Poa L.
Meadow Grass
Spear Grass
Poa , Den Virtuella Floran [DVF ]
Foodplants for
Agriphila inquinatella ,
A. selasella ,
A. tristella ,
Ancyloxypha numitor ,
Anisynta cynone ,
Apamea maillardi ,
Aphantopus hyperantus ,
Arethusana arethusa ,
Argyrophenga antipodum ,
Automeris patagoniensis ,
Calamia tridens ,
Chazara briseis ,
Coenonympha amaryllis ,
C. glycerion ,
C. hero ,
C. leander ,
C. oedippus ,
C. pamphilus ,
C. saadi ,
C. tullia ,
Cosmopterix orichalcea ,
Crambus pascuellus ,
Crypsedra gemmea ,
Dispar compacta ,
Donacaula forficella ,
Elachista adscitella ,
E. adscitella ,
E. albifrontella ,
E. freyerella ?,
E. illectella ,
E. luticomella ,
E. maculicerusella ,
E. subalbidella ,
E. subnigrella ,
Erebia discoidalis ,
E. ligea ,
E. neriene ,
E. pandrose ,
Eugnorisma glareosa ,
Hesperia comma ,
Heteronympha banksii ,
H. penelope ,
H. solandri ,
Hipparchia autonoe ,
H. fatua ,
H. fidia fidia ,
Hyponephele lycaon ,
Lasiommata maera ,
L. megera ,
Maniola jurtina ,
Melanargia galathea ,
M. larissa ,
M. russiae ,
Melanitis leda ,
Minois dryas ,
Nomophila noctuella ,
Oarisma garita ,
Oeneis norna ,
Oligia strigilis ,
Oreixenica correae ,
O. kershawi ,
O. lathoniella ,
O. latialis ,
O. orichora ,
Pachetra sagittigera ,
Pararge aegeria ,
Pasma tasmanicus ,
Pediasia contaminella ,
P. luteella ,
Polites mystic ,
P. themistocles ,
Pyrausta cingulatus ,
Scopula immutata ,
Signeta flammeata ,
Taractrocera papyria ,
Toxidia rietmanni
Poa annua L.
Annual Meadow-grass
Annual Blue-grass
Low Spear Grass
Foodplant for
Agriphila poliella ?,
Chazara prieuri ,
Coenonympha symphita ,
Coleophora lixella ,
Elachista consortella ,
E. freyerella ,
Erebia aethiops ,
E. alberganus ,
E. hewitsoni ,
E. melampus ,
E. pluto ,
E. styx ?,
Heteropterus morpheus ,
Hipparchia fidia ,
H. statilinus ,
H. statilinus sylvicola ,
Hyponephele kocaki kocaki ,
Kirinia climene ,
Lasiommata maera adrasta ,
L. megera ,
Pseudochazara mamurra schahrudensis ,
P. mniszechii ,
Pyronia janiroides ,
P. tithonus ,
Satyrus iranica ,
Scopula nigropunctata ,
Thymelicus acteon ,
Ypthima baldus
Poa supina Schrader
Prostrate Meadow-grass
Poa annua var. supina Schrader Neuman
Poa trivialis L.
Rough Meadow-grass
Roughstalk Blue-grass
Rough-stalked Meadow Grass
Poa trivialis ; [RK , 585]; [SK , 86]; [GMBOT , 157]
Foodplant for
Elachista bedellella ,
E. chrysodesmella ,
E. freyerella ,
E. pollinariella
The pratensis species-group
Poa pratensis L.
Smooth Meadow-grass
June Grass
Spear Grass
Kentucky Blue Grass
Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis
Poa pratensis ; [RK , 586]; [SK , 87]; [GMBOT , 156]
Foodplant for
Agriphila straminella ,
Amblyscirtes hegon ,
A. vialis ,
Atalopedes campestris ,
Cephus nigrinus ,
Chionodes psiloptera ,
Elachista argentella ,
E. collitella ,
E. humilis ,
E. illectella ,
E. luticomella ,
E. pollinariella ,
E. pollinariella ,
E. pomerana ,
E. pullicomella ,
Hesperia juba ,
Hipparchia fidia ,
Leucania obsoleta ,
Poanes melane ?,
Pseudochazara mniszechii
Poa angustifolia L.
Narrow-leaved Meadow-grass
Poa pratensis ssp. angustifolia L. H. Lindb.
Poa angustifolia ; [RK , 586]
Foodplant for
Kirinia epaminondas
Poa humilis Hoffm.
Poa subcaerulea Sm.
Poa pratensis ssp. subcaerulea Sm. Hiitonen
Poa irrigata Lindb. (incl.)
Poa subcaerulea ; [RK , 586]
Poa humilis ; [RKe , 81]
Poa alpigena (Fr.) Lindman
Poa pratensis ssp. alpigena Fr. Hiitonen
Poa rigens Hartm.
674x1011 (~67Kb) Finland: Suomussalmi, Saarikylä, 5.7.2008, Photo © Harri Arkkio
934x1062 (~98Kb) Finland: Suomussalmi, Saarikylä, 5.7.2008, Photo © Harri Arkkio
568x1001 (~68Kb) Finland: Suomussalmi, Vasonniemi, 5.7.2008, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Poa alpigena × alpina
Poa × herjedalica Harry Sm.
Poa alpigena × alpina ; [RK , 586]
Poa arctica R. Br.
Arctic Blue-grass
Poa chaixii Vill.
Broad-leaved Meadow-grass
Poa chaixii ; [RK , 586]
?Poa sudetica ; [SK , 86]
Foodplant for
Elachista obliquella
Poa remota Forselles
Poa remota ; [RK , 587]
Poa sudetica ssp. remota ?Fr.; [SK , 86]
573x874 (~64Kb) Finland, Ikaalinen, Palinperä, 23.6.2003, Photo © Harri Arkkio
1371x1028 (~130Kb) Finland: Kylmäkoski, Poutala, 28.7.2008, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Poa chapmaniana Schribn.
Poa Chapmaniana ; [GMBOT , 155]
Poa compressa L.
Flattened Meadow-grass
Canada Blue-grass
Poa compressa ; [RK , 587]; [SK , 89]; [GMBOT , 155]
ssp. compressa
Poa compressa ssp. compressa ; [RK , 587]
272x490 (~15Kb) Finland, Tampere, Tampella, 4.8.1998, Photo © Harri Arkkio
1000x786 (~172Kb) Finland, Tampere, Tampella, 20.8.1998, Photo © Harri Arkkio
569x891 (~54Kb) Finland, Tampere, Tampella, 20.8.1998, Photo © Harri Arkkio
ssp. langeana (Rchb.) Hegi
Poa compressa ssp. langeana ; [RK , 587]
Poa palustris L.
Swamp Meadow-grass
Poa palustris ; [RK , 587]
Poa serotina ; [SK , 87]
Foodplant for
Elachista albidella ,
Erebia polaris
Poa glauca Vahl
White Blue-grass
?Poa aspera Gaud.
Poa caesia Sm.
Poa glauca ; [RK , 587]
Poa caesia var. glauca ; [SK , 89]
Poa caesia ; [SK , 88]
Poa glauca ; [GMBOT , 156]
667x874 (~108Kb) Finland, Kuusamo, Kitkajoki, 6.7.1995, Photo © Harri Arkkio
949x867 (~72Kb) Finland, Kuusamo, Kitkajoki, 6.7.1995, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Poa nemoralis L.
Wood Meadow-grass
Wood Blue-grass
Poa nemoralis ; [RK , 587]; [SK , 87]; [GMBOT , 156]
Foodplant for
Elachista exactella ?,
E. freyerella
f. micrantha Hn.
Poa nemoralis f. micrantha ; [SK , 88]
Poa bulbosa L.
Bulbous Meadow-grass
Poa bulbosa ; [RK , 588]; [SK , 88]
Poa alpina L.
Alpine Meadow-grass
Poa alpina ; [RK , 588]; [SK , 88]; [GMBOT , 156]
772x1027 (~78Kb) Finland, Kilpisjärvi, 29.7.2004, Photo © Harri Arkkio
979x1305 (~141Kb) Finland, Kilpisjärvi, 29.7.2004, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Foodplant for
Erebia stirius
var. vivipara L.
Poa alpina var. vivipara ; [RK , 588 (note)]
764x520 (~61Kb) Finland, Kilpisjärvi, 30.7.2004, Photo © Harri Arkkio
Poa cenisia All.
Poa eminens J. S. Presl.
Poa eminens ; [GMBOT , 155]
Poa triflora Gilib.
Fowl Meadow Grass
Poa triflora ; [GMBOT , 156]
Poa sylvestris Gray
Poa sylvestris ; [GMBOT , 157]
Foodplant for
Elachista albicapitella ,
E. sylvestris
Poa debilis Torr.
Poa debilis ; [GMBOT , 157]
Poa alsodes Gray
Poa alsodes ; [GMBOT , 157]
Poa autumnalis Muhl.
Poa autumnalis ; [GMBOT , 157]
Poa brachyphylla Schultes
Poa brachyphylla ; [GMBOT , 157]
3.1.2013 (27)
[DVF] Den Virtuella floran
http://linnaeus.nrm.se/flora/welcome.html ; Ett projekt vid Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Stockholm, Sweden).; Even for non-Swedish speaker, the distribution maps on species are nice (map buttons "Norden" and "Norra halvklotet")
[GMBOT] Robinson, Benjamin, Fernald, Lyndon, 1908
Gray's New Manual of Botany (7th edition); A Handbook of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Central and Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada; American Book Company
[Harri Arkkio]
Finland; For the time being these pictures are only for this site. Other usage not allowed.
[RK] Hämet-Ahti, L., Suominen, J., Ulvinen, T. & Uotila, P. (eds), 1998
Retkeilykasvio (Field Flora of Finland); Ed. 4. 656 pp.; Finnish Museum of Natural History, Botanical Museum. Helsinki
[RKe] Hämet-Ahti, L., Kurtto, A., Lampinen, R., Piirainen, M., Suominen, J., Ulvinen, T., Uotila, P., Väre, H., 2005
Lisäyksiä ja korjauksia Retkeilykasvion neljänteen painokseen; Lutukka 21: 41-85
[RUNEBERG] Project Runeberg: Nordic literature online
Project Runeberg ; Bilder ur Nordens Fauna (Carl Axel Magnus Lindman)
[SK] Mela & Cajander, 1906
Suomen Kasvio; Viides painos
If you have corrections, comments or
information to add into these pages, just send mail to
Markku Savela
Keep in mind that the taxonomic information is copied from various sources, and may include many inaccuracies. Expert help is welcome.