AC_INIT(src/eio_api_f.cpp) dnl the fortran stuff needs to be pretty new to work on SunOS dnl AC_PREREQ(2.59c) AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_CANONICAL_TARGET AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(eio, 5.0.0) sinclude(acx_elmer.m4) ACX_DEBUG AC_PROG_CC([xlc pathcc icc cc gcc]) AC_PROG_CXX([xlC pathCC icc CC g++]) AC_PROG_FC([xlf90 pathf90 ifort ifc f90 g95]) AM_MAINTAINER_MODE AC_PROG_RANLIB dnl It is important to do this before *_WRAPPERS, because the ldflags might be different for 32 and 64 bits ACX_CHECK_B64FLAGS AC_FC_WRAPPERS AC_FC_DUMMY_MAIN ACX_FC_CHAR_MANGLING ACX_SHLIB_STUFF ACX_PLATFORM_DEFS AC_STDC_HEADERS ACX_LANG_COMPILER_MS AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SHARED_LIBS, test "$acx_platform_def" = "WIN32") AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile include/Makefile src/Makefile])