Symphoricarpos Duh.
Symphoricarpos (Caprifoliaceae) ; [GNSP ]
Foodplants for
Adelphagrotis stellaris ,
Dysstroma citrata ,
Eulithis xylina ,
Hemaris diffinis ,
H. thysbe ,
Hemileuca eglanterina annulata ,
H. eglanterina eglanterina ,
H. nuttalli ,
Pseudorthodes irrorata
500x711 (~67Kb) USA: Teanaway, Jungle Creek, (47°20'06N 120°55'21W ±0.5km) Kittitas Co., WA, 21.7.2000, Photo © Markku Savela
1000x791 (~89Kb) USA: Teanaway, Jungle Creek, (47°20'06N 120°55'21W ±0.5km) Kittitas Co., WA, 21.7.2000, Photo © Markku Savela
The exact identification of these species is still unknown,
but tentatively assumed to belong into this group.
Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S.F. Blake
Common Snowberry
Symphoricarpos albus ; [FPN , 453]
identification uncertain 900x693 (~70Kb) FINLAND: N: Espoo, Tapiola 667:37, 3.9.2000 (cultivated), Photo © Markku Savela
identification uncertain 600x824 (~61Kb) FINLAND: N: Espoo, Tapiola 667:37, 3.9.2000 (cultivated), Photo © Markku Savela
Foodplant for
Dysstroma truncata ,
Euphydryas colon ,
E. gillettii ,
Eupithecia exiguata ,
Sphinx vashti
var. albus
Symphoricarpos albus var. albus ; [FPN , 453]
var. laevigatus (Fernald) S.F. Blake
Tertullinen lumimarjapensas
Symphoricarpos racemosa Michx.
Symphoricarpos rivularis Suksdorf
Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus ; [RK , 340]; [FPN , 453]
Symphoricarpos racemosus ; [SK , 536]; [GMBOT , 757]
Symphoricarpos racemosus var. laevigatus ; [GMBOT , 757]
Foodplant as Symphoricarpos rivularis for
Acronicta euphorbiae ,
Athrips mouffetella ,
Hemaris fuciformis ,
H. tityus ,
Perittia herrichiella ,
Sphinx ligustri ,
Trichopteryx polycommata ,
Zaraea fasciata
Foodplant as Symphoricarpos racemosus for
Eupoecilia ambiguella
? var. pauciflorus Robbins
Symphoricarpos racemosus ssp. pauciflorus ; [GMBOT , 757]
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench.
Indian Currant
Symphoricarpos vulgaris Michx.
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ; [GMBOT , 757]
Symphoricarpos oreophilus Gray
Mountain Snowberry
Symphoricarpos oreophilus ; [FPN , 453]
var. utahensis (Rydb.) Nels.
Symphoricarpos oreophilus var. utahensis ; [FPN , 453]
Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook.
Western Snowberry
Symphoricarpos occidentalis ; [GMBOT , 757]; [FPN , 453]
1400x1952 (~326Kb) USA: Pike National Forest, Sugar Creek on CR-67 (about 39°18'N 105°10'W), Douglas Co., CO, 29.7.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
1400x986 (~180Kb) USA: Pike National Forest, Sugar Creek on CR-67 (about 39°18'N 105°10'W), Douglas Co., CO, 29.7.2012, Photo © Markku Savela
Symphoricarpos mollis Nutt.
Creeping Snowberry
Symphoricarpos mollis ; [FPN , 453]
var. hesperius (G. N. Jones) Cronq.
Symphoricarpos mollis var. hesperius ; [FPN , 453]
16.3.2002 (5)
[FPN] Hitchcock & Cronquist, 1998
Flora of the Pacific Northwest (11th ed.); ISBN 0-295-95273-3
[GMBOT] Robinson, Benjamin, Fernald, Lyndon, 1908
Gray's New Manual of Botany (7th edition); A Handbook of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada; American Book Company
[GNSP] Wielgorskaya, 1995
Dictionary of generic names of seed plants
[RK] Hämet-Ahti, L., Suominen, J., Ulvinen, T. & Uotila, P. (eds), 1998
Retkeilykasvio (Field Flora of Finland); Ed. 4. 656 pp.; Finnish Museum of Natural History, Botanical Museum. Helsinki
[SK] Mela & Cajander, 1906
Suomen Kasvio; Viides painos
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.