OptimizeBandwidth: Computing matrix structure for: stress analysis...done. OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth without optimization: 209 OptimizeBandwidth: OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth Optimization ...done. OptimizeBandwidth: Half bandwidth after optimization: 357 OptimizeBandwidth: Bandwidth optimization rejected, using original ordering. OptimizeBandwidth: --------------------------------------------------------- Loading user function library: [RigidBodyReduction]...[rigidbody] Load: Unable to open shared library: [RigidBodyReduction] Shared object "RigidBodyReduction" not found, required by "ElmerSolver" Load: Unable to open shared library: [RigidBodyReduction.so] ../../src/RigidBodyReduction.so: Undefined symbol "_g95_pack" Load: Unable to open shared library: [./RigidBodyReduction] Cannot open "./RigidBodyReduction" Load: Unable to open shared library: [./RigidBodyReduction.so] Cannot open "./RigidBodyReduction.so" Load: Unable to open shared library: [../../src/RigidBodyReduction] Cannot open "../../src/RigidBodyReduction" Load: Unable to open shared library: [../../src/RigidBodyReduction.so] ../../src/RigidBodyReduction.so: Undefined symbol "_g95_pack"