Amorpha (Fabaceae) ; [GNSP ]
Amorpha californica Nutt.
California indigo-bush
Foodplant for
Digrammia californiaria ,
Leptotes marina ,
Zerene cesonia ,
Z. eurydice
Amorpha fruticosa L.
False indigo-bush
Amorpha angustifolia (Pursh) Boynt.
Amorpha bushii Rydb.
Amorpha croceolanata P.W. Wats.,
Amorpha curtissii Rydb.
Amorpha dewinkeleri Small
Amorpha fruticosa var. angustifolia Pursh
Amorpha fruticosa var. croceolanata (P.W. Wats.) P.W. Wats. ex Mouillef.
Amorpha fruticosa var. emarginata Pursh
Amorpha fruticosa var. oblongifolia Palmer
Amorpha fruticosa var. occidentalis (Abrams) Kearney & Peebles
Amorpha fruticosa var. tennesseensis (Shuttlw. ex Kunze) Palmer
Amorpha occidentalis Abrams
Amorpha occidentalis var. arizonica (Rydb.) Palmer
Amorpha occidentalis var. emarginataL (Pursh) Palmer
Amorpha tennesseensis Shuttlw. ex Kunze
Amorpha virgata Small
Foodplant for
Agonopterix argillacea ,
A. dimorphella ,
Catocala whitneyi ,
Digrammia ordinata ,
Filatima ornatifimbriella ,
Walshia amorphella ,
Zerene cesonia
28.3.2009 (2)
[GNSP] Wielgorskaya, 1995
Dictionary of generic names of seed plants
[Gabriel Alziar]
Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle; 60 boulevard Risso; F-06300 Nice (France)
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.