Hieracium L. Ukonkeltanot Hawkweed
  • Hieracium (Asteraceae); [GNSP]

Foodplants for Acronicta euphorbiae, Aethes tesserana, Autographa aemula, Caradrina montana, C. selini, Chlorissa viridata, Coleophora ramosella, C. trochilella, Cucullia balsamitae, C. umbratica, Diasemia reticularis, Eugnorisma glareosa, Eupithecia virgaureata, Hada plebeja, Hyphoraia aulica, Idaea pallidata, Lemonia balcanica, L. philopalus, Melitaea athalia, Mniotype bathensis, Orthosia gothica, Pericallia matronula, Phragmatobia luctifera, Polypogon tentacularia, Scopula immorata, Simyra nervosa, Spiris striata, Thiodia torridana

The Umbellata species-group Sarjakeltanot Flockfibblor
  • Umbellata; [RK, 467]
The Rigida species-group Tankikeltanot Styvfibblor
  • Rigida; [RK, 468]
The Prenanthoidea species-group Syyskeltanot Sallatsfibblor Norrlandsfibblor
  • Prenanthoidea [RK, 468-469]
The Alpina species-group Tunturikeltanot Fjällfibblor
  • Alpina; [RK, 470]
The Nigrescentia species-group Mustakeltanot Svartfibblor
  • Nigrescentia; [RK, 470]
The Vulgata species-group Ahokeltanot Hagfibblor
  • Vulgata; [RK, 470-474]
The Sylvatica species-group Salokeltanot Skogsfibblor
  • Sylvatica; [RK, 474-479]
The Oreadea species-group Kalliokeltanot Klippfibblor
  • Oreadea; [RK, 479]
The ? species-group

The following are reproduced from [GMBOT, 873 - 874] as is. Somemay go into Pilosella?

The ? species-group

The following are reproduced from [SK] as is, when noother matches found.

10.11.1998 (81)


If you have corrections, comments or information to add into these pages, just send mail to Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.