Lantana L., 1753
  • Lantana (Verbenaceae); [GNSP]

Foodplants for Acherontia lachesis, Actinote pellenea calymna, A. pyrrha pyrrha, Afromurzinia lutescens lutescens, Anoncia diveni, Coelonia fulvinotata, Danaus melanippus, Hemithea marina, Hyposmocoma cryptogamiellus, Lepidochrysops patricia, Rapala manea, Saenura flava, Spodoptera litura, Strymon bazochii, Tajuria cippus, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis, Thyrocopa abusa, Tiracola plagiata, Tmolus echion, Zizula hylax

29.5.2007 (1)


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Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.