All (in this database) Other insects list (Scientific names)

Odonata (Insecta)

Ephemeroptera (Insecta)

Plecoptera (Insecta)

Trichoptera (Insecta)

Orthoptera (Insecta)

Heteroptera (Insecta)

Homoptera (Insecta)

Neuroptera (Insecta)

Megaloptera (Insecta)

Mecoptera (Insecta)

Psocoptera (Insecta)

Thysanura (Insecta)

Dermaptera (Insecta)

Dictyoptera (Insecta)

Phasmida (Insecta)

Mantophasmatodea Zompro, Klass, Kristensen & Addis, 2002 (Insecta)

Hymenoptera (Insecta)

Thysanoptera (Insecta)

Collembola (Insecta)

Mallophaga (Insecta)

Anoplura (Insecta)

This may require parentheses or not. I don't have the necessary information for this taxon.
Parentheses have no taxonomic semantics here. This is an error that will be fixed at some point.

Markku Savela